The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1184: Strong identity collision

"I said I want to join Yuan Zhenzong?"

This is a fall.

The audience was quiet.

What does this mean?

It means that Longfei has never thought of joining the Yuanzong, but also means whoever dares to stop him, who is his enemy.

For the disciples of Yuan Zhenzong, this sentence means that Longfei is to be the enemy of the entire Yuanzong!

Extremely arrogant.

Ren Tianqi’s eyes glanced at Longfei Road: “Since you don’t want to join Yuan Zhenzong, why should you participate in the assessment?”

"Dragon, don't say these words."

"There was something wrong with Li Yan before. I will apologize for you on behalf of him. This is the case. Don't mess around."

Ren Tianyi can't let Longfei go on.

The identity of the fierce inflammation is very special and cannot be a little bit of a thing.

Then again.

Longfei is important to him.

He can replace the treasure to the gate of hell, so that Yuan Zhenzong will be saved.

Whether it is Longfei or Li Yan, Ren Tianyi does not want to see them happen.

Longfei smiled and said: "I came to participate in the assessment because I promised her, I am doing it now."

"As for the disciple of Yuan Zhenzong, I have never thought about it, and... After these things happened today, I don't even want to join Yuan Zhenzong!"

A fierce sigh, laughing, laughing more proudly, said: "Yu Zongzhu, you heard, he is just to do things."

"He regarded the disciples of Yuan Zhenzong as a place to play. He didn't put Yuan Zhenzong in his eyes at all. If you want such a person, you still have to accept it?" Li Yan ignited on one side.

Looking at Longfei with a sneer, the heart said: "Boy, you are finished!"

Ren Tianqi also angered: "Don't let go, the assessment is a child's play. Since you pass the assessment, you must be a disciple of Yuan Zhenzong."

Yang Yu also took Longfei and said: "Leave it."

Long Feidao: "I want to stay very simple, you give me away, let me kill him, it's that simple!"

It is to dry up the flames.

If you don't overturn him, Longfei will be upset.

What about the Emperor Yuan Zhen?

How about the big elders blocking?

No one can stop the things that Longfei wants to do!

The fierce eyebrows were tight and sneered, saying: "Kid, it seems that you still don't know what the situation is now? Want to kill me?"

"Ha ha ha..."


Li Yan took out a token from his arms, and his voice sank and shouted: "Yuan Yuzong, director of the day, listens to the order!"

Ren Tianqi’s face suddenly changed.

Yang Wan’s anger and the faces of several elders inside the door were also on one side. The elders squatted directly on the ground and shivered.

Li Yan’s eyes were angry and he said: “Ren Tianhao, give me a kneeling!”

The emperor of Yuan Zhenzong, the absolute hegemon within a million kilometers, how noble he is, but now... his knees are slowly bent and finally kneeling on the ground.

"Yang Wan angry, you also give me a kneeling!"

The fierce inflammation is another drink.

Yang Wan’s face is hard to see and he’s stunned.


The disciples of the entire Yuanzong were all smashed down.

Said in unison: "See the general lord!"

The token in the hands of the fierce, the Wanmeng sect!

Wan Mengzong, who leads numerous innumerable ancestral gates, is one of them. He is like one of the martial arts lords in the martial arts world.

One order, ordering the world.

The fierce inflammation is the person of Wanmeng Zong.

This is where Ren Tian is jealous of him.

The strength of Wanmeng Zong is extremely powerful. In the chaotic world, it can be said that it is comparable to the first power **** gate. This time the **** gate is out of action, the Wanmeng Zong has a tendency to go ahead.

The whole Yuanzong Zong only had Longfei, Niu Dashan, and Yang Yu three people did not kneel down.

at this moment.

Longfei was slightly shocked and muttered: "I wiped, I didn't think, this **** actually has such a strong background?"

"A token can make the entire Yuanzong person squat, how strong is his identity?"

"The person with such a noble status, such a rich man, if he kills him... will it be a big explosion?" Longfei's eyes flashed.

Li Yan burst into laughter and said: "Dog slaves, see no?"

"Do you know the identity of Laozi?"

"The whole Yuanzong Zong has to listen to Laozi, just rely on you? Also with the old man yelling? What do you count?"

"The last time I didn't kill you, I spare you a dog's life. Today I see where you can escape!"

Li Yanyan smiled and said: "Ren Tianyu listens."

"Give me the waste!"

"I will inform you of the crisis of Yuanzong Zong, and I will let my master come forward to solve it." Li Yan said directly, he is very clear about what the crisis of Yuan Zhenzong is.

Ren Tianqi clenched his fists and said slightly: "Follow!"


Ren Tianqi turned and looked at Longfei, saying: "I can't help it."

Yang Wan’s anger said slightly: “There is Li Yan, here is Yuan Zhenzong, you...”

"old man!"

"I have been forbearing you for a long time. I have been letting you marry my sick daughter, and my mother has pushed me three times. I have been unhappy for a long time. Do you know?" Li Yan’s eyes were angry and he yelled at Yang Wan’s anger: "Today If you dare to block Laozi, I will pack it up with you."


"Your daughter will be my ninth little sister. Rest assured, my master can refine the fate of Dan, and will not let her die."

"Ha ha ha..."

Since this step is reached, there is nothing to hide in the flames.


He is a member of Wanmeng Zong, who dares to disobey his instructions?


Wanmeng Zong is the sky!

Yang Yu angered: "Ghosts are married to you."

Li Yan laughed: "Reassure, you will promise me, unless you don't want your life, unless you don't want the life of Yuan Zhenzong, hahaha..."

A smug look.

Li Yan said: "I wanted to come slowly, but you are stupidly forced to force me. If this is the case, then I can only use your identity to blast your slag."

"Ren Tianhao, have you not heard?"

"Give me a hand!!"

"Dog stuff, what is your identity, dare to fight with me? Hey!" Li Yanyan stared at Longfei and sipped, "kill me!"

At the same time.

Longfei’s idea is linked to the main artifact ‘Long Hao’ thought: “The first stage, transformed!”

The wishful golden hoop restores the dragon's look.

The main **** cannon is on standby.

Longfei did not hesitate, and his mind moved directly to lock the flames.


"Target lock!"

Just in the moment when Ren Tianqi had to do it.




A few consecutive figures fell.

They wore black clothes, embroidered a door on the back, **** door, and the words "Hell" on the door!

A gloomy laugh sounded, "Ha ha ha..."

"A district of the Yuan Dynasty, there are actually people of Wanmeng."


The person who spoke turned his eyes and landed on Longfei’s body. He smiled and said: “You will be forced to this extent. This is not like you.”

"My **** gate is less!!"


Chapter VIII, plus three more chapters, thank you for your support! !

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