The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1175: Complete defeat again

Do not accept it!

Niu Dashan went to the ring.

Lieyang smiled coldly. "The last time you abused a dog, you dare to come out?"

"If I were you, I would definitely run away with my tail."

Niu Dashan roared and said: "I want revenge!"


"just you?"

Lieyang sneered and said: "Look at how I can give your original shape."

The voice fell.

The spurt of the spurt moves, the phantoms overlap at the foot, the body is windy, and it rushes to the ring.

Niu Dashan’s double fists are tightly gripped, “Hey, hey...”

The thick steel armor appeared on the body.

"Steel armor?"

Lieyang slammed, "The thick steel armor defense is useless. This world blood talent is very important, but the realm is more important."


The strength of the violent yang exploded, and the fists were hammered and slammed out.


Niu Dashan's chest steel armor is broken, the chest muscles are sunken, a rib is broken, and the crisp sound is heard.


Blood spouted out.

At this moment, Niu Dashan had a squint, and the two eyes were the same as the cow's eyes. The singularity was incomparable, and the double fists were swept away.


Lieyang sneered, "Waste, too slow."

At the moment when Niu Dashan made a move, Lieyang had already bounced off.

A trick fell through.

On the blood of the talent, Lieyang completely crushes the Niu Dashan, and the same is true for the realm. It is completely crushed. How is this an opponent?

"Waste, I am coming!"

The sound fell.

The figure of Lieyang disappeared and hit it again.

Long Fei's eyebrows tightened and quickly leaned up.

Before he was close to the ring, several elders immediately stopped Longfei’s way and said: “You can’t be interrupted if you can’t interrupt it. If you dare to interrupt, then don’t blame us.”

Longfei did not care.

Niu Dashan sighed heavily and said: "Boss, I can resist!"



Two loud noises, the cracks in the ring, and the two feet of Niu Dashan were inserted into the rocks of the ring, and nailed their bodies to the ground.

"Hey, hey!"

Two loud noises, Niu Dashan was hit again, and another bone broke.


His body did not move this time.

The whole body muscles skyrocketed, and Niu Dashan’s eyes glared at King Kong’s eyes. “Come back, do you have this strength?”

"Is this man crazy?"

"Is it stupid?"

"The two feet are on the ground, and I want to play like a wooden pile?"

"Absolutely stupid."

There was a ridiculous sneer around.

Niu Dashan is not an opponent at all.

In the realm, the blood is crushed, he is powerless to fight back, and he also put his feet on the ground. What is this? This is called death!


Niu Dashan was still arrogant and snarled: "Come back, I will come, come, come, you are a bag, come and kill me."

It’s crazy.

Lieyang smiled coldly: "I want to die? I will fulfill you!"




Liyang quickly attacked, Niu Dashan completely defended, let Lieyang's attack hit him, every time he spurted blood, and in just one minute, he was covered in blood.

Large and small wounds are all covered.

The skin is open, the bones are visible, and the blood is rushing.


Niu Dashan did not cry a word.

It’s a more arrogant martyrdom; "Come on, are you a princess? Can you use some more power? I’m standing here to beat you, you can’t beat Lao Tzu, who is the waste?”

One sentence at a time.

The people around him were dumbfounded by him.

It’s really crazy.

How can it be if it is not crazy?

The anger in Lieyang’s heart was also stirred up. The fists were tightly gripped and said: “I will see how long you can support?”

"Boom, bang!"

The two forces in the body exploded, and the raging sun rushed up.

Niu Dashan laughed hahaha. "Come, use your strongest strength to fight Laozi."


Once the strongest attack is launched, his body defense will also be reduced to the weakest. This is the weakness of all warriors. You can only choose one for attack and defense.

Niu Dashan has been waiting.

He knew very well that he was not an opponent of Lieyang. He had to wait and wait for an opportunity to wait for Lieyang to completely give up his defense.

Now the opportunity is coming!

Niu Dashan laughed loudly, and at the same time his fists were heavily gripped, and the clothes were blasted by the muscles.

At the same time as the attack of the raging sun fell, Niu Dashan's body leaned forward slightly, sinking, and the feet that were inserted into the platform were heavy and supported, head-to-head, like a cow.


A trip to your feet.

The platform is cracked.

The long-awaited power in the body suddenly exploded, "Boom!"

The bunny rhinoceros rushed out like a crazy assault tank.


Hit the chest of Lieyang, the glare of the sun was convex, and the sound of ‘Wow’ spurted out the blood, and then the whole person was turned over to the ground.

Niu Dashan's double fists are like heavy artillery.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The fierce anger was not caught off guard, and even the parry could not stand.

this moment.

Niu Dashan is really crazy, and the fists are punched and punched. "I let you know what is called strength. This is power, understand?"

"You are a girl!"

“Say the boss is a waste?”

"What are you now?"

"You are a slag!"

Niu Dashan snarled while bombarding.

In less than half a minute, Lieyang was swollen and his face was swollen and bloody.

A fierce gaze.

The gale struck out.

A figure fell on the ring, and fell to the back of Niu Dashan.

Longfei’s eyes sank and he screamed. “Can he interrupt the ring test?”

The three elders smiled coldly: "We didn't see it."

In an instant.

Longfei didn't want to talk to him three times, his right hand moved, a stick fell in his hand, and the spirits moved, and a stick smashed down. "Booming..."

The three elders were overturned.

The dragon flew in the wind and kicked the ball against the fierce wind in the air.


"court death!"

The fierce fire also followed, the figure was like electricity, and the huge pressure was crushed down.


Longfei was shaken off.

The palm of the gale smashed down the head of Niu Dashan.

Niu Dashan's double fists burst into the top of the head of Lieyang, but... he was slower and half a minute, and the gale attack fell first.

Niu Dashan's body turned over and was directly blasted out. His head was almost cracked, his ears were like thunder, his bang was loud, his heart was spinning, his body was swaying, and he could hardly support it.

One contact.

Longfei and Niu Dashan are defeated again!

The dragon flew outside the ring.

Niu Dashan fell outside the ring.

The flames slowly fell, and smiled coldly. "Do you fight with me? You are still very tender."

Lieyan also arrived.

The four men played against the dragon and two.

Li Yan smiled coldly and said: "Kill!"

It was at this time.

Yang Wan’s voice was heavy, and he said slightly: “Stop!”


Chapter VII, add more!

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