The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1186: The first shot of the chaotic world


At the moment when the system sounds a tone.

Longfei’s heart was slightly loose, saying: “I’m sorry, Laozi is really not the one you are looking for, nor will you go with you, but...”

"You moved the brother of Laozi!"

"Then you have to die!"

"Ha ha ha..." The black robe man laughed wildly and said: "There are few masters. It seems that you really forgot my means. It is necessary to let you see it again today."

The voice fell.

The black robe covers the sky.

Longfei’s thoughts moved directly to the dragon’s shoulders, “Hey!”

"I have to let you see my strength!"

"Target lock!"

"Big him!"


The power of the main cannon was fired, and a super cannonball was fired. At this moment, Longfei’s thoughts moved and ordered: “Dragonfly evolution, the second stage!”


The thick dragonfly became the evolutionary stage of the second stage and became a wishful golden hoop.

Also at this moment.


The loud bang exploded in the middle of the day, and the black robe broke and turned into powder.

That black robe old man...

Without the power to resist the counterattack, his power did not fall at all, and he was smashed into **** by a dragon, and he was gone.


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘Hell Ghosts’ and gaining 4000000 points, the Spirit Source is 40000 points, and the energy value is 10 points.”


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, the current level of the second class!”

Instant spike.

The power of the main **** cannon destroys the earth, not to mention the strong in the chaos, even the strongest in the gods is still a smash.

His power dragon has seen it.

A shell hit the Wanjie, straight to the Huanglong, dry turn!


The only thing that is uncomfortable is that once the main **** cannon is turned on, all the things on the body will not burst out with half of the hair. All of them are smashed into powder, and even the trigger of the violent property is useless.

This is the most depressing place for Longfei.

Too strong is also a worry.

The golden hoop in the hands of Longfei swept away, pointing at the three people who were a little bit back in the air. The arrogant smile: "Who are they arrogant with Laozi?"



"The **** gate is amazing?"

What is the power of a shot?

The power that cannot be understood at all.

Ren Tianqi was shocked. Yang Wan’s anger was shocked. The entire Yuan Zhenzong was shocked, but while they were shocked, they were even more afraid.


The dragon flew the people at the gates of Hell.

This is simply a behavior to find death, whoever dares to move to the door of hell, even if the current powerful force of the rise of Wanmeng Zong does not dare to move to hell.

And the level of these four people is not low in Hell's Gate, so they are being bombarded. Is this Dragon Flying crazy?

At the same time, it is also like a slap in the face of the flames.

Very proud?

Very arrogant?

Very disdain, very despise Longfei?

Thinking that you are high?

However, it seems that he is the cockroach ant, and he has not been put in the eyes by the dragon in the beginning, he can kill the super strong one. And what about himself?

Scared like a little mouse that got into the hole, shivering.


The anger in the fierce heart is even stronger.


Niu Dashan excitedly screamed, "Boss is mighty, hahaha... mane, then arrogant, his grandmother's legs, a shelling you see the king!"

The three men in midair hid in the black robe and could not see their expressions.


Hidden to see their bodies shaking, they are afraid.

Among the four, the person who was killed was the highest, but he was killed by a single shot. If it was someone else, perhaps they were not so afraid.

But the people in front of him are the few gatekeepers of the Hell Gate, and the less powerful Lords of power awakening.

What was the great power just now? Can you release it again?

They don't know at all.

This makes them even more afraid.

Longfei screamed: "Bringing down the brothers of Laozi, and then crushing a try, you are not trying to make your blood flow into a river? Fuck, there is a kind!"


The dragon flies and screams, and the heavy vents.

The heart is also very instigating. "Fortunately, the main cannon was prepared. Otherwise, it is really difficult today."

"I have to find a way to develop the power of the second phase, but what is the power of the second phase?"

"Is it a monkey?"

"Is it Monkey King?"

Long Fei thought of the eyes in the golden hoop with three real fires. He didn't know if it was the power of the second stage of the main artifact. If so, how to release the monkey?

Big chaos!

The three bodies moved slightly.



It flew in an instant, then disappeared into the void, followed by a sound in the sky, saying: "There are few gatekeepers, we will come again."

"Wait, then!"

"This thing won't end like this."

The sound is spreading.

Farther and farther, and finally disappeared completely into the void.

Niu Dashan haha ​​laughed, "What **** the **** gate, in front of the boss, you are not even like a **** dog, hahaha... hold your tail and be a man."

Longfei’s heart is loose, his back and his palms are all cold sweat.

As long as they do, Longfei really can't resist it!

At that time, Yuan Zhenzong will really flow into the river, no one can resist the power of Hell Gate.

"This feeling is too uncomfortable!"

"It must be fast and strong."

"It is also necessary to open the second stage of the dragon's strength." Longfei said secretly, the gates of **** are extremely powerful. Longfei does not know why they want to take away themselves, but there is absolutely no good thing.

Otherwise he will not become a slave.

In this case, the people in Hell Gate will come sooner or later. At that time...may not be these people. If they can't become stronger before they come, Longfei's life may be in the hands of others!

"Become stronger!"

Longfei double fists clenched.

Also at this time.

Longfei suddenly thought of a person, his eyes swept away, and he screamed heavily. "Genyan, now it's your turn!!"

Everyone looks in the direction of the fire.


The flames are no longer in place.

Just as the strongman at Hell's Gate left, he quickly evacuated because he knew that he was not an opponent of Longfei.

The identity of Longfei is the main gate of Hell.

The power of Longfei can kill the squad of the 'Hell Ghosts' level. He has always ridiculed that Longfei is not qualified to be his opponent, but finally found that he is not qualified to become the opponent of Longfei.

This contrast made him extremely unhappy.

"Wait, then!"

"I will definitely come back again." Li Yan swears to heaven, and at the same time... he also reported back to Wanmeng Zong.

This news is terrifying news.

The Lord of the Gates of Hell appears again.

This time... absolutely can't escape!


Chapter two,

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