The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1814: Not moving

The system is locked out and you want to escape?


As long as you rush out, as long as you lock it, even if you escape to hell, you will be killed.


This is a blasting fist.

When Luo Wanhong fled, the streamer blew and banged on Luo Wanhong’s head, not giving him time to react.

The entire head burst!

The blood volume instantly bottoms out.


Longfei’s eyes were slightly mixed, and he was excited. He said: “Explosive, hahaha...”


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘Great Elder Luo Wanhong’ and gaining 2000000 points, with a power of 20000 points and an energy value of 1 point.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’ received ‘God Dan*10086’’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘rushing Ling*10’

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘mad cow armor, mad cow giant sword’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘thousands of feathers’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ won the ‘Wang Wang Boxing’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Tian Yan Knife’ cultivation?”



“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ bodyguard ‘Xiao Yan’ upgrade!”

The system sounds incessantly.

This sound is so wonderful, like the symphony played in the Musical Opera House!


There are a lot of things that pop up, but... Longfei metamorphosis energy value can only be used once. What should I use above? This is very nerve-racking.

At last.

Long Fei looked at the ‘Tianyan knife method’ and said: “I should need a set of knives now, a set of knives that can be used on the table.”

Turn around.

“Tianyan knife method injects metamorphic energy values.”


“Are you sure?”



“System prompt: Congratulations to the player Longfei for obtaining the “No King’s Law”, is it cultivated?!”


"Do you not move the king?"

"Anything is perverted, crazy enough, hahaha..." Longfei is excited, 'No moving king' is a skill in dnf, although it is released with a sword, but... Longfei prefers a knife because the knife is in the weapon. The tyrant can show the momentum of the arrogant domineering.

Very cool!

Longfei’s thoughts move, “cultivate!”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ practice ‘No King’s Knife Law’, gain 100 experience, 100 power, and 1 special reward for energy!”

The dragon of the fire dragon and the sword of the dragon are not moving.

It should be incomparable!


"Great elder, dead!"

"The other four elders are all dead!"

"And... it’s a punch that’s spiked, this, this, this, that,”

For a long time, the talents in the military field reacted.

All of them are stupid in the same place, they don’t dare to move, they look at Longfei with a stupid look, and look at the monster in front of them, actually kill the big elders.


Unspeakable shock.

"Dragon fly!"

"Dragon fly!"

"Dragon fly!"

Suddenly, Tyrannosaurus gently called the name of Longfei.

Lu Shuangquan followed and called.

Wang Tai also called, "Dragon, Longfei, Longfei..."


The disciples of the entire day were called up, "Dragon, Longfei, Longfei..."

The sound is soaring and resounding through the sky!

This is the world of the strong. You don't need to say anything, do anything, you just need to be a strong person, and everyone will respect you.

The great elder is very strong, Fang Tianhan is very strong, but... all dead!

All died in the hands of Longfei.

and so.

Longfei is stronger than them.

Time and time again, one voice is higher than one, and finally all the people in the entire day are called the name of Longfei, "Longfei, Longfei, Longfei..."

Won the fame! ! !

Zhang Sanqian smiled!

For the first time in many years, I laughed like a comfortable heart.


The next day.

The sect advocated three thousand yards.

There are always elders who come to express their loyalty and cast aside Luo Wanhong.

This is the case with people.

The tree is falling apart and it is natural to choose to re-team.

Zhang Sanqian does not refuse, because he knows that the current Tianzong Zong has not been able to withstand any pain, otherwise he will not have to go to the top ten sects.

He does not want to be a sinner.

In the hall, I was filled with elders.

An elder, said: "The sovereign, the list of yesterday's trials has come out, six people outside the door challenged success, and six of them were qualified as inner disciples."

"In addition, according to the challenge rules, the top ten disciples also came out."

The elder was presented.

Zhang Sanqian looked at the list and said slightly: "Who is the leader this year?"

An elder immediately said: "This is still used to say that it must be a dragon fly. He is the hope of our remnant, and he is sure to instantly crush other sects, what **** ten disciples, add up Not a dragon's opponent."


"Dragon is too strong."

"The top ten disciples will definitely be a joke."

"Ha ha ha..."

Many elders laughed.

Zhang Sanqian also smiled a little, and said slightly: "There are dragons flying in, and the top ten disciples do not add up to his opponents."

"The dragon is flying to be the leader, are there any dissidents for the elders?"



All the elders must be attached. The strength of Longfei has been seen by them. Who can match it? Then Zhang Sanqian used the position of the lord Bao Longfei, Longfei must be the master of the lord, who is now dare to fight against the lord?

Not at all!

"it is good!"

"Then let the dragon fly..." Zhang Sanqian said.

Waiting for him to finish, the outside of the hall slowly walked into a golden robe old man, followed by a few young disciples, each with a very strong atmosphere.

The old man said coldly: "I have objections!!!"


Outside the door, Longfei's small grass yard.

"Chong Ling Dan, mad cow armor, you hold." Long Fei threw these two things to Wang Tai, said: "Your current repair is a little bit unable to keep up with your strength, thinking at the top ten sects. If you want to win the top ten disciples, you have to work harder."

How strong are the top ten disciples?

Longfei is not very clear, but he knows how strong Nie Lin is.

She is only ranked third.

How strong is the top two? unimaginable.

If you want to slap on the top ten sects, you must step on the top ten disciples!

Wang Tai looked at Longfei. After hesitating for a while, he refused. He accepted it and took it directly. He did not speak.

Longfeidao: "There is also a mad cow sword here, but it should not be worth mentioning compared with the sword on your back."


"Give it to you!"

The paparazzi is Lu Shuangquan. He grinned and said, "Thank you for your boss."

"In addition, there is a rushing Lingdan here, you also hold it, how to use your own look at it." Longfei gave him another remedy.

Longfei looked at the Overlord Flower Road: "You have to take the rushing rush to quickly break through the repairs."

Overlord’s focus is on the head, “Yeah!”

Longfeidao: "Our goal is the top ten sects exchange!"

It was at this time.

An elder from the outer door ran over and said: "Long Fei, something went wrong!"

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