The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1669: Six immortals possessed?



The buzzing sounds.

Just like hitting a giant steel plate.

Longfei sipped, "If you can smash this, I really want to call you Nishikawa."




A scream rang, the big body curled up, the meat on the body squeezed and squeezed, and the whole body completely changed from a round shape to a flat shape.

The teeth are falling off.

Half of the face is red and swollen.

How miserable the whole person is, the blood volume on his head is also reduced by a large and a half. This time, the impact really almost killed his life.

The body is bombing.

The meat ball is loose, the body is restored, the mouth is full of blood, and the anger is extremely high.

Longfei smiled and said: "Come on again, come again!"

The earthquake is very powerful?

The impact is very strong, is it hard to have his death planet hard?

Don't look at just a small ball, but this is a dead star that Longfei merges from the Stars of Heaven. Its area Longfei doesn't know how big, but he can definitely be more than 100,000 in the face of the main temple. Any one of the planes must be large, even the ancient gods battlefield planes can not match.

I can imagine how broad he is.

How hard is its miniature?

"Hey ~ ~ ~" a big headache, grinning, rubbing his head, his eyes smoldering like staring at Longfei, said: "Dog things, don't be proud, see how I kill you."

I am angry.

There was a burst of red light on the body.

Divine light halo.

Longfei’s eyes were shocked. “Scratch, the boss is going away!”

The big man sipped, "Give me all!"

The surrounding Jurassic did not dare to listen, the big man was notoriously brutal, and if he was not happy, they would all be killed.

All rushed up.

Big head gasping like a cow, staring at Longfei, said: "I don't believe it!"


The body is another roll, turning into a top.

Roll it up quickly.

Dragon flew, "I rub, isn't this a dragon turtle?"

"Look at how hard you are!"

Longfei looked at the little value of the remaining power. If he did not hurry to kill him, he would die here.


Longfei penetrated into the door of the void.

In an instant.

Longfei appeared in the air, and the idea was moving, "Tita King!!"


The power of God is injected into the dead star.

The power of King Tata also came out with all his strength.

"What about people?"

"Where did the people go?"

The big man suddenly lost his target and shouted.

In addition to the door to the void on the ground, the door of the vain has the same in the sky.

"Deputy lord, in heaven!"

The big eyes and the two eyes lifted slightly, looking at the sky, and the dragon directly flew a huge ball in one hand, and the ball continued to grow bigger. This kind of scene...


Under the illumination of the moonlight.


The ball blocks the moonlight, as if the dragon is holding the moon.

This scene.

Unbeatable shock!

far away.

Lei Jiu suddenly stopped. "What is that?"

The other three also stopped, and looked at the sky with a dull look. All of them looked awkward. "Toolish the wind?"


Longfei has a feeling.

It’s like being a ‘six immortals’, this feeling is very strong, let Longfei come to the scene, and at the same time he asks himself, “What is the plane of my fusion star?”

"Is it really impossible to have some kind of powerful power inside?"


"I feel the feeling of having six immortals attached to the body?"

"It's amazing."


Longfei’s eyes sank, watching the big heads on the ground and the scorpions, and screaming heavily, “Give me a blow!”

"Give me a burst!!"


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