The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1644: Can't resist

The void blew.

A force in the gods shield rises to the sky.

Longfei laughed, "The ancestors?"

"Do you have ancestors in your home?"

"All of them have been killed by me!"

Nine of the elders are dead and upturned.

Nine ancestor-level god-level powerhouses have also been killed by Longfei. What ancestors are there now?

The warless eyes stared at Longfei Yinsen and said: "When you wait, you will know, Longfei, this is what you are looking for, understand?"

"It's your own death!"

"This also blames me."

"You can rest assured, I will let your eight King Kong go down with you, I will let Xuanyuan Lier's goods go down with you, hahaha..." Warriors laughed.


As the sky sank, the vortex rolled up, and the clouds in tens of millions of kilometers rolled together, one layer at a time, just like the slain that the Eight King Kong summoned.

The eight King Kong looked up at the sky, "What is this?"

Li Yuan overbearing: "Good strength and strength."

"Nine floors?"

"Is it that the strong man of the main temple is coming again? Will it be the **** of destiny?"

Everyone can't help but worry.

Longfei’s fists are clenched, and he feels the incomparable power of the whirlpool. If it’s true that the **** of destiny is coming again...

Then he has no way.


Now Sun Wukong has changed his time to disappear.

The source of the world's gates in the gold hoop is tight, and Longfei can no longer use a little bit of source power. Without the original strength, it is not the opponent of the destiny.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

The battle was full of blood, but he laughed wildly and said: "Long Fei, you are ready to die."


A burst of sound, nine layers of heaven, the center of the vortex, a spirit from the sky.

"what is that?"

The celestial spirit was slightly stunned, and his induction of the spirit was the strongest. Suddenly he thought that the martial art of the martial art would immediately scream and say: "Boss is a spirit!"

"The spirit fits the spirit?"

Longfei shook a little and looked at the body that fell quickly. "From the spirit of nine days?"

"That is……"

The warless sinister sneer: "The ancestor of the warrior! The strong man of the main temple, he is the true ancestor of my warrior, and his spirit has been sealed in the **** shield."

"Longfei, you forced me."

"I didn't want to tell the ancestors to summon them. This is what you forced me. Now... you must die for me!"


The battle has no intentions, and he screams, "Fusion!!"

"Old ancestors!"

"Give me here!"

When the spirits are collected, they directly flow into the unparalleled body, "Hey!"

The breath of the warless man has changed again.

The red light on the **** shield is soaring, the body of the unparalleled battle is doubled, the strength... the incomparable strength, although not as powerful as the destiny god, but Longfei is sure that this is the power of the main temple.

this moment.

Longfei once again fell into desperation.

He never thought that there would be such a powerful afterthought in the war.

"How to do?"

Longfei has no way.

He thought that using the power of the colorful dragons to deal with the war is unparalleled, but now... the war is unparalleled with the spirit of the ancestors.

He has no chance!

Longfei is not willing...

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