The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1178: Directly killed


The roar of a cow rang in the void.


Niu Dashan stood still.

Uncle Ghost's claws were caught, and he was full of excitement, because this powerful blood talent is his.

The right hand is buckled down.

Just grab it on the top of Niu Dashan as I just did.


The singular screams of laughter sounded, and the ghost uncle laughed: "The god-level talents have the blood, and you can hand over your blood."

Niu Dashan’s eyes sank. At the moment when his right hand was caught, the blood of his body exploded and he screamed. “Take your hand is hard enough.”

The power burst from the top of the head.

Among the illusions, two huge horns rise from the top of Niu Dashan.

A fierce one!


The two forces collide.



A series of cracks in the bones rang, and the body of Niu Dashan hit, "Boom!"

Heavy hit the ghost's waist.

"Oh, oh!"

The two forces directly broke through his body and slammed into the finished wall. Before the ghosts and uncles reacted, Niu Dashan quickly retreated and slammed into it.


The wall cracked and the ghost uncle was knocked out.

This time it was on a big tree.

It was a retreat, and it was a sudden collision.


A few times, the last half of the ghost and uncle's body was broken, and Niu Dashan stopped. "Your grandma's chest, and then arrogant to Laozi."

"When the old cow is not angry, are you a sick cat?"

Step by step, I walked up to the distance, and the whole body was stained with the blood of the ghost.

All the people are staring at the big mountain, just like staring at a monster.

Is that human being?

The yellow grade nine products can kill the strongest of the mysterious peak?

A big realm!

how can that be possible?

Long Fei also secretly whispered, and asked himself, "If it is me, I am afraid I can't do it. Is this the power of blood? Is this the power of the blood of 380 million points?"


"Strong enough, crazy enough, hahaha..."

Longfei has no regrets.

The blood is prepared for those who can exert their power perfectly. Even if he integrates the blood of the demon king, he will not be able to exert the power like your big mountain.

Only he can afford it.

Niu Dashan walked back to Longfei, standing behind Longfei, learning the sound of Longfei, and screaming heavily, "Mom, who else?"

"Who else dares to go with my boss?"

"Give me the stand!"

"What happened to slavery?"

"How much is your identity?"

"I will stand up for the dissatisfaction, and let the old cows die one by one!"

Imposing domineering, mighty.

Just like the momentum of the Bull Devil.

The entire outer door was crushed by Niu Dashan, and the violent face suddenly changed, and it was extremely ugly. How could he think that the ghost who protected him would be killed by a slave.

How strong is this blood.

Everyone is thinking about this.

The strength of the yellow-grade nine products is the same. The power that broke out in Niu Dashan is all blood power. What kind of blood is he integrating?

Longfei really willing?

This kind of person in this world who really has such a 'stupid force', does not integrate with the blood of the gods, but gives it to the younger brother?

They even have to doubt the whole world.

The dragon's mouth is slightly ticked. "What do you find now is the blood talent? The slag!"

"Are you not very proud?"

"Are you not a superior?"

"Don't you look down on the slaves? Then ask, who is going to do it with him now? Come out, you are the geniuses who are high above, now the **** one is to give Laozi a one!" Longfei sounds higher and higher Finally, I almost roared.

The heart is venting.

Longfei stared at the fierce anger and said: "Geng Yan, are you not calling it right? Now call one for me."

Niu Dashan immediately stepped forward, staring at the fierce anger, and his eyes were mad.

The pressure of the fierce inflammation was instantly shattered.

And he couldn’t tell if he was staring at Niu Dashan’s eyes.

Never had!

Niu Dashan’s gaze turned, staring at the gale, and Lieyang two people said: “The last time was two of you, now you two together!”

Both Lieyang and Gale took a step back and did not dare to go forward.

I didn’t dare to fight with Niu Dashan.

Especially in Liyang, he didn't even have the courage to look at Niu Dashan.

The fierce eyes are cold, and the killing in the heart is even stronger.

Yang Wan’s anger said slightly: “This is the right thing to do.”

"No matter what your identity, you are now Yuanzong Zong..."

"and many more!"

Just when Yang Wan’s anger was over, the elders who had been named inside came out and said slightly: “The great elders, the Yuanzong Zong have rules, the slaves are not allowed to join the Zongmen, you are a great elder, you will not remember What?"

Yang Wan’s brow was shocked, and he said slightly: “Wu elder, you should do less with me.”

"Ha ha……"

Wu Yingliang said: "I naturally do not dare to intervene in the things that the elders do, but the elders are doing the wrong things. As an elder of Yuanzong, I must intervene."

Yang Wan’s face was angry and said: “Now Yuan Zhenzong is a man, and the blood talent he showed just now is enough to prove everything.”

"The rules are fixed and can be changed naturally."

"They are rare talents that will make us a stronger point."

Wu Yingliang said: "I saw the blood talent of the big man. It is really good. Even if he made an exception, it is normal. I agree."


"What about him?"

Several elders looked at Longfei.

at this time.

All people look to Longfei.

My heart is asking: "Yeah, the big man has a high blood talent, and this alone is enough to cover up everything, but Longfei?"

"Zero-level blood, this kind of person has no future."

Niu Dashan immediately said: "The boss is invincible, and he is not allowed to enter, and he will not enter."

Wu Yingliang smiled and said: "The elder, you can't say that he is also a genius of God-level blood? For a low-lying slave, for example, do you have any other conspiracy?"

Yang Wan’s eyes were slightly stunned.

"Ha ha ha..."

Wu Yingliang laughed and stared at Longfeidao: "The kid, Yuan Zhenzong is not a cat and a dog can join, and your slave status is even worse."

"Want to make the elders make an exception for you, then you also come up with the potential of God-level blood talent?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"If you can't get it out!"


Wu Yingliang’s eyes changed and he said coldly: “You must leave your life here!”

Kill in the eyes.

At this time, Li Yan smirked and said: "Long Fei, you still can't escape today, hahaha..."

"how about it?"

"Go to detect."

"Go to verification."

"You have a zero-grade blood waste!"

Longfei’s eyes glanced, his heart raging, only his blood level...


Chapter two,

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