The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1662: Li Ruhua


The force collided and the muffled sounds.

The iron knights blasted back and forth, and the chest went down with blood and violently, forcibly resisting the blood that was about to be sprayed.

Li Rucao stood motionless and said coldly: "Iron noodles, is that enough?"

Call your name.

The members of the surrounding Black Knights are gloomy.

"Li Ruchao, you are tired of living."

"Follow the iron man, you want to die."

"kill him!"

Everyone is angry.

The iron-faced knights raised their hands, stopped them, and stared at Li Ruchao’s cold and cold words: “Li Ruchao, I heard that you are going to participate in the mercenary battle group assessment, I will be there waiting for you.”

"I will crush you and crush your entire battle group."

"I will let you know the end of the game against the Black Knight."

The voice fell.

The Iron Knight was staring at Li Rucao, and then he looked at Longfei with a cold look. He pointed his finger at Longfei’s nose and said, "Boy, I remember you!"


Turned and strode away, under the robes, holding the chest with one hand, his face paled.

"Big Brother, why not?"

"Is that many of us are still afraid that he will not succeed?"

"Big brother..."

There is not much explanation for the iron surface, "Go back!"


After the Dark Knights left, the face of Li Rucao’s face, 唰唰, who was standing still, became pale. The blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his body was paralyzed, almost falling.

Li Ruhua quickly helped him, saying: "Brother."

Li Rucao waved his hand and said: "I am fine."

Just a power collision, he suffered more internal injuries than the iron surface. He forced himself to stand in the same place, and let the power rush in the body to vent.


"I thought it was even worse than the iron knight's iron."

"It turned out to be just out."



The crowd sneered.

It was at this time.

The three players said: "Captain, we still want to live a few more years, I am sorry."


The three men ran into the crowd without going back.

Li Rucao wants to pull all of them and wants to shout, "Wow..."

A large mouthful of blood spouted out.

His face is paler.

Li Ruhua’s tears drip down, "Brother, brother..."

Longfei looked at the three people who disappeared into the crowd. He said slightly: "If you leave, you will leave. It is useless to keep such a person."

How do such players fight together?

Going better.

Li Rucao showed a bitter smile and said: "It is really useless, but as soon as they leave, our Tianba team will be disbanded."

There is no way to participate in the assessment of the mercenary team for three consecutive years. This year is the last year. If it is not possible to participate, the team will be rated as an unqualified team and will be cancelled.

This is the heart of Li Rucao.


It will be shattered now.

Li Rucao looked at Longfeidao: "Big brother, let's go, the farther away from the king city, the better, the black knight battle group is much stronger than Wanxiong."

"They won't let you go."

The three left, plus the blatant offense of the Black Knights, I am afraid that no one has joined his team.

The team is destined to be disbanded. It is better to let Longfei leave early, which is also safer.

Longfeidao: "Since I have chosen, I will not leave."

At least he will not leave now.

He must figure out exactly how to get out of here, how to get into the battlefield, and say that the ancient **** battlefield is the place to change the laws of the world.

How to change?

Conquer everything?

Do you rule the entire battlefield of the ancient gods, or something else?

Now Longfei has no clue.



Li Ruhua rushed into the yard, and his mouth was a little red, like being beaten.

Long Fei asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Ruhua took the elixir and said: "Nothing."

Walk into the room and carefully take the elixir to Li Ruchao.

Li Ruchao has a very serious internal injury. It is only this elixir that can't cure the wound in the body.

Longfei opened the system store.

I found that the mall was empty and nothing.

System upgrades, many things have disappeared.

The system has also become more concise.

Even the points of Longfei disappeared, even if there was no disappearance of the spirits in the chaos, there was no use, and Li Ruchao could not be saved.

Longfei’s heart was anxious.

It was at this time.


The door of the yard was kicked open.

The two door panels flew directly into the yard, and the slamming jingle.


"Dare to steal things in our Blue Lingge, look for death!"

"Get me out!"

Several big men rushed into the yard.

Li Ruchao looked at his sister and said: "If you spend, you..."

Li Ruhua said: "As long as I can save you, it doesn't matter what I do. The elixir is stolen by me. I will bear everything."


Li Ruhua is going out of the room.

However, he was dragged by Long Fei and said slightly: "I will give it to me outside."

Longfei walked out of the room and came to the yard. He looked at the big man with the torch in the yard and said: "The medicine is stolen by me. It is good to have something to do with me."


"Does the hero save the beauty?"

"Kid, since you are willing to bear, then you should know the consequences." An old man who is over half a hundred years old said with anger, "Dare to steal things in my Blue Lingge, the hand steals the hand, one If both hands are stolen, then the two will be cut off together."


Dahan will surround Longfei.

Show a big knife.

The big knife is cold and shining.

Long Fei smiled and said: "There is no rule on the Alcatraz island. The only rule is power!"

The old man sneered and said, "What? You still want to resist?"

Long Feidao: "I don't want to resist, but I want to make a deal with you."

The old man glimpsed, said: "What trade?"

Longfeidao: "How much is your life worth?"

"Boy, what do you mean?" The old man was angry.

Long Feidao: "First determine how much your life value is worth. The value is not worth the money that was stolen. If it is worth, then we will start talking about the transaction."

The old man did not find what Longfei wanted to do, and smiled slightly: "I am the ruler of the Blue Lingge. The value of my life is less than a thousand gold leaves. It is naturally more expensive than that of the elixir."


"A thousand gold leaves are you?"

"I can only count the price of a elixir." Longfei grinned, and then said: "Let's go, this transaction is completed."

The old ancestors glanced at me and said, "Boy, are you playing me?"

Longfei sneered aloud: "No, just if I shot, you are already dead. I just spared you a life and the transaction was completed."

"Ha ha ha..."

The big man around laughed loudly.

"Dog things, I just spared you ten lives, how is this account?"

His voice fell.

Longfei's pace is moving, "Blasting Boxing!"

Punch out...

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