The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1165: 100% fusion?

Ling Qing gave the earthquake.

Ling Yuan is the same.

Both brothers and sisters are dumbfounded.

Looking at Lin Shaoxuan's body falling down, the two looked at the dragon like watching the monster, because the dragon flew just one, because of the power of the knife.

Also because...

Just in the void, the kind of breathing that crushed my heart.

More because Longfei actually killed Lin Shaoqi, who is Lin Shaoqi?

The son of the Lord of the Winds.

Yuan Zhenzong invited a disciple.

Killing him is equivalent to getting into Fenglin City, which is equivalent to getting rid of Yuanzong Zong!

Who is willing to fight against Yuan Zhenzong in this million-kilometer radius?

Who dares to confront the forces of the Yuan Dynasty and the 18th City?

Ling Qing quickly recovered his look and quickly stepped forward. He said, "Let's go, the farther you go, the better. It's best not to come out in the mountains."

Ling Yuan also said: "Brother, we will not say this thing, you are leaving here."

Both of them knew the identity of Lin Shaoqi, and all were afraid of Longfei.

Longfei shrugged and said, "Why are you leaving here?"

Ling Qing’s face was anxious and said: “He is the son of Fenglin’s master. He is also a special disciple of Yuan Zhenzong. I thought you couldn’t kill him, so I didn’t say, who knows... who knows that you killed him. The consequences are unimaginable. You should leave here soon, and the farther you escape, the better."

"Is the son of Fenglincheng very great?" Longfei muttered.

He even killed the Lord of Hongcheng, what is the son of a city owner?

Ling Qing and Ling Yuan are both alone.

Ling Yuandao: "Do you know why Fenglin City is called Fenglin City? It is because Fenglin City is one of the 18 cities of Yuanzongzong. It was founded by the elders of Yuanzong Zong, named Lin Feng. Up, this elder has a high weight in the Yuan Zhen, and you killed the Lin family. Can he let it go?"

The two are very worried.

Very anxious.


Longfei has no reaction at all.

in case.

Longfei said this time to go to the Yuanxiao sect, then the two of them are estimated to be scared.

at this time.

The second fool, Niu Dashan, came up in a groggy way and muttered: "What happened?"

Two heavy blows, he was not hurt.


Fortunately, his skin is thick and sturdy.

Longfei Weiwei said: "Nothing, let's go."

There is nothing to say with Ling Qing and Ling Yuan.

He is not trying to save them.

He is for the boss.

Thanks to Longfei, I don’t want to hear it. I walked into the depths of the jungle with Niu Dashan.

Ling Yuan slightly loosened, said: "After all, he is still afraid, and right, Fenglin City, Yuan Zhenzong, who can not be afraid?"

In his opinion, Longfei was afraid to leave.

Ling Qing muttered: "Why do I have a feeling, how do I feel like meeting him again?"

Ling Yuan smiled and smiled: "Ling Qing, both of them are slaves. The big man has a slave seal. The man's chest also has a slave seal. I saw it just now."

"Light is based on the imprint on them and it is doomed that we are not a person of the world."

"Slaves are not possible in this world."

Ling Qing did not say, but she had a strong premonition in her heart, and she would meet again with Longfei.


"Boss, the steel armor rhinoceros is really not my opponent if it fights strength, but it will actually play yin." The several healing wounds that Niu Dashan served under Longfei slowly recovered.

I am very dissatisfied in my heart.

The steel armor rhinoceros was pressed twice, and it was turned over again.


Niu Dashan is a dead brain, thinking that others are as much as he thinks.

It’s a complete fool.

Longfeidao: "Dashan, the last time I gave you Xuanjing, where did you absorb the energy?"

Niu Dashan scratched his head and smiled and said: "Yu is used to improve his own strength."


Starting Longfei is just speculation.

In the dungeon, Longfei is very clear about the slugs of Niu Dashan. After consuming the Xuanjing, the power is completely different.


Who is like him?

The devour of Xuan Jing does not improve the cultivation, but the energy in the Xuan Jing is all raised, which is the second fool of him.

"Maybe, this is his way!"

Longfei snorted and said: "Now you have nothing to do, adjust your body to the best state."

"Start now!"

Longfei exchanged a few auxiliary medicinal herbs with the points to give Niu Dashan a service.

Niu Dashan didn't think much.

What did Longfei say, he did what he did, and he listened to Longfei’s words anyway, because it would not move his mind.

one day later.

Niu Dashan excitedly said: "Boss, the medicinal herbs you gave are really powerful. My body is completely better. It seems to be more powerful than before!"

"Boss, I will show you."

"I can pull up the big tree."

Said, Niu Dashan will rush up.

Longfei hangs a black line on his forehead and grabs him. He said: "I let you adjust your body is not to let you perform the tree pull. You listen to me now."

Niu Dashan looked at Longfei with a serious look and said: "Boss, you said!"

Longfei took out the blood of the 'Steel A Rhinoceros' and said: "You swallow this blood."

Niu Dashan is stupid, stupid, and he knows what this blood is.


And he can sense the powerful power in the blood, full of the power of the steel armor rhinoceros.

Niu Dashan immediately shrank his body and said: "Boss, I can't ask for this thing, it's too precious."

Five-star blood, at least hundreds of crystals.

This is something that ordinary warriors can't get in their lifetime.


The blood of the steel rhinoceros is just a test. The real purpose of Longfei is not here, but the blood of the 牛牛王*神!

The blood of the steel rhinoceros is similar to the blood of the demon king. He must know the fit of the Niu Dashan to the blood of the steel rhinoceros.

This will allow him to better integrate the blood of the 牛牛王*神!

Longfei will never treat his brother.

What about the 380 million points redemption points?

As long as it is his brother, he is not afraid of the good things of 1.8 billion.

Longfei ordered: "Let you swallow and swallow it, don't be like a mother."


"After swallowing the blood, you have to tell me the fit of this blood." Longfei did not say that he still has a super **** waiting for him.

Niu Dashan Road: "Oh."


According to Long Fei's order, he swallowed the blood.

A flash of red light flashed.

Blood power is emitted in the body of Niu Dashan, and a layer of thick steel armor appears on the surface of his skin, like a layer of ghost.

Very strong.

Long Fei quickly asked: "How much is the fit?"

Niu Dashan scratched his head and said: "Boss, I don't know if it is a fit."


"Hey, I have just integrated the blood of the past!"

Dragonfly, "100% integration?"


Chapter two,

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