The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1816: provocative


"Explosive boxing experience +500 points!"


"Integration of 'broken palms', exploding experience +100 points!"


Crazy integration.

The outer door is hidden in the pavilion, with seven floors, and the collection reaches 100,000 volumes.

For three days and three nights, Longfei did not stop. From the first floor to the seventh floor, Longfei has been indulging in it.


Looking at the superposition of the experience of the explosion of the gods, you will be able to break through the fourth floor immediately. What kind of blasting fist will it be?

Spike a dozen people?

Still more?

Longfei’s incomparable expectation, “Continue!”




There are a lot of books on the outer gates of the Tianzong Zong, but most of them are very low-level martial arts secrets. This secret skill is at most 1 experience.

If all are secret-level secrets, I am afraid that the explosion of the gods has broken through several levels.


After half an hour, the last exercise was merged.

Longfei stopped and looked at the experience slot of the blasting fist. "There is still 1000 points of experience. It seems that it is necessary to integrate some magical exercises."

His current skill bar is just a few.

There is nothing in the fusion.

It is not necessary for Longfei to integrate the practice of cultivation.

Turning around and looking at the Jingjing Pavilion, the vast Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures are now empty and nothing is gone.

Zhang Sanqian stood underneath and looked up at Longfei quietly. He didn't ask Longfei what skills to practice in the end. He needed to integrate these martial arts cheats. He smiled slightly: "Can you now?"

Longfei walked down and said: "Yes."

Zhang Sanqian: "You promised me something..."

Longfeidao: "I will do my best to fight for the hegemony exchange."

Zhang Sanqian: "Good!"


His palm moved and condensed a magical fireball. The fireball moved "Boom!"

The Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures burned up.

The martial arts inside are all swallowed up by Longfei. If they are known, then Longfei will definitely be expelled from the Tianzong, and even worse.

As long as it burns, it can destroy everything.

And all the blame, he came to bear.

the next day!

"Zhang Sanqian, you neglect your duties, causing the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures to burn everything and sin."

"Down the dungeon!"

"You are not allowed to contact anyone, anything in three years!"


Zhang Sanqian did not have any rebuttal and was willing to accept the penalty.

After Longfei knew it, his heart was secretly tight and said: "I won't let you down!"

Zhang Sanqian used all his things to help Longfei, and he did not hesitate to fight against the powerful Luo Wanhong to protect Longfei. He did not hesitate to use the position of the sovereign to keep Longfei, and now he bears all the guilt to keep Longfei.

All these dragons are all recorded in my heart.

He is a drunken person who will be reported as a spring, and Zhang Sanqian’s kindness will definitely repay him.

Hegemony exchange meeting!


Ten days later.

The central location of Alcatraz Island, the devil's foothills of the Devil's Mountains.

It is like an ancient temple.

More than a dozen demon-wrapped stone pillars hang into the clouds, behind a huge temple, and there are various demons carved around the temple. This is the center of Alcatraz Island and the place of the top ten sects.

Usually, there are only a few people cleaning and maintaining here, but today is not the same. There are many people here, and the strong newcomers of the top ten sects gather together.

"This is the devil's mountain?"

"It’s so spectacular."

"Do we have to stay here for three days?"

A group of people from Longfei walked into the central square of the Devil Hills, where they will exchange here tomorrow.

Bawanghua whispered: "If I can play, it would be fine."

It was her dream to be able to board the exchange meeting. She thought that he could step on the ring this year, but her current quota is only a substitute.

Ten big disciples, each one is much stronger than her, she has no chance to stage.

At this moment.

Jin Qi mouth corner slightly hooked, looked at the chest of the king flower, said: "Tonight, I will accompany you to sleep, I will let you play tomorrow."

Overlord's eyes are tight.

Longfei smiled faintly: "Lord, or else I will accompany you at night?"

Jin Hao looked at Long Fei with a cold eye and said: "Hey, if Longfei is not Zhang Sanqian, you don't even have the qualification to talk to me, understand?"

Long Feidao: "Understood, if you are not the ancestor of Jinpao, you are not qualified to stand here, Master Sovereign, do you understand?"

"Do you want to die?"

Kim’s eyes were killing, and when he saw Longfei at first sight, he was very upset.

Long Feidao: "Do you want to do it? You don't want to be humiliated in the face of the nine main gates. I don't care. Anyway, I am just a famous disciple."

The two accompanying elders came up and said: "The lord is angry, and many people look at it."


"Longfei, I am not Luo Wanhong, nor Zhang Sanqian. If you are upset, you will be even more unhappy." Jin Hao said coldly.

Very cold and proud.

After that, I strode out.

An elder stopped and said to Longfei: "Longfei, if you don't want to die here, you are still honest. He is different from others. He is a pro-disciple of Jin Pao's ancestors, comparable to those of the top ten disciples. And..." He did not say it, and lowered his voice: "In short, you should not provoke him. Here are the top ten sects of the sects. All of them are based on the honor of the sacred sect. Zhang Sanqian does not want you to give it to Tian Zongzong. Is it shameful?"

After talking about the elders, they also chased them up.

At this time, Lu Shuangquan ran up and panted.

Longfei was slightly surprised.

Bawang asked: "How come you?"

Lu Shuangquan is not a substitute disciple. He is not qualified to participate in the exchange meeting.

Lu Shuangquan panted and said: "I have spent all my savings. I can't come with you. I won't come? And you look at the people in the top ten, there are many other forces, many of them. The rich who spend money to see the show."

Longfei’s eyes swept away, really.

The ten major sects exchanges are the most important thing in Alcatraz, and because of this, they can affect the influence of the top ten sects.

Bawang Flower Road: "It is worth spending so much money to see the exchange meeting?"

Lu Shuangquan said with a sigh of relief: "I have accumulated three years of money for today, and you thought that I really came to see the show? I am here to help you collect information."

Information is important.

No matter in which world, if you know yourself and know each other, you can hit the key!

Wang Tai, who has never spoken, said: "The people of Xuanyang Zong are here."

three people.

Three imposing people.

There is a faint golden light shining under the foot, and there is an extraordinary force between the invisible, giving an inexplicable crushing and repairing to a deep level.

"You are Longfei?"

The first person walked up to Longfei and stared at Longfei.

Longfei nodded and said: "I am."


"Tomorrow's contest, I will step you under the feet of Nie Lin's sister."


"My name is Chen Zhan!"

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