The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1161: Shura Kaishan



A monster was killed.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing the ‘two-star monster’, gaining 1100 points, 90 points, and 1 energy.”

"A hundred more!"

Longfei's legs moved, and he slammed into the beast that rushed up.


"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Fengshen legs have been cultivated to the four-layer realm, the power is more fierce, faster, and even the ring burst kick can directly kill the two-star monsters.

The blood volume bottoms out.

The system sounds a tone, and Longfei’s thoughts move, “Release the violent energy value!”


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing the ‘Two Stars Wings’ and gaining 1100 points of experience, with a source value of 90 and an energy value of 1.”


"The player ‘Long Fei’ releases a level of violent energy, please choose...”

"Domain treasure series!"

Longfei didn't think about it, he said immediately.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the domain treasure wind wheel.”

"Energy Fill!"


"The main artifact energy is filled, and the ground is filled with three layers of power!"

The main artifact is slightly moved, and the energy source of the main **** cannon is slightly raised.

Domain treasure energy, the way the main **** cannon is opened.

Once locked, bombard!

In order to enter the Yuanzong, Longfei must be fully prepared, and if the main cannon is filled, it will be an opportunity to save lives.

Even Yuan Zhenzong mainly killed him, anxious to him, a bombardment of him!

This is the most powerful force.

What is the power of the second layer of evolution of ‘龙龙’? Long Fei can't say it now, killing the three-flavored fire that broke out on the dead golden hoop, and the monkey eye that suddenly opened in the golden hoop, is it the same as he guessed? The power of the second layer of evolution is Sun Wukong?

not sure!

Longfei is also not sure.


He is sure that the golden hoop on his body must be related to the monkey. Even if the grandson is not the power of the second layer of evolution, it must be related.


Longfei exhaled a long breath and said: "Let's take a break."

Killing the monster all the way, the body can not afford.

After all, Longfei’s current cultivation is only the realm of the yellow class.

Niu Dashan immediately stopped and ran to Longfei, saying: "Boss, drink water."

Longfei took a drink from the kettle and said: "Dashan, you can rest."

"Let's stay here for the night, take a rest, and continue tomorrow morning." Longfei said, then check his personal attributes.

"The experience value has reached 99%, and it should be upgraded tomorrow."

"The yellow level is still too weak."

"What is the repair of the brother of Yuan Zhenzong?"

I thought of the kind of sorrow of the fierce, disdainful eyes, and the anger of the dragon swelled in the heart.

The pressure is crushed and the dragon is not good.

His contempt makes Longfei unhappy.

Stepping on him, several days of life, Dan makes Longfei unhappy.

Playing his brother Niu Dashan, Longfei is even more unhappy!

Always return to one sentence.

Don't get caught by Laozi, or repay ten times at a time!


Longfei saw the drop of the ‘Bao Devil’ in the space ring. He wanted to try Niu Dashan once, but Long Fei was really afraid that Niu Dashan could not afford it.


"Let's wait."

"I must hunt a **** monster, explode the bleeding veins and let him see and see what kind of blood is matched." Longfei secretly planned.

Longfei glanced at the Niu Dashan, where he really meditated and practiced.

He works hard.

As long as Long Fei said that he was resting, he immediately cultivated and absorbed the power of Xuanjing to temper the flesh, but... his talent is really average.

Even with the help of Xuanjing Energy, there was no breakthrough in the first few days.

Longfei didn't know anything about cultivation, and he couldn't help him. He could only watch the urgency.


the next day.


"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Longfei has entered the crazy killing.

It’s completely desperate.

Long Fei rarely used the power of the gold hoops, as a last resort.

A person's combat power is constantly motivated in the line of life and death. In the battle against the monsters, Longfei's team skills broke through again and again.

His strength.

The power of the yellow-level nine-character realm is also improving a little.

Completely broke out.

Fighting is the best way to practice for Longfei!



A few monsters went to the ground, and Longfei excitedly said: "Upgrade!"

The experience value reached 100%, a powerful force rose from his body, and his body suddenly changed.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, which is currently a graded product.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ for the upgrade award, Shura’s mountain knife!”

A long knife with a **** skull was suspended in Longfei’s mind.

Very domineering.

The blade is not long, just like the thickening of the real world, like the widened watermelon knife, it looks very simple, but it contains extremely violent power.

"Simple, rude!"


Longfei’s thoughts took the ‘Shuluo Mountain Knife’ in his hand and gently swayed a few times, very handy.

"Continue to kill!"


A few days passed.

With the ‘Shuluo Mountain Knife’, Longfei’s hunting speed has improved a lot, and in these few days, he has been practicing knives, and there is a kind of knives that he has to realize alone.





With these four strokes, Longfei uses the monsters to practice tens of thousands of times, not to kill the monsters, never stop, each time is very simple, rude!

"Almost a little!"

"This knife is still a little bit worse." Long Fei stepped, a monster roared and slashed, and the power was cut at this moment.

Swept out.

"Hey, hey..."

Ten seconds down, the monster is a knife mark.

It seems to be just a long, thin blood mark, but its power hurts the bone marrow.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘One Star Wicked Beast’ and gaining 890 points of experience, with a source value of 60 and an energy value of 1 point.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ uses a level of violent.”

"Domain treasure series!"

The system sounded, and it was a domain treasure. Longfei didn't even think about it. In the end, the main artifact absorbed the domain treasure energy, and the fourth layer power turned on.

You can use the main cannon with one more layer!

"Put the power of the main **** cannon, and then go to the Yuanzong!"

Longfei clenched the Shura to open the mountain knife and re-thicked, cut, cut, and swept the simple four strokes, practiced again and again, and broke through the limits again and again.



There was a loud noise in the forest.

Niu Dashan screamed and said: "The boss is very old, and it is incredible. Inside, inside, there is a big head inside..."



third chapter

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