The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1198: Yuan Zhen behemoth, burst!


The system prompts to sound.

Longfei’s heart began to entangle, “Would you like to use violent?”

"Do you want to use it?"

"There are more than three hundred violent energy values ​​that can only release a level of violent, and if everything is used, it will be zero."

"Do you want to use it?"

"do my best!"


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘Yuan Yu’s Beast Heart’ has gained 5000000 points, with a source of 190000 points and an energy value of 1 point!”

“Congratulations to the player, ‘Long Fei’, is the ‘Yuan’’ cultivation?”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ is getting the fusion of ‘Yuan’s behemoth’s blood?’

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Yuan’s Bone Sword’”


Continuous explosions are good good things.

In particular, the last piece of the 'Yuanjian Bone Sword', this is the hardest bone in the Yuanxiao beast, such as the same sword, very sharp.


Its grade is even God level.

However, this is just an appetizer.

The violent energy value has not yet been triggered.

Longfei’s heart glimpsed, holding his breath, and said: “Three hundred points of energy value, you must give me something good, otherwise it will be a big loss.”


"Player 'Long Fei' uses a level of violent, please choose the domain treasure series, the Hong Shen Shen Bao series, the heaven series, the anime series, the game series, the science fiction mech series, the universe unknown series..."

"The Heavenly Series!"

"Give me a warm bed with a fairy?"

Longfei was excited.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘Tai Shang Laojun’s possession’”


“Too little Laojun?”

"I rub!"

"The ancestors of alchemy?" Longfei was a bit awkward, and the chrysanthemum was tight, and the system was immediately opened for viewing.

Item: Taishang Laojun possessed

Series: Tianting Series

Description: Taishang Laojun possesses a body that lasts for five minutes and can refine all the medicines you want to refine if conditions permit.

"good stuff!"

Longfei’s eyes are shining, and he can’t take care of himself. “Who would be afraid of alchemy in the future?”

"Rage is violent!"

Try it out.

Every time, Longfei feels powerful power.

This is only the primary violent, the strongest one of Longfei is also the second level of violent, the third level of violent has not been used, what can it explode?

Longfei is expecting more and more.

Just when Longfei looks at these properties.

The system sounds a tone again and again.


"Eighteen layers of hell, the first layer is repaired!"


There was a loud noise in the dragon's body.


The power of the 18th floor of Hell was suddenly activated, flashing golden light, and began to rotate, just like a town demon pagoda.

A golden light power overflowed.

The golden light is just like the golden light of the gods, and the breath is exactly the same.

The 18th floor of Hell is broken in the Tianwu continent. He is one of the few magic weapons that Longfei has brought into the chaos. He has not responded in the space ring of Longfei.

The sudden reaction made Longfei startled.




The sound broke out together, and as the roar of the road rang, the sound of a chain of chains began to ring, just at this time.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ seal ‘Yuanyu Beast’ has gained 10,000 points of experience and 1000 points of special rewards.”


Golden light received and merged into the first floor of the 18th floor of Hell.


The Yuanxiao behemoth made a painful scream.


Everything is calm, the power of the Yuan Zhen behemoth, and the power of the eighteen layers of **** disappear.

Longfei’s thoughts entered the 18th floor of Hell. He saw the chains in the first layer densely covered with various seals and runes. The center of the chain was a giant beast.

A behemoth that is twice as big as a behemoth.

The body is full of chains and seals him to death.

Yuanxiao behemoth!

He sensed that Longfei’s thoughts entered the first layer of hell, his eyes opened slightly, and he slammed and slammed, saying: “Ah... ruin my altar, hurt my heart, now I seal it in this way. Ghost place, I want to kill you, I must kill you."

The Yuanxiao behemoth is roaring.


He can only growl.

Longfei’s mindfulness was vacant and stood cold, and smiled coldly: “Call, continue to call.”

"Will you kill me?"

"Come on, come, you **** and killing Laozi now."

Longfei’s voice is getting more and more mad. He said coldly: “Don’t dare to scream at Laozi’s site? You don’t look at who’s the site.”

The idea is moving.

Longfei controls the 18th floor of Hell.



The strength in the eighteenth layer of **** jerked, and the chain 咔嚓咔嚓 咔嚓咔嚓 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩 收缩

The face of Yuan Yu’s beast’s pain trembled, and blood sprang from his mouth, mourning painfully.

Longfei didn't have the slightest softness, and he smiled coldly: "Come, call another one!"

The strength of the 18th layer of the Yuanxiao behemoth **** is crushed to death.

Not moving completely.

Yuan Yan's eyes are staring at Longfei, his eyes are full of bloodshot, full of killing, but he has no way, here is the dragon.

He...just a little cockroach!

"Yuan Yu Behemoth?"


"Good to be here for me." Longfei sneered, and then the idea was received, back to the body, the heart suddenly shocked, "directly sealed the Yuanxiao beast."

"And... the power of the 18th floor of Hell has completely changed. Is it that the spiritual treasure that entered the chaos with me has been strengthened by the baptism of heaven?"

"if it is like this……"

"What the tears of the goddess?"

"What is its power?"

"What exactly is it?"


Just when Longfei thought about this, the system sounded again.

On the 18th floor of Hell appearing in the picture of the mind, there is a long evolutionary groove in the body of the Yuanxiao behemoth, which is moving little by little.

It is like an evolutionary update.

It is like something else.

At the end of the groove, two words are written, ‘Beast Emperor’

"The Evolution of the Beastmaster?"

"Isn't the power of the eighteen layers of Hell not a seal, those golden light, the power of those chains is to make the Yuan Zhen behemoth evolve and become stronger?"

"Give me a super beater?"

"It really is going to be against the sky!"

It was at this time.

Fire Kirin suddenly said: "Master, this place is going to collapse, we have to leave soon."

A piece of rock cracked and the whole mountain was shaking.

Longfei resumed his thoughts and said: "Leave!"

"But... Is the Yuan Zhen's giant array broken or not broken?"

Fire Qilin said: "Master, now I can't manage so much. It's important to escape. I have said that the Lantern Festival is not all together, there are many places."

Longfei turned over and sat on the back of the fire unicorn.

The fire unicorn moved, slammed into a flame, and rushed out all the way...


Chapter Four,

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