The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1681: Not good


"I haven’t been here for a long time."

"I still remember that I came here once as a child. It is really a big change now." Taishan entered the city, and their eyes did not change anything.

Although the king city is the first city on the island of Alcatraz.

But its overall strength is the lowest.

If you want to compare with the city controlled by the three major families, you can’t see the King City.

"Nine brothers, I remember that Lei family still has an industry here?" asked Taishan.

Lei Jiubai glanced at Mount Tai and said: "You Thai family does not have an industry here."

"To say that the city of Wangcheng is the most powerful, it is the most powerful of the Blue House. It controls the merchants' shops in the Wangcheng City, and also signs contracts with the mercenary labor unions. All the soldiers in the mercenary unions are built by the blues. It can be said that the Blue House has basically monopolized the weapons market of Yuwangcheng." Taihai said slowly.

Among the three big families of the Blue Family, they have the strongest influence.

The ten cities on Alcatraz Island have the industry of the Blue House.

The first generation of the blue family was developed with superb forging techniques, so the weapons produced by the Blue House on Alcatraz Island are very famous.

Lan Ya smiled slightly and did not argue.

The same is true.

The blue family's weapons are first class.

Longfei entered a spiritual medicine shop in the city.

He also worried about Li Ruchao's internal injuries. He did not know how his injuries were after leaving for half a month. He did not practice alchemy in the battlefield of the ancient gods, nor could he refine his medicine.

Can only go to buy.

Looking at Longfei into a pharmacy, four people quickly followed.

Taishan glanced at the standard on the plaque of the shop and said: "Jiu Ge is the industry of your Lei family."

"Man, give me a remedy for internal injuries, the best grade." Longfei walked into the store and said.

A man excitedly looked up at Longfei. In a flash, his eyes became cold and cold. "The best medicine of the grade? Do you know what price? Can you afford it?"

There is contempt in the eyes.

Longfei's dress is simple, plus no change of clothes during this time, the body smells bad.

At first glance, it is like a country bun, a dumpling.

Longfei still looked angry and said: "I have money, you can bring it to me."



"How much do you have?" The man was unmoved, giving him the feeling that Longfei could not afford to buy any of the stores.

He also didn't want to waste time on Longfei.

Longfei brows tightly and said: "You open the door to do business, you just take it out."

At this moment.

A young master looked at Longfei and said with a sigh of relief: "Whenever I came to buy Ling Dan in this year, you still want to buy a panacea for a country. Do you still want to cultivate?"

The voice fell.

Many guests in the store laughed.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Whoever wants to cultivate, and does not look at who you are."

"Not everyone can cultivate."

"Look at what he looks like?"


When the young master saw the people around him laughing at Longfei, he seemed more proud and scorned: "The kid, the medicinal medicine of Wanlinge is worthless, you can't afford it, but I have a way. ”

"Call me, I will buy it for you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man immediately showed a pair of excited expressions and looked at Longfei. He said, "Call, call me and bring it to you."

Also at this time.

Lei Jiu went into the store and just heard this sentence.

In an instant.

The Thunder raged out and stepped in, and a slap in the face went down.


Loud and loud.

The young master was slammed on the ground in an instant, and the two front teeth blurted out, and a large mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, which was extremely embarrassing.


The young master didn’t react for a while, but... he was not afraid, his eyes were fierce, and he screamed. "Who are you fucking? Dare to beat Laozi, you are looking for death..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Lei Jiu is a slap in the face, "Hey!"

"I am your ancestor!"

"Dare to be powerless to the flying brother? Believe it or not, I will kill your ancestors eighteen generations again?" Lei Jiu two eyes glared at King Kong is generally staring at the young master.

The body is crushed with a strong breath.

The young master took two slaps and was very annoyed. He said, "Do you know who I am? Dare to do it to me. Today you are dead."

Just when Lei Jiu was trying to shoot.

A middle-aged man upstairs hurried down and stared at Lei Ji, and said, "Give me a hand!"

When the young master saw the middle-aged man immediately excited, he climbed from the ground and said: "Uncle Chen, give me revenge and kill this person."

Chen Zhong glanced at Lei Jiu and said coldly: "Do you have trouble in Wanling Pavilion? I think you are looking for death?"

Lei Jiuyi was angry and wanted to shoot.

Longfei stopped him and said slightly: "We don't want to make trouble, I just want to buy a drug."

The man immediately said: "The treasurer, this kid wants to buy the highest level of treatment for internal injuries, can he afford to buy this poor and sour? It must be troublesome."

Chen Zhong glanced at Longfei.


He thinks so too.

To learn to observe, he also climbed from the position of a shop buddy to the shopkeeper. It relied on two goggles to observe that those people could afford the medicine. Those people could not afford the medicine for a lifetime.

Longfei is the latter in his eyes.

Chen Zhong sneered and said: "Just, you still want to buy the highest quality medicinal herbs? You don't scatter your urine to look like you?"

Longfei’s eyes were cold and said: “What do I look like?”

Chen Zhongyi sneered and said: "There is a lot of people like you. I have seen this kind of person. I don't want to buy the medicine of Wanlinge in my life..."

Just before he has finished.

Lei Jiu suddenly rushed into, "You look like a dog with a low eye!"


Another heavy slap in the face.

Chen Zhong did not think that Lei Jiu still dared to do it, the reaction was not timely, a slap in the face, extremely painful, five fingers on the cheeks clearly visible.

Also angry in an instant.

Chen Zhong sighed. "You dare to shoot me with this dog. I want you to come in and go out!"

"Come on!"

"Give me the guys!"

The young master showed a smug smile and said: "A group of bandits, don't look at this place, you will kneel on the ground and beg for mercy."

Chen Zhong’s voice fell.

Eight guards were immediately rushed out at the back door.

Surrounded by Lei Jiu and Long Fei.

Chen Zhongdao: "Get it!"

Lei Jiu’s eyes glanced, and he did not intend to show his identity. His eyes swept away and said: “I see who you dare to move? Laozi killed him!”


Chen Zhong sneered and said: "You guys are still dare to be arrogant?"

"court death!"

At this time, Longfei was a bit uncomfortable...

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