The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1635: collapse! Full collapse!

Jojo returned home and the mission was completed.

The rewards are not enough for Longfei.


The most important thing is the ten-level violent!

It is the most important thing for Longfei.

The last time it was the half-dominant artifact, this time... it’s forced to burst out of the main artifact!


"Give me a slap!" Longfei's eyes sink and his strength is refined.

Cut a knife.


The defense on the shield of the gods smashed and cracked, cracked, and the face was suddenly changed. He said: "Impossible, impossible... you can't break the defense of the **** shield."

The power of the Lord God possessed by the Warrior is not his own, but a way of borrowing, and he cannot exert all his power.

The level of the **** shield is improved.


His own level has not kept up.

He is still only a semi-god realm, and no successful robbery.

and so.

Even if he has the power of destiny, he can't fully play it out.


The power of the colorful ancient knives forever Sun Wukong's power, the power of the colorful dragons, also has the most powerful source of power in the main artifact.

This power is too embarrassing.




The defense support of the Tenjin Shield is less than half a second, and it instantly bursts.

The huge and incomparable colorful ancient knives smashed down, and the unparalleled eyes of the war swelled out, and the eyes were huge, the eyes were full of blood, and the red light on the body exploded. "Ah..."


A crush!


There was no double-handed battle on the ground, and there was a bright red crit number on his head, but... he didn’t want his ancestors to fight like a tiger.

The damage value of 9.9 billion has not been hit.

There is still one third of the blood in the battle.


This shocking, incomparable pull of the wind, directly to the battle unparalleled crushed on the ground, fierce!



The war unparalleled gasping eyes staring at Longfei, saying: "Impossible, impossible... you can't be my opponent."

Longfei sneered at the war and said, "How about the taste of lying on the ground?"


"Ah..." There was no match in the battle, and it was a step in the sky.


Before he flew up, the colorful ancient knives in the hands of Longfei slammed again and sipped, "Your mother will give Laozi a slap on the ground!"


It is also a crushing.


The knee bones must be broken, and the battle is unparalleled and slammed on the ground again. His face is pale and uncomfortable.

What is more uncomfortable is not the flesh, but his heart.

Never been crushed.

Never squatted on the ground.

But... now he is kneeling in front of Longfei, this hatred, this hate, his whole person is in a state of violent walking, but... even if he violently walks away, it is useless.

His power was completely suppressed by the power of Longfei.

Not at all useful!

The war is unparalleled and looks at the sky, saying: "Destiny God, give me more strength!"

Longfei smiled coldly: "The **** of destiny is useless to your main deity, and Laozi still kills you."

The two eyes lifted and stared at the fat face of the gods above nine days. Longfei grinned coldly: "I will kill the main temple one day sooner or later, and you will die!"

"Let's go!!" Fate God furious.

Longfei grinned and said, "I will let you go, can you help me?"

"Not satisfied?"

"There is a kind of you down, Laozi will kill you now!"

Three times against him.

Longfei has long been unhappy, and it is really impossible to go to the main shrine. Otherwise, Longfei has already made him turn upside down.

The eyes of Destiny God picked up slightly, and the killings rushed. "Do you think I can't deal with you?"

Long Feidao: "There is a kind of you coming, Lao Tzu has never been afraid of anyone!"

What happened to God of Destiny?

What happened to the Lord God?

Longfei is really not afraid of anyone.

The fate of the gods is raging, the strong arrogance is surging, the fate of the atmosphere is crazy, and in an instant...



Huo scale's body suddenly fell to the ground, and his body floated a white spirit, and he was really struggling with madness, but he was forced to stop by a force.


Layton fell to the ground and appeared in the same situation as Huo Scale.



One after another fell to the ground, his spirit of destiny was stripped out, and there was no way to resist it. At this moment, Longfei was a little panicked.

"Destiny, I am your ancestors!"

Longfei roared.


God of destiny smiled coldly and said: "Long Fei, how do you feel about the death of people around you one after another?"

"It must be very cool?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Do you fight with my destiny? Have you fought me?"



One after another fell to the ground, first in the chaos.

Xuanyuan people.

Nan Gongyan, Ye Jingyun...

The fishermen of the Beauty Palace.

The ghost of the Queen of Blood Moon.

Even the Phoenix of the Phoenix family fell to the ground one by one.

Longfei’s heart trembled and collapsed, shouting loudly: “You flee, run away, hurry to escape...”


In this moment.

Longfei rushed to Tianzhu in one step, and the colorful ancient knives in his hands smashed on the shadow of the **** of destiny, but it was completely useless. The **** of destiny was above nine days.

He is in the main shrine.

His wheel of destiny controls the fate of 100,000 faces, and whoever wants to die will die!

Destiny God laughed wildly and said: "Come on, come, Longfei, continue to be arrogant, and look at the people around you must die very cool, hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

The smug laughter.

Long Fei did not think that fate will come to such a hand.

"help me!"

"Longfei brother..."


"Dragon fly..."



Falling one after another, the spirit of destiny flew from them, and they were inhaled into a special space before they reacted.

Longfei is too late.

He can't do anything at all.

These people are under the control of the **** of destiny, and their destiny is under the control of powerful forces.

Can't be detached.

Long Fei panicked and panicked.

God of destiny smiled coldly and said: "Long Fei, give me a kneeling!!"

Jojo fell.

Looking at Jojo's fall, the heart of Longfei will be torn.

The dragon madman screamed with anger and screamed: "Dragon disciples, never squat!"


The spirit of the fate of the dragon madman was taken away.

God of fate laughed and said: "Long Fei, give me a kneeling!"



Longfei's teeth must be broken.

In this moment.

The leopard woman fell down.

Liuluo Creek looked at Longfei and said: "Longfei, don't be jealous, don't be embarrassed..."


Her body was soft and fell to the ground.



Longfei can't do anything. He can't break the nine days and can't kill the **** of destiny. He can't do anything now. This feeling is even more uncomfortable than death.

Destiny God smirked and said: "Give me a sire!!"

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