The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 158: Step on people to step on the face

Stepping on people, you have to step on the faces of people.

Moreover, there is still a step on the dead.

The insults that Fu Tianqiu said to Liu Feng made Long Fei unusually uncomfortable. It is conceivable that Fu Xishan’s punishment would be so heavy.

That being the case...

Longfei always has something to do.

True Ling Dan is the rising medicine of Fengyuan Business Alliance. It is also something that Fujia is proud of. Then break it and make it worthless!

The sound of Longfei fell.

Several disciples of the Dragon family came out. They are all disciples in the Longjia Alchemy Room. The alchemy repairs are also in the Huang Dynasty. They belong to the lowest level alchemy division.

They went to the ring and respectfully said, "Less Lord!"

The audience immediately talked about it.

"Who are they?"

"Don't they be the low-level alchemists of the Dragon family? They will only refine some inferior healing dans, and they will not be able to make alchemists on the table."

“What do Longfei want to do?”

"What is Xiaofei doing?" Long Zhanhai is also a little cloudless, and can't figure out what Longfei wants to do.

Jojo and the leopard girl also looked at Longfei. "Longfei brother, what do you want to do?"

Everyone is puzzled.

I don’t know what Longfei wants to do, but no one has left, and I want to know what Longfei wants to do.

Longfei walked to the side of Fu Tianqiu and said: "Fo Ge master, fighting Dan you lost, according to the gambling contract, Liu Lao is now free."

Fu Tianqiu still squatted on the ground, his mind was a bit unclear, and his mouth muttered with enthusiasm: "Impossible, impossible, true Ling Dan can not be improved even if the alchemy master can not improve, he can not be improved..."

He was still in the midst of the shock of the improved true Ling Dan in Dantian, which was incredible.

Longfei was too lazy to pass his consent and said directly: "Liu Lao, you are free now, and you come up."

Liu Feng stood in the same place, his eyes were a little trembling. He looked at Longfei and he didn't know what to say.


He thought that he could only stay in Fujia for a lifetime. He could only be a tool of Fujia, a slave to alchemy.

He was very happy when he met Fu Xishan.

Because Fu Xishan is the best person for him.

Fu Xishan left, Fu Tianqiu came, he fell back to **** from heaven, and became the ‘slave’, the slave bond that could never be detached, and the slave seal of the chest.

He thinks that this is the case in his life, but after seeing Longfei refining and improving the true spirit, his heart is like a volcanic burst.

The feeling of a new life makes him extremely excited and full of gratitude.

"Is it free?"

"I am free?" Liu Feng's heart kept asking himself, he could not believe it, but when he saw Long Fei's firm eyes, he muttered: "I am not dreaming, I am free!"

Long Fei looked at the excited Liu Feng and said: "Liu Lao, you come up."

Liu Feng stepped on the platform and looked at Longfei. He didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to thank him.


Liu Feng suddenly squatted in front of Longfei, and he said: "Thank you!"

Too sudden, Long Fei did not think of it, immediately rushed to help him, said: "Liu Lao, what are you doing?"

Liu Feng said: "From now on, you are my master, I am your slave."

"Liu Lao, what are you saying, you are free now, you are not a slave, not a slave." Longfei's heart was tight.

Fu Tianqiu blinked and snorted, saying: "Slaves are always slaves, and the slave seal of your chest can't be erased for a lifetime."

Liu Feng’s chest is faint.

Fu Tianqiu stood up again and said coldly: "Longfei, how many slaves do I have to be at home? Liu Feng is just a dog in my family. If he loses, he will lose."


Longfei clenched his fists, angered, and stared at Fu Tianqiu.

Fu Tianqiu calmed down and looked at Longfei's eyes and couldn't help but sneer. "How? I didn't say it right? Liu Feng, you said, are you a dog of Fujia? Or a mongrel dog, Hahaha..."

Liu Feng trembled.

The memories of the past are constantly coming to my heart.

In his heart, anger and anger, killing, and incomparable killing.

Fu Tianqiu continued to smile: "Hey, your old dog will be angry when he changes his new owner. How have you not seen you angry before?"


Liu Feng screamed, and the phrase "old dog" made him extremely unhappy.

People are dignified.

Even if it is a slave, Liu Feng loses his rationality and rushes to Fu Tianqiu.

Fu Tianqiu's eyebrows, coldly said: "Dog things, if you dare to hurt me a hair, I will make you die."

Nangong Lei mouth corner, a cold smile, said: "This scene is not over."


The guards of the Nangong Wangfu slammed.

The two strong warriors brought by Fu Tianqiu are also a momentary move, falling on the side of Fu Tianqiu.

As long as Liu Feng moves him, he will be killed in an instant.


Just when all this is about to happen, when Nangonglei is ready to go, Longfei appears, and Liu Feng will be held. "Liu Lao, don't worry, you can hit his face."

Nangong Lei’s eyes are awkward, and some regrets in his heart.

As long as Liu Feng is on the hands of Fu Tianqiu, Longfei will definitely help. At that time, he has reason to kill Longfei, but Longfei actually pulled Liu Feng.

This is a little bit inconsistent with his hot temper.

If you follow the development of Nangong Leixiang, everything that Longfei has done is in vain.

It’s not a fight, it’s not a force to crush.

It’s quick, accurate, and ugly!

The face of the vengeful vengeance is the remedy!


Longfei appeased Liu Feng, and said something in his ear, then whispered: "When you wait, you will do what I said."

Liu Feng lived, and his heart calmed down at once. He didn't understand Long Fei, but when he looked at Long Fei's eyes, he nodded. "Well."

Long Fei smiled a little, then said: "The main teacher, you can see your dog's eyes clearly."

Looking around, looking at Nangong Lei, said: "Nan Gong Lei, the good play is only opening now!"

Nangong Lei looked dark.

There was another discussion under the ring.

"What a good show?"

"Don't you end it?"

"What is the situation, what do Longfei want to do?"


The sound of the Dragon Wars is low: "If you wait for a riot, whoever dares to move the dragon, kill me!"

Longfei mouth corners, went to the front of the ring, said: "The true Ling Dan is the top secret medicine of the family, contains a strong aura, only the senior alchemist can refine."


"just now!"

"That is here, I want to say that the real Ling Dan is rubbish. The new true Ling Dan that I developed by Longfei can be refining as long as anyone who understands Dan Shu."



The eleventh chapter, this chapter for the ‘Little Master Shuai IX’ rewards plus, thank you for the reward!

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