The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1159: Cow devil * god, blood!


Three thousand energy values ​​are triggered, and the system sounds a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘Yu’’ and gaining 100,000 points, with a source value of 7900 and an energy value of 10.

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get a ‘Tai Ling Dan’!”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Feng Leizhang’ cultivation?”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘鎏金战甲’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘Sea Sky Map’”


A series of violent, boss is the boss, the explosion rate is not the same, coupled with the catalysis of the violent energy value, he burst out more things.


After the violent series, Longfei had no interest in these explosive things. Even if the things that broke out were very good, he didn't take a look at it. All the attention was on the violent class.

"Three levels of violent!"


“The player ‘Longfei’ consumes three thousand points of energy value to trigger the third-level violent, please choose the domain treasure series, the wild series, the heaven series, the game series, the anime series...”

Longfei’s mind has all the choices in the series.

"The unknown series of the universe has been chosen."

"The Wiman series has been chosen."

"Now..." Longfei hesitated for half a second, "Try the Heavenly Series!"

"Tianting series, confirm your choice!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the ‘Bloody King* God’ blood?’ Is it fusion?”


"Is the blood drawn?"

Longfei’s heart glimpsed and glanced at the bloodline attribute of “The Cow King* God”, and his eyes flashed out. “I fuck, this Nima’s blood force...”

"It’s all against the sky!"

"I want to change my blood."

Too much.

What ancient blood, what blood of the beast and the blood of this ‘牛魔王*神’ is simply **** in the garbage, completely incomparable.

Long Fei did not think that the ‘Tian Ting Series’ would explode.


"System Tip: The demon king * God blood and the player's fit 30%, whether to replace?"


"System prompt: Unable to replace!"

"I..." Longfei was speechless.

Said to replace, he also said to play, and did not want to really replace, just to see the powerful power of the demon king blood is full of temptation.


Even if the replacement is successful, Longfei can't play the blood power of the demon king. If he integrates, it will only become a waste blood.

It's just that its attributes are powerful enough to make it irresistible.

It's just a drop of blood, but it has a powerful and unmatched power inside.


Longfei everyone points redemption system, the heart secretly: "See how many points you can redeem."

The demon king* **** blood is put up.

A blank number appears in the redemption system.

Longfei secretly swears, "Your sister's, 380 million points of redemption points, too horrible, happy Tianzun sword, it is still a weapon exchangeable points is only a hundred million points."

"The power of this blood is too horrible."

Only the stronger the thing, the higher its point redemption.

380 million points.

What is this concept?

It is several times higher than the Happy Heavenly Sword. It is extremely terrifying.


“Do you redeem?”

Longfei thought of Niu Dashan around him and immediately said: "Cancel the exchange."

There is no talent in the body of Niu Dashan. His qualifications are mediocre. It can be said that in the martial arts, he will have a hard time doing his life.

At most, the flesh is stronger.

If you try hard to cultivate, it is at most the level of the yellow-level nine products, and it is difficult to break through the realm of the mysterious level.

If you have the blood of the ‘牛魔王*神’, it’s a skyrocketing.


This is a very important issue.


Longfei has a system prompt, he can clearly know his degree of fit with a certain blood, but Niu Dashan does not!

If the blood of the demon king and the mountain of Niu Dashan are very low, the blood will not help him, but it will harm it. Once such a strong blood is merged into the body, the power of it will not cause any adverse damage to the body. And this advanced blood is difficult to replace once it enters the body, and it will have the impact of rejecting other blood.

The body of Niu Dashan can't stand it.

"No hurry!"

Longfei’s heart must have looked at it and jumped out of the tree. He was still in the bull mountain where he was excited by ‘Xuanjing’.

He is a very easy person to meet.

He is excited about a Xuan Jing.

As for the talent blood?

Niu Dashan has never thought about this life.

Just as Longfei thought about how to understand the bloodline fit of Niu Dashan and Niu Devil, a **** hand grabbed Longfei.

Niu Dashan has a look.

The reaction was surprisingly fast, and he sipped, saying: "Boss, someone is attacking you."

Don't wait for Longfei to drink.

He kicked up with one foot.


Zhu Tianquan was kicked out and the whole man slammed into a big tree. There was still a breath, and now only half a breath is left.

Niu Dashan stared at Zhu Tianquan: "Old guy, you can try another attack and ruin you."

Longfei is speechless.

Long Fei smiled bitterly: "He just wanted to talk to me just now. Now it's alright, you directly killed people."

Niu Dashan scratched his head and immediately rushed forward to support Zhu Tianquan.

Zhu Tianquan's body is shaking, I am really afraid that Niu Dashan will give him another foot.

Niu Dashan continued: "Old man, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it, but you are too weak, kicked off with one foot."

Zhu Tianquan has a heart that wants to die.

He is now exhausted, his body is broken, and there is no power in the body. Otherwise, even ten big mountains can not reach his finger.

Zhu Tianquan looked at Longfei pointing at his space ring, and his mouth was arrogant: "Put, put, bring this ring, take it, bring it to the Yuanzong, hand it over, and hand it over to the sovereign." ”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ triggers the ‘escort mission’”

Mission: Escort Space Ring on Yuanzong

Level: level a (upgradeable)

Time: half a year

Reward: 600,000 points of experience, 10,000 points of spiritual source, access to the space ring, get a special item!


"Whether to accept?"

Longfei is not eager to accept.


Because he wants to try to open the space ring first, just now he and the ruthless dialogue Long Fei listened very clearly, must be in order to compete for a powerful treasure.

Longfei slowly took off the ring in the hands of Zhu Tianquan.

Zhu Tianquan looked at Longfei’s eyes and said slightly: “This ring can only be opened by the sovereign seal.”


Longfei’s heart snorted, and then his mind moved, unable to enter the space ring, and did not know what was inside.

Since there is nothing in the space ring, but... Long Fei looked at Zhu Tianquan: "We are both slaves, and we have no qualifications to enter the Yuanzong. How do you bring the ring to you?"

Niu Dashan’s stupid head nodded and said: “We also want to go to Yuanzong Zong, but we can’t go up, all the Zongmen don’t want slaves.”

Longfei smiled slightly.

It’s a must to rob the fire!


Chapter One,

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