The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1630: More than people? come!


The first hundred layers of the tower of the gods.

Xuanyuan Liu opened his eyes again and walked to the saint. "The saints, I want to challenge!"

The elders of the saints also opened their eyes and said, "So fast?"

"Xuanyuan Lier, you should calm down now to cultivate, not a blind challenge, to know that the challenge is limited."

The elders of the saints can't let the Xuanyuan glass easily pass the challenge.

This is an unparalleled command.

Now the destiny gods are fighting for the unparalleled, and a saint is more worthy of fighting for the war.

Dragging Xuanyuanli, can't let him break through the tower.

Otherwise, it will bother the unparalleled plan.

Xuanyuan Lier said firmly: "I am ready."

She sensed the breath of the Xuanyuan people, she knew that her father came.


She also sensed the breath of Longfei. Her eagerness to see Longfei, she could not wait, her eager desire, so she will go all out this time.

The saint said: "I advise you to practice more."

Xuanyuan Liuer said: "I insist on the challenge."

The saint said: "Girl, you better listen to me, I am not happy, you will not have a good end."

Xuanyuan Liuer said: "I insist on the challenge."

The face of the old man is a glimpse, "You!"

Xuanyuan Liuerdao: "The saints, please accept my challenge."

"it is good!"

The saint was slightly angry and said: "I will see what progress you have made in this short time, come on!"


The power of the saints moved a little and suddenly exploded.

Also in this moment.

The sword in the hands of Xuanyuan Liuer moved, saying: "I attacked!"


There is a destiny to make a backing, and the disciples in the mysterious heaven tower are fearless. All of them are like a tidal wave that rushes to Longfei.

The water in Longfeiwei will be unblocked.

The main **** tower is staring at Longfei, saying: "Longfei, let's accept it."

"Accept fate?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Longfei laughed, "Agree! There is no word in my dictionary."

The eyes swept away, the disciples of the tens of thousands of Tongshen Tianta, the elders, this time really came out of the nest, Longfei smiled slightly: more than people?

The main tower of the Tongshen tower sneered, saying: "How much more than people? Longfei, do you still have someone to help you?"

"Who will help you in the whole chaos?"

"Who will be right against the sky? Who dares to fight against the sky?"


The Tongshen Tower Master laughed.

The **** of destiny is the heaven, the main temple is the heaven, the master of the 100,000 planes, they are the heavens, the supreme being.

Who dares to be right?

At this time, Li Yuanba climbed from the deep pit and shouted, "I dare!"

"I dare!"

"I dare!"

"The sky is so big, it must be especially interesting to kill him. How can I be less?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"And I!"

The eight King Kongs climbed up from the deep pit one by one. Although the power did not recover, they were not guilty. What about the sky?

Nan Gongyan came out and said: "I dare."

Xuan Xiongxiong returned with Xuanyuan people and shouted in unison: "We dare!"

"More than people?"


Longfei grinned and said: "I will let you know what is called more people."

A space transfer token is pinched.


A scarlet **** blood blasted, and a screaming voice sounded. "Who wants the life of my official?"

The Queen of Blood Moon came out of the space token, and at this moment, she brought out all the ghosts of the Wan Gui Cave, and the enchanting moment filled the audience.

The Queen of Blood Moon is completely different from before.

The eyes swept away, staring directly at the main tower of the gods, and sighed, saying: "Is you wanting the life of my official?"

There is an endless killing in the eyes.

And with the Queen's high and cold chill.

For a time, the main tower of the tower was actually scared.

The Queen of Blood Moon is also a very special existence.

At this time, Longfei smiled coldly again and said: "More than people?"


The transfer token of the Promise Sea is shattered.



A wave of water burst, the mermaid did not come out, but... a huge robe of robes came out first, the cannon of Poseidon.

Nasha’s huge body rushed out of the space token, and when the gaze was on, the Poseidon’s gun was locked, and he said with anger: “Who is the benefactor of the fisherman?”


A Feng was killed with the fisherman.

Squeeze again.

Instantly encircle those disciples in the tower of the gods.

Nasha snorted and said: "We fish people do not know what is heaven, what is God, we only know who dares to move our benefactor, who we will die!"

"More than people?"


Longfei holds the last token in his hand. This token is engraved with a phoenix. The idea is slightly moving. "Jojo, how are you doing now?"

Crushed fiercely.


The space token of the Phoenix world is crumbling.

At the same time.

Above the golden phoenix nest, the heart of the phoenix suddenly blew a golden light, and the golden light scattered the entire plane. In the void, a loud breathing sound was heard, and a sound came from a voice. "Longfei Young Master..."

In an instant.

Wan Feng homing, crazy rotation.

A force of power poured into the heart of the phoenix.


In the mystery of the tower of the gods, a phoenix rushed out and shouted with a deep voice. "Our phoenix people dare to do the right thing."

Wan Feng attacked.

The last one floated, and the body flashed with a colorful aura, and the white dragonfly was a human, and the face dragonfly would never forget.


The moment Jojo rushed out of the space, he flew directly into the arms of Longfei. "Long Fei Young Master."

at this time.

The breath on her body is too strong.

Jo Qiao stared at the tower owner of the Tongshen Tower, saying: "Is you going to kill my young master?"


The tower of the tower of the gods can't help but swallow a slobber, and the heart trembles. Looking at more and more people, now they are not surrounded by dragons, but dragons surround them.

He did not think that this would be the case.


This is not over yet.

Longfei stared at the Tongshen Tower and the warless match: "More than people? Now know what is more?"

The voice is falling!

"Hell, heaven, my secrets open to me!"



The people in the two bases all rushed out, one by one, very fierce, just like a beast. "Who wants our lord? Mom, don't want to mix it up?"

A brutal mess.


The swallowing mouse came out.


The Heavenly Beastmaster came out.


The king warrior rushed out.


Bimeng rushed out, and the **** cows in the underworld rushed out.

Longfei’s cold smile: “Is it more than people?”

Just at this moment.

The system suddenly remembered the tone.


“Congratulations to the upgrade of the Tianwuzong gang created by the player ‘Longfei’, currently level 10!”


"Trigger line transfer function? Is the transfer started?"


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