The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1146: One sword and half blood

Ruyi Golden Hoop is very cost-effective!

Looking at Longfei, Yang Yu immediately said: "I said it is good, follow the sister... Follow the brothers and make sure that you can get out of here safely."

Longfei glanced at her and said: "No interest."

Yang Yu bit her lip and said: "Then I am following you, so I will do it."

Longfei really can't stand it, said: "Where are you looking at me? Can I change it?"

Yang Yu said: "I think you are very fun."

Longfei: ...

Really speechless.

Also at this time.

Shen Tianhe’s body of the guards rushed to the tide.

In addition to several main streets, Wang Jia, Li Jia, Chen Jia, and several large families in Hongcheng were killed.

The dragon fly is surrounded by four people.


"Many people."

Longfei was a little excited, when he saw Shen Tianhe... he was even more excited.


In this dark lacquered night, the crane is like a lantern, and the body glows with golden light, boss!

City level boss!


Longfei looked at the people around the big wave. The Hongcheng guards and the surrounding family disciples added up to hundreds of people. "If all of them die..."

"One person is a ten-point energy value, and one hundred people is a thousand-point energy value."

“There are thousands of energy values ​​here!”

"In this case, it will open the second layer of violent energy."


When thinking of the series of violent energy, Longfei couldn't help but get excited. "Domains series, Hongshen Shenbao series, games, anime, heaven series, what can the secondary violent energy burst?"


Longfei greeted his throat and swallowed.


His brain suddenly thought of the ‘unknown fish 竿’ that popped up in the “unknown series of the universe”, and immediately had the urge to be a kind of mother-in-law. At this time.

His spiritual knowledge moved slightly.

The float of the unknown fish that was thrown into the void was touched a few times, very slight, like a fish bite.


Longfei did not care.

What if there is a fish bite? At most, I catch a fish. What is the use of a fish? Eat?

There was no interest in the moment.

Therefore, Longfei did not pay attention to it.

At this moment.

Shen Tianhe glanced at him and stared at Longfei’s cold ice. He said, “You have made a small slave to make my city like this. If I don’t kill you today, I’ll write down the words “Shen Tianhe”!”

Long Fei smiled and said: "You don't have to write backwards, I will let you write and write!"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Yu immediately said: "You don't talk, I have a way."

Longfei snorted and said: "What do you do?"

Yang Yu smiled and said: "A lot of things in this world don't have to be solved with force."


Yang Yu stepped forward and showed a very good look. She coughed a little and said: "Shencheng Lord, I must have misunderstood it."

Shen Tianhe glanced at Yang Yu coldly and said: "When you count something, let me go and go, you dare to say more than half a word, I will kill you."

Anu’s eyes sank.

Some angry!

Yang Yu smiled slightly: "Shencheng Lord, eliminate fire..."

"I dismiss your uncle?"

"To give Laozi a dead side, Laozi is now free to take care of you, I am now as long as the life of this kid, you give me a roll away." Shen Tianhe is angry.

The entire Hongcheng is a mess, how can he now explain to the Yuanzong?

How do you explain his blame?

Being made by a slave, if you say this, it will be laughed at by people. Although he has a lot of relationships in Yuanzong, it is still difficult to cover up.

Yang Yu's face is a bit ugly.

Longfei walked over to him and whispered: "Continue, don't you say that you have a solution? Is this your solution?"

Yang Yu turned sharply and looked at Anu, saying: "Anu, up!"

"I'm furious."

Yang Yu's hands akimbo, the chest slightly swayed, up and down, and the dragon flew, his eyes stunned, and his heart immediately understood: "It's still a girl."

"And... still a big breasted girl!"

Anu came out and looked at Shen Tianhe: "A city owner in a district would dare to be so arrogant and look for death!"

The voice fell.

Anu’s eyes are heavy and his figure is like a sword.

Quick impact.

Shen Tianhe’s eyes glanced, “This move...”

Before he reacted, Anu stabbed a sword.

Fast, incomparably fast!

It can be said that Longfei has never seen such a fast sword.

Shen Tianhe changed his face and tried his best to defend.


Shen Tianhe quits in a row, his chest and blood tumbling, and a blood rushes out. "Hey..."

A slave’s body slammed into the water and fell back to Yang Yu’s side. His eyes were filled with anger and he snorted. “Don’t dare to arrogate, take your dog’s life!”

As for the previous sword, Long Fei looked very clear.

Super crit.

A sword took the half life of Shen Tianhe.

The blood volume is only half in an instant!

"Good!" Longfei was shocked.

At this time, Yang Yu smiled and said: "Shencheng Lord, can you talk about it now?"

"Talk about a hammer."

"He is ill, he wants his life!" Longfei slammed down and rushed out. This wonderful opportunity will never be missed.

The blood volume of the boss has been reduced by half. If this is not the case, then it is still a fart.

Looking at Long Fei rushed out, Yang Yu was shocked.

Anu’s face is also changing.

The two of them were sinking at the same time, "Oops!"

Yang Yu said: "It’s over, this is a bad...."


"Anu only has this trick. There is no kill in a stroke. He, he, what is he so impulsive?"

Anu immediately took Yang Yudao: "Miss, we are still retreating now, and no one dares to touch us with my deterrence."

Yang Yu shook her head and said: "I can't leave him alone."

Niu Dashan looked at the two of them on one side and immediately sipped, saying: "What are you waiting for, come together!"

"Boss, come on!"

Niu Dashan rushed up.

Shen Tianhe glanced at him and was hurt by the shock of Anu’s sword. He wanted to ease it, but... Longfei killed, the anger in his heart spurted out, and he screamed heavily, saying: Kill me!!"

The disciples of several other families have also rushed up like tides.

Almost in an instant.

Longfei was surrounded by a crowd of raging people.

Yang Yu bit his teeth and said: "Go out and fight with them."

The hooded head rushed up.

Anura couldn’t pull it and could only rush along.

At some time.

The floating float on the unknown fish that Longfei throws into the void slowly sinks into the void, and there is a ‘fish’ to be hooked! !


Chapter Six,

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