The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1804: Xiao Yan attack

The explosion of the gods will not be released.

Even if the cooling is completed, Longfei can't be released, because under such a powerful pressure, he can't release it.

On the same day, he entered the battlefield of the ancient gods.


The war is unparalleled but it has become so powerful.

And he? !

It was a few hours ago that I was complacent and my own upgrade speed was fast, but now it is too slow!

of course.

He wouldn't think of the inheritance of the Warless Muscle. He wouldn't know how much he got the help of God of Destiny. He wouldn't know how many gods in the main temple are helping him.

"The last trump card?" The warless laughter, said: "All the things in front of me are rubbish, understand?"

"To me is against the main temple."

"The last trump card?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Dragon, nothing is useless. The battle is unmatched. It is not the king of the chaos. Now I am killing you as simple as pinching an ant." Warriors did not have the first time to kill Longfei. He wants to torture, to let the dragon fly to death bit by bit, let him suffer the most painful pain in the world.

Longfei did not know what he had experienced.


He does not know what Longfei has experienced.

I don't even know what Longfei has now.

In an instant.

Longfei’s eyebrows sank, “Xiao Yan!”


"Release the start of the bodyguard system?"


"Xiao Yan, give me out, kill this grandson." Longfei thought of a move, release the 57th level Xiao Yan, this is his last trump card.


Xiao Yan’s eyes, which had been closed slightly in both eyes, suddenly slammed, and a “beep” laughter was in the system space, and at this moment, he fell.

The old man who has been silent has changed his face and said: "Less master, dangerous!"

Don't wait for him to finish.

The flame in the hands of Xiao Yan forms a brilliant Hellfire, a move!


The flame blasted.

Hell Green Lotus fires everything.

Directly smash the war unmatched in the air.

The unparalleled breath of the battle suddenly plunged, the pressures all disappeared, the gravel suspended in the sky fell wildly, and the battleless eyes under the black robe trembled, and the voice was hoarse, "Dragon!"

Tearing the general roar.

The black robe is shrinking, as if it was twisted by the space.



Constantly making painful screams.

When the old man moved, the strange lantern on the staff's staff flashed a ray of light to shroud the distorted black robe.

Longfei straightened his body and said: "I can step on you once, I can step on you for the second time!"

"If it weren't for you, my family wouldn't be taken away by the dog of Destiny. If it weren't for you, I would be with you."

"if not you……"

The dragon's teeth bite and screamed, "My eight King Kong is still around!"

"Give me death!"

The anger of Longfei’s heart bursts, this is the anger brought by the chaos.

In this moment.




Xiao Yan will blast out a different fire, he is like a different fire transmitter.


His dissidents and Longfei's doubts through the system are completely different. Longfei's previous fires are only replicas, and now Xiao Yan is the real fire controller.

The fire that was released by him, that fierce, could not be imagined.

Nie Lin fell and looked at Longfei.

Looking at Xiao Yan beside Long Fei, I was shocked. "What the **** is this man?"



The staff in the hands of the old man is shaking, and the light in the lantern is flashing, just like being blown out.

In this moment.

The old man's staff for a while, his mouth was filled with words, and he opened a door to time and space, and the lantern flashed, and the black robe was included in it, and instantly turned into the door of time and space.

Longfei stepped out and chased it up.

However, it was bounced back.

There was a voice in the void. "Ha ha ha... Longfei, you can't kill me, the main temple will not let me die, wait."

"Ha ha ha..."

"I will be waiting for you in the battlefield of the ancient gods."

"At that time, I will step you under the feet of everyone!"


The door of time and space disappears.

Everything around it disappears.

Also at this time.

Xiao Yan also disappeared and re-entered the bodyguard system.

If it is not Xiao Yan, Long Fei is now dead!

Longfei constantly roared, "The war is unparalleled, there is a kind of you to come back to Laozi, come!"


He couldn’t hear the loud voice and the unparalleled battle.




Longfei was furious, and the smell of his body was unusually fierce. Nie Lin on the other side was scared.

He is not reconciled.

He is very upset.

In this way, the battle is unparalleled.


War unparalleled has been supported by the gods of the main shrine, which means that he will become stronger in the near future, and he will be more powerful when he finds the right body.

At that time...

Longfei double fists clenched and sinked: "The main temple, the **** of destiny, the war is unparalleled, I will turn over your ancestors!"

In an instant.

Longfei's gaze turned, staring at the ghost king who shivered on the side, and the ghost king who was shining with golden light. This is his body. Stepping forward, he sipped aloud, "What is the war unparalleled to do here? What does he want?" ”

The ghost king shook his head and said: "I don't know, don't know..."

Looked at the little blood on the top of the ghost king.

Longfei grinned and said: "I don't know, right?"

"I don't know if you will wait for me!"

After that, Longfei stepped out and thought out, "Fire Dragon Knife!"

Nie Lin shouted, "Dragon, where are you going?"

Long Feidao: "Give me the star, if he moves, let him die!"

At this time, the ghost king was suffocated by the unparalleled battle, and could not resist.

Longfei can't kill him now, because he has one less thing!

He needs this kind of thing!


The flame burned, the dragon on the knife, like a vindictive entanglement in the body of Longfei, and Longfei screamed, "I will give it to die!"

The ghosts that were unpredictable looked at Longfei and turned and rushed up.

It’s uncomfortable not to kill the war.

This unhappy dragonfly needs to be vented by killing.


What he needs more is another thing, abnormal energy value!


Longfei disregards the defense, kills it with all his strength, and the dragons and screams of the fire dragons are mad. Every knife falls is a spike, no one can block the realm.




Constantly crush everything.

ten minutes later.

The metamorphic energy value is filled to 100 points.

Longfei **** and re-entered the secret room, and then looked at the ghost king, the fire dragon in his hand stunned, and said with a sigh of emotion: "I don't know, right? That Laozi let know know!"

The ghost king stunned.

This scene... is too similar.


The last time he didn't die, he didn't know why the woman could kill him but didn't kill, but now...

The fire dragon slammed down!

"Give me a burst!!!"


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