The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1664: Wow, this BOSS

The sky was faint, and Longfei stepped into the unknown mountain.

Longfei continues to move forward.

After an hour, I entered the depths of the forest, and at this time the sky was faint.



A low-pitched, a wind wolf suddenly flew out of the bushes and threw himself at Longfei.

Longfei reacted quickly, and the wind immediately escaped the sneak attack. "Sneak attack, Laozi, take life!"

A punch hit.

The wind wolf is a kind of fast wolf, the speed is very fast, when someone is faster than him, then its advantage is none.

The pace of the Raptors is a great achievement.

Whether it's speed, identity, or the trajectory of the move, it's completely crushed.




After continuous bombardment, the blood on the top of the wind wolf finally bottomed out after a minute, and the screams of sorrow fell in the pool of blood and died.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ killing ‘Wind Wolf’ to gain 150 experience, 15 power and 1 energy.”


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flight” upgrade, the current level one star god!”


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flight” upgrade, get the upgrade reward ‘blood drop’, is it received?”

Several consecutive system prompts to sound.

Longfei felt that a force in the body was breeding, and he obviously felt that the power was different. After the upgrade, his power was restored and his health recovered.

Look at the upgrade reward, "killing people in invisible blood drops?"


Blood drops appear in the space ring of Longfei, and the shape is like an iron hat, but... once this thing is covered on the head of the person, the head will be directly exploded, and it is extremely fierce.

Blood drops are extremely ferocious in the weapon.

The key is.

There is no weapon like this in the world!

Can also be a hidden weapon, but also can be used as a weapon, a multi-purpose.

"Call..." Longfei exhaled a breath and said slightly: "No matter where I am, I will break through, God of Destiny, I will make you die without a whole body!"

Longfei rushed into the forest.



A residual image flew out, "唰", the blood drop in the hands of Longfei suddenly covered the head of the monster, violently pulled ... ‘哗啦’ burst.

The head of the monster is cut directly.

Blood burst into the ground.



“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ kill...”

"carry on!"

As long as there is experience in the place where there is a monster, you can upgrade, this is the system metamorphosis.

What Longfei needs now is a quick upgrade.

Three days later.


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” upgrade, the current level of two stars!”

"carry on!"

"Where..." Longfei gasped slightly, his body was full of blood, surrounded by the body of the beast, and his physical strength was overdraft. He spent less than three hours in three days and three nights.

Longfei didn't think about stopping, but he still went ahead and went deeper into the forest.

"There is already a hundred metamorphosis values, and I have to find a way to explode."

These three days.

Longfei killed a lot of monsters, but there wasn't a monster that exploded. It was all experience and divine power. Even if Longfei wanted to release the metamorphosis, he didn't know where to release it.

The ‘blood drop’ that can’t be released into his hands would otherwise evolve his blood drops.


The monsters that he killed in these three days are some of the lowest-level monsters.

It’s too hard to get something out of these monsters.

"Looking for a boss!"

Longfei murmured.

It was two days passed.

Longfei's experience has risen a lot, but still can't find a monster that can explode things. This time, in addition to the experience improvement, the use of the Raptors' pace is completely mastered.

At dusk.

Longfei walked to a stream and removed the internal organs of a wild deer and cleaned it.

Then I walked back to the cave and set up the fire to roast.

Not long after, the incense was overflowing.

Longfei tore off a piece of oil to nourish the barbecue and slowly chewed it up. In the heart, he said: "If you can have a map of the ancient **** battlefield, you can do it."

"At least you can know your specific location."

"It is the location of the battlefield."

He has not been able to change the rules of the world until now.

The same is the plane.

Why can we change the rules of the world here?

Unconsciously, Longfei leaned on the wall and slowly slept in the past. In the dream, he met Jojo, and Jojo’s soul was suffering and screaming.

I met Nangongyan.

I met the dragon disciple.

I met those dragon ancestors...

Their souls are as in the eighteen layers of hell, the incomparable pain, the incomparable suffering.


A snoring in the dark night cut through the night sky.

Longfei woke up in a fierce spirit, and he did not pay attention to the tears on his side of his eyes.

He hates sleeping now.

When I sleep, I will dream of Jojo's suffering.


Longfei drilled out of the cave and quickly ran to the screams.


"Trail it!"

"Hurry up and drag it."

"Lei Jiu, take a shot."

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

A few muffled sounds, the battle was disrupted, and three soldiers wearing heavy armor were shot and flew out. A woman with a staff standing in the distance was instantly slammed by an arrogance and spurted out a blood. .

Their equipment...

Can only be described in one word.


The warrior is heavy armor.

More than the armor of the Black Knights, a woman in the distance is like a priest. She constantly releases a force superimposed on the warrior to make their defense stronger.

The handle in her hand is also extremely powerful.


The monster they are facing is a bit too ferocious.

Even the three heavy armored fighters do not cause strong damage to it.

Four people were shot and the three heavy armored soldiers quickly climbed up and smothered again.

"Can not be done!"

"This guy is too powerful. Our current cultivation is not an opponent at all."

"The third child, you must first withdraw."

The woman climbed up from the ground and said, "No, you must kill this guy. You must get the spiritual horn on his head."

There is a spiritual horn on the top of this monster.

It is like a unicorn.


It is not a unicorn, it is a unique kind of beast, this kind of spiritual angle has a powerful effect, energy. Can cure diseases, but also practice.

The three brows are tight.

A warrior picked up a big knife and rushed up. "I will fight with him!"


The pace of the wind, the knife method illusion of a phantom.

Layer by layer overlay.

The other two soldiers immediately covered, and the soldier smashed down...


The spiritual horn on the top of the monster's head suddenly flashed an aura, and a void door suddenly appeared. The body of the monster entered the door of the void, and the body suddenly disappeared.

In the dark, Longfei was shocked, "This boss is arrogant!"

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