The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1801: Experience baby

"Dare to ruin my avatar!!!"

"Give me death!"

"Give me death!!!"

The sky above the ghost king city kept screaming and screaming.

The ghost king is furious.

The entire ghost king city is in turmoil.

At this moment, countless tomb doors open.

Ghost King City is a huge tomb group. The souls buried here are not in the land, but become the guardians of the underground palace.

They are a special existence.

They want to build their own world.

Not the land, not the world, but their own world.

The last time I almost succeeded.


At a critical juncture, he was beaten by a woman, and his body was completely broken. He finally rose again in the millennium, but he did not expect his body to be broken by a boxing.

This has a very big impact on his physical remodeling.

"Damn thing!"

"Must kill me!"


Longfei grabbed Nie Lin’s death and fled to the ghost king city.

Now he has to wait, waiting for the cooldown of the Boom.

After Nie Lin followed Long Fei, she had been thinking about the punch that Longfei had released, which was stronger than the last release of the iron-armed eagle on the Xiaoyao Palace.


After a punch, Longfei is very confident.

Just like knowing in advance that he is going to die, this is a kind of confidence!

Nie Lin said: "Why do you want to escape, your skill is so strong, you can kill them directly."

Long Feidao: "You thought I could release it every time, Miss, very hurt."

"Now I am running with this."

"If you are caught, you and I have to be eaten by him." Long Fei did not want to explain to Nie Lin, but ... the weakness of the explosion of the **** fist is too obvious, it was seen in the blue home.

Only at that time was just a simple punch.

Upgrade now.

If you don't want to see weaknesses, then you need to upgrade faster.

It also needs to be upgraded to a stronger realm!


Let’s talk about the student.

The world he entered was completely different.

A ghost town.

A fairy city.

Long Fei and Nie Lin were caught, and he was chasing them.

He also passed through a series of dark spaces, and when he woke up again, he appeared in the world of fairy clouds and mountains.

Here is like a paradise.

Just like the world in which the immortals live in the mythological description.

The desperate student stood there and felt everything in the fairy world. His consciousness seemed to be a little bit awakened. He muttered to himself: "This place... have I been here? Why, why, would you be so familiar?"

Looking at the palace floating in the clouds in the distance, the book was attacked by the sword and flew to the Heavenly Palace.

He wants to figure out who he is?

Why do you swear to protect the dragon?

He wants to know!


“Ghost King City is turbulent?”

"It looks like there are outsiders."

Under the black robe, the warless unparalleled sneer.

A despicable old man beside him, said slightly: "The messenger, no matter what the turmoil in the ghost city, that thing will always be yours."

Warriors smiled and said: "This is nature."

"I just came for it."

"My body is gone!"

"I want to recast the flesh. When I recast the flesh, I have to go through every corner of the ancient **** battlefield. I want Longfei to pay the price of death."

"There are Xuanyuanli!"

"Wait, then!"

The war has no more than a bite to say.

The old man with a wand and a strange lantern hanging on his staff, he is like a death guide, slowly moving forward, walking with the warless unparalleled in the deepest part of the ghost king city.

During this time, he was looking around without physical flesh.

Finally, under the guidance of the **** of destiny, I went to the immortal palace in Alcatraz.

He wants to get the treasure to recast the flesh.

This treasure is of the utmost importance.




Longfei supported a tree of death, and gasped with a big mouth. "Nima, finally escaped."

Nie Lin has a steady breath, and this speed has no effect on her at all. If it is not Longfei who pulls her hand, she can run faster.

Nie Lin looked at Longfeidao: "He seems to know you, have you been here?"

Longfeidao: "I have come to a wool. If I have been here, it is already flat."

"Getting it out, it's too fucking!"

Longfei is extremely unhappy.


Nie Lin’s words made him secretly for a while. “Ghost king is talking about her. Is this her mother? Is it true that my mother has come here.”


"Don't you say that this is the Immortal Palace?"

"How did you become a ghost king city?"

Longfei is puzzled.

However, since it is here, since the boss is found, it must be turned over. Otherwise, he will not call Longfei.


Longfeidao: "A good day off, fight tomorrow!"

Nie Lin looked at Longfei, and she felt that there were too many secrets on Longfei.

This underground palace is obviously not flying, but why did the ghost king see him suddenly angry? And his tactics were murdered.

That kind of scene...

She is a thoughtful woman, she is seriously thinking about every aspect.


Longfei was asleep at Hula.

This time the rest is the most important.

Time passed quickly, and the blink of an eye was a day passed.


"Time cooling is over!"

When I heard this sound, Longfei’s eyes suddenly slammed, and the corner of his mouth was awkward. He was excited: “Hey... It’s my turn!”


"Go to the ghost king city!"

"That oh."

"You are still here, I will go alone." Long Fei didn't want Nie Lin to suffer.

Nie Lin said: "I will follow you."

"Are you sure?" Longfei looked at her.

Nie Lin said: "At least there must be someone to collect the corpse for you!"

Long Feidao: "You can't say a good word?"

Nie Lin smiled a little and strode out.

Ghost King City Gate.

Longfei screamed, "Ghost King, you are a grandson, have you come out and beat him with him for three hundred rounds? Come!"

"court death!"

The sound of Longfei fell, and the depths of the ghost king city, a red light flew out, fell on the gate of the city, staring at the **** eyes under the waste of black robe, flashing like a wildfire.


Longfei can clearly sense that kind of anger.

Longfei’s heart screamed, “What did my aging mother do to you that year?”

Longfei hands on his hips: "His grandson, come, let's bite Laozi."


The ghost king rushed, the lightning generally fell, and the powerful inside was completely crushed. Longfei’s body slammed and his legs were almost under standing.

Nie Lin’s sword was moving.


A strong light exploded, but she also quits in an instant.


Give Longfei a chance to take a breather, double-fist, "Blasting, you will die for Laozi!"

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