The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1614: resurrection

The sound fell.

The sky was shocked, and the special atmosphere of the blast exploded in the entire warrior valley.

Also at this moment.

"Boom, bang!"

The ‘Nothings of Heaven’ founded by Yan Huang’s ancestors all killed.

They are all demons, and each is a troll, with super power.

And there are many repairs with **** level.

I want to be stronger than the nine squad, their strength is not weak.

This is the power created by Yan Huang's ancestors for Longfei.

He has been waiting for Longfei to unify the chaotic world, and then handed this power to him, let him bring into the battlefield of the ancient gods, but now...

Looking at the dragon flying to the ground, his heart was tingling.

Longfei saved him.

It was Longfei who made him return to the chaotic world. Longfei gave him a new life, but now... Longfei is dead!

The anger in his heart is burning in madness.

The warrior disciples looked at the strong men in the mountains and many people, and many people shivered.

Surround the warrior?

This is something that the warriors have never thought of.

How strong is the warrior, dare to surround the warrior?

The eyebrows of the war are a glimpse. "You better figure out where this is. You better figure out who broke through the tower of the gods, and you finally figured it out!"


Strong and unmatched.

Who dares to make it?

The tiger also shouted: "Yanhuang ancestors? Never heard of it."

For the Yanhuang ancestors, don't say that it is a war tiger, even if the entire chaos community knows about him.

Because Yan Huang's ancestors are not a person of an era with them.

"You have not heard of it."

"Because I am mixed in the chaotic world, your warriors simply do not exist." Yan Huang's ancestors showed a fierce killing in the eyes, and Longfei's death made him angry.

In the heart of the tiger, Shen Shen said: "Impossible, the warrior is in the chaotic world for millions of years. If you existed at that time, your life will not live to the present."

"I don't care who you are, no matter what relationship you have with Longfei, but... please understand!" The tiger said: "This is the nine secluded warriors!!"

The words 'nine secluded warriors' are particularly heavy.

The nine secluded warriors can crush all forces.


Yan Huang’s ancestors smiled coldly and said: “No matter what you’re shit, you’re still a warrior, or a nine-secret family. If you kill Longfei, then you have to die!”

"Everyone has to die!!"

Angry and raging.

As soon as the voice fell, the heavenly disciples on both sides of the valley shouted in unison, and the huge killings rolled and rolled down.

In this moment.

They also rushed down the valley.

The tigers looked at each other and stared at Yan Huang’s ancestors: "Is it really going to fight?"

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "Do not kill your warlord, the old man will never give up!"


The power of Yan Huang's ancestors came out, and the breath spread for thousands of kilometers. At this moment, the pressure on him suddenly fell.


The entire warrior valley is stirring up.

In addition to the war tigers, all the warriors were crushed, pale, uncomfortable, even the ancestors of the warriors.

The crushed breath can't breathe.

Extremely uncomfortable.

The face of the tiger was dark, and he did not expect that there would be such a powerful person in the chaos world, or he had never heard of it.



This does not mean that he will be afraid.

The breath of the tiger is also followed by a move, and it is sent out, and it is heavily resisted.

at this time.

The system sounds a beep.


"One hundred layers of energy are filled."

"Coughing cough..." Longfei coughed and climbed up from the ground. He said, "Once, you are really slow!"

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