The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1810: Epee Wang Tai

"Fang Shixiong wants to shoot?"

"For the inner door honor."

"The first disciple of the inner door, the battle with the foreign disciples, is too exciting?"

"What is the first disciple of the inner door? Fang Shixiong is the first disciple of Tian Zongzong. What does Wang Tai count?"


"It is better to repair the upper brother than Wang Taiqiang. Wang Taicai’s early stage of the blue star has already reached the peak of the blue star."

“Not at all!”


There is a discussion under the stage.

Zhang Sanqian looked at Luo Wanhong and said: "The great elders, Wang Tai is a good gift, and can represent the Tian Zongzong to the top ten sects. You may not be good at this?"

Luo Wanhong smiled and said: "How do I do this?"

Zhang Sanqian: "You also prevent Fang Tianhan for the sake of the Tianzong."

Luo Wanhong said: "Stop? Why do you want to stop? The people who can't be used for me are my enemies. My apprentice helps me to clear the enemy. Why should I stop it?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Zhang Sanqian said: "He is a disciple of Tian Zongzong, not your enemy."

Luo Wanhong smiled and said: "I said that he is my enemy, he will be my enemy. Sovereest, if you want to save him, then you should send a stronger disciple to come out, otherwise, oh..."


Desperate sneer.

He is very clear that Zhang Sanqian does not have a disciple who can be sent out.

The only thing I can send is probably himself.

Zhang Sanqian has not been alone!

On the stage.

Fang Tian looked at Wang Tai coldly and said: "There is only one end to the elders, and die!"

"Now give you a chance."

"Give the elders to beg for mercy, and the rewards given to you by the elders will not change."


"This is your only chance, sire!!!"

Fang Tianhan gave a deep drink.

Wang Tai did not seem to hear it. He slowly untied the epee on his back. The epee was wrapped in a piece of worn cloth.

At the moment of the solution, the epee fell.


A loud noise, the ground cracked, and the entire platform was shaking.


On the platform, the giant sword is the center, and the dust is shaken.

Everyone was shocked.

"Does this sword have multiple?"

"Should you have a few hundred pounds?"

"I really want to see Wang Tai’s brother with a sword."

"You really said this, you have never seen him use a sword. I really want him to carry the sword when he enters the Tianzongzong. He never solved it."

"What kind of sword is it?"

Everyone is talking.

When Wang Tai untied the rag of the sword.


"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Many of the inner disciples laughed. "Can this **** be called a sword? Isn't this a piece of rusted scrap iron?"

"Killing me!"

"Is it a sword like this?"

"Is it a long time to carry on the body, and it has been eroded by sweat? Hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Many people laughed loudly.

The sword he solved was a thick piece of iron that was full of rust.


No one noticed his back. At the moment he unwrapped the epee, a long row of bones on his back was taken back, like a sword shelf on his back.

"This is your sword?" Fang Tianhan sneered and said: "I really don't understand how you would reject the elders in this lonely warrior?"

"Your Majesty."

Fang Tianhan is full of disdain.

If it wasn't for the elders to let him shoot, he would not bother to fight Wang Tai because he felt that Wang Tai was not qualified.

Wang Tai is like a big rock, slightly saying: "Please!"

Fang Tianhan’s eyes glimpsed, “Looking for death!”


A sword stabbed.


The speed is like lightning, the figure changes constantly, and all the pressures around me are crushed up, and Wang Tai is directly wrapped.

The sword is raging.

"To lose!"

"Wang Tai is not an opponent at all."

"One sword!"

"Fang Shixiong can defeat Wang Tai with a sword."

"The strength gap is too big."

The people talked about it.

It was at this time.

Between the electric and the flint, a sword on the platform rushed out and the two swords collided.


The fire is splashing.

Wang Tai’s big rust-filled sword actually blocked Fang Ling’s hand in the sword, but only a little bit of iron filings, and...

Fang Tianhan’s arm was a little trembling, and the strength on the epee was much stronger than he expected.


The weight of this sword is also beyond his imagination.


"It actually blocks the sword of the spirit."

"It seems that this scrap iron is not useless, hahaha..."



Fang Tianhan's body was slightly bounced and his face became serious. He said: "I underestimated you, but then you will taste the taste of the sword in nine days."


The voice fell.

The sword of Fang Tianhan’s body is like a tsunami.

And Wang Tai instantly entered a space of illusion, and his eyes were swept away.

"Bud buns!"

"This is the nine days and ten places to kill the space, the second realm."

"It is your greatest glory in this life to die here!"


The sword is flying wildly, killing the rushing Wang Tai who hit the center.

The long sword in Wang Tai’s hand is shaking.

It was at this time.

Wang Tai holds the sword in both hands, a heavy shock, "Booming!"


The killing space is cracked.

The giant sword in the hands of Wang Tai is also madly coming out, just...

At the same time as he was smashing, Fang Tianhan made a continuous attack.

Everything is in the space of killing, like the war of consciousness.

In just one minute, the two men’s moves have reached more than three hundred strokes.



Wang Tai's body is hanging, a burst!

The huge body flew out directly.

Together with the rusty sword in his hand, "Dangdang"!

Fall to the ground.


Wang Tai’s body squatted under the ring, his mouth was hanging from the blood, his face was pale, but he did not die.


On the stage, Fang Tianhan also had some asthma, his hair was a little messy, his arms were still shaking, and Wang Tai, who stared at the stage, said: "Dog things, dare to call me, I want you to die!"


Very unhappy.

He is Fang Tianhan.

He is the first disciple of Tian Zongzong. He is a super talent of ten talents.

His cultivation is above the king.


He was numb by Wang Tai’s arm, and the space for killing was almost broken.

This is like a shame for him.

Coupled with the heart and soul of his heart, Fang Tianhan flashed a **** light in his eyes. The figure moved and a sword stabbed Wang Tai’s eyebrows. "I want you to die!"

Zhang Sanqian sighed aloud, "Fang Tianhan, you give me a hand!!!"

The pressure is like a mountain.

Heavy crushing down.


Zhang Sanqian's position and the position of the platform are too far away, even if his pressure can easily crush Fang Tianhan, but the distance is awkward.

That's too late!

Luo Wanhong’s mouth showed a sneer.

Just in the moment when Zhang Sanqian’s long sword stabbed.


A flame rushed out.

A fire dragon roars.

A knife with a flame blocked the sword of Fang Tianhan...


Thanks for the support.

Five chapters tomorrow!

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