The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1677: Punch BOSS

The glittering boss is a stimulant for Longfei.

Seeing the excitement that boss Longfei couldn’t tell, and the golden light emitted by the boss of Yu Wanxiong was much more dazzling than the vice gang.

The things that popped out are definitely much better.

"Give me kill!"

Yu Wanxiong didn't have Rory, and he glanced at Longfei coldly. "Samsung is repaired? This kind of person can also kill the deputy lord. I can only say that my deputy lord grew up."

"Useless things."

More contempt.

It is a shame to be defeated by Longfei. ,

The disciples of Wan Xiong’s help showed up their weapons and quickly rushed up, “kill!”

"Kid, you are dead!"


Surrounded by hundreds of people, in this case, Longfei could not escape.

Lei Ji shouted loudly: "Flying brother, run!"

"Flying brother, let's go."

"Yu Wanxiong, you dare to kill him, I will not let you go." Lei Jiuzhong screamed, he brought the dragon to fly here, if Longfei died, he would blame himself for a lifetime.


"Wow, I have to scare me, but... do you think you can live? First of all, then you, you all have to die." Yu Wanxiong laughed excitedly, staring at the blue Ya Dao: "The meat of the little steamed bread is very tender. When you wait, you will eat it first."

"I have never eaten such a tender woman."

Yu Wanxiong drools.

Lanya's body trembled and scared his face white.

At this moment.

Longfei whispered, said: "Hey!"

Look at Yu Wanxiong.

Yu Wanxiong turned his eyes and stared at Longfei. He said, "How? Do you want to explain the last words?"

Longfeidao: "Yes, I want you to explain the last words, because... you will die soon."

"I'm dying?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..." Yu Wanxiong laughed loudly.

Around him also heard the ridicule of Wanxiong's disciples, constantly laughing, Yu Wanxiong is a veritable powerhouse, he can easily blast anybody who Samsung has cultivated.


Not enough to watch!

Long Fei said faintly: "Laughter?"

Yu Wanxiong glanced at him and sipped, "I don't know what is high and thick, give me death..."

The word 'dead' has not been said yet. Longfei’s right fist is moving, and his eyes lock Yu Wanxiong’s slight drink, “Blasting Boxing!”


Special forces are emanating from the body of Longfei.

Control who you are, what kind of power you are, and when you shoot out a punch, there is only one result... spike!


Long Fei burst into a punch.

There is nothing special about the boxing style, just like a very ordinary punch.

Yu Wanxiong sneered, "not self-reliant!"

The huge body was shocked, a powerful force went out of the ripples, and the right arm moved, and a slap in the face swept up. "Give me a sigh!"


The huge palms were crushed from the sky.

Covering the sky, I immediately blocked all the attack routes of Longfei.

Coupled with Yu Wanxiong's huge atmosphere, Longfei's fist can not make any use, and will only turn himself into a living target by Yu Wanxiong.

"Fei Ge!" Lei Jiu shouted.

Many Wanxiong help disciples laughed, "dead!"

"This is the big sorrow of the lord, the Chinese are dead!"

"This kid is too self-sufficient. Samsung repairs and dares to help the Lord, but he is really anxious to reincarnate."

"is not it!"


The giant palm was crushed, and the body of Longfei sank.

Can't help!

However, Longfei did not give up, not hitting your body, then blasting your palm.

There is no turning arrow in the bow!

Since the explosion of the **** fist is released, it must burst!

"The Raptors step!"


The great perfection of the Raptors was released, and the body shape was abrupt. Longfei moved slightly in midair and rushed directly under the giant palm, and banged up.

"Ha ha ha..."

"I actually greet my great compassion?"


Yu Wanxiong sneered, and the power of the palm was more powerful.

It is at this moment.

The moment when the two forces collided, the power of the big sorrow on his palm was like an instant cracking. Longfei’s fist slammed directly into his palm.


At this moment.

The power of the explosion is released.


Longfei punched the palm of the hand, and the flesh and blood burst, and the blood spurted out.

Yu Wanxiong’s painful wow, “Ah... ah... impossible, impossible, kid, you can’t break through the power of my big sorrow...”

Although the pain is unbearable.


Yu Wanxiong’s reaction was not slow at all, and the left hand turned over and slammed again. “Give me death!”

This palm is more sharp.

The power is even more honest.


Longfei stopped in the same place and motionless, with a smile on his lips, faintly said: "Give me a burst!"

Very calm.

The wind does not move, and the waves are not shocked.

I didn’t even look at the giant palms that fell from the top of my head. It was extremely calm.

"What is he doing?"


"How come a little reaction?"


Lei nine people did not move, pinching a sweat for Longfei.

Just when Yu Wanxiong’s left hand was a few centimeters away from Longfei, the strong wind had been crushed down, but... this moment.


Yu Wanxiong’s eyes roared, his pupils shrank, and he couldn’t control a blood spurt out. “Hey, hey, hehe...”

His right arm continued to burst.

In the blink of an eye, the entire arm was blasted, and his body was the same. The internal organs were exploding, and the black blood was mad and completely uncontrollable.

what's the situation?

The blood on his head quickly bottomed out, killing crit!

Under the blast of the gods, the grass is not born.

If a boxing is heavy, then no matter how strong defense you have, you will be violently killed by the blasting fist. This is the blasting of the gods, and Longfei uses all the fusion of the chaos to burst out.

A fierce mess!



Yu Wanxiong screamed and couldn't bear it. The huge body cracked and the blood sprayed on the ground.

Also at this time.

Longfei’s heart secretly stunned, “Oh, bad!”

"The metamorphic energy value is not enough!"

"I rub!"

"Nima, this wave is a big loss." Longfei forgets the metamorphosis energy value. This is a boss, a boss destined to explode.

How can it be wasted?


Longfei is extremely annoyed, "My metamorphosis energy value!"

"Your sister!"

"It’s not blame for your ugly Laozi, or you can let you live for a few more seconds. This is good, and the boss is wasted in this way."

Longfei’s heart secretly complained.

How can this be done?

Because the metamorphic energy value is really abnormal, metamorphosis to the point where you can't imagine.

"Hey..." The heart sighed for a long time, and the system sounded a tone at this time.


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