The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1819: Hell reaper

"Dragon, do you seem to be familiar with other Zongmen?"

"Since you are so familiar with them, why are you coming back?"

"Go to their camp!"

A disciple next to Jin Hao said contemptuously.

Longfei three people came back and were blocked outside the camp.

The top ten sects have special places to plan for overnight stays.

Except for public places, the ten unique gates cannot be crossed.

It’s already dark, and Longfei’s people want to go back to the camp of Tian Zongzong’s camp and eat something by the way, but they are kept out of the camp.

"Senior brother, we are not familiar with them, you let us in, tomorrow is the exchange meeting..." Bawang flower with a smile pleading.

Waiting for her to finish, the disciple gave a cold sweat and said: "What will the relationship with tomorrow have to do with you? You are just some substitutes. Are you qualified to go on stage to represent the Tian Zongzong?"

At this time, another disciple looked at the tyrannical flower and said: "The Sovereign said, as long as you are willing to accompany the lord to let you go in, and let you take the test tomorrow..."

Wang Tai moved slightly, and the epee on his back was squeaking.

Longfei sneered and said: "Go back and tell the lord, I wish him a good night's sleep."


Pulling the overlord flower strode away.

Very unhappy.

Long Fei really wants to punch them.

But not now!

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha... fun dog!"

"Go away, don't give us a shame."


There was a laughter behind him.

Longfei double-handedly held a heavy fist, and there was a raging anger in his heart. He said: "Laughter, you can't laugh again this evening."

Bawang Flower Road: "Where do we go now? The top ten sects have their own camps, we can't get in."


"There are a lot of weird things happening in this demon mountain. There are rumors that there are demons coming in and going, if they are caught..."

Longfei couldn't help but smile: "I still have demons coming in and out, you can rest assured that everything has me."

Lu Shuangquan ran over and said: "Fei Ge, let me go with me. I have a place to live in that place. At night, there will be curfews and no access."

"Just a good sister said, this devil's mountain will really have a demon."

Wang Tai also nodded and said: "There is a demon coming."

Longfei glimpsed, "Is there a demon?"

Lu Shuangquan said: "Really, this is not a rumor. Every year, disciples die under the devil's minions. They must return to the camp at night. The lord will not let you in, and definitely wants you to die outside."

Long Fei secretly said: "Nima, I thought I was going to die outside?"


"Look, who is going to die this evening!"

Long Fei looked at Lu Shuangquan and said: "Go with you."


Lu Shuangquan belongs to the old rivers and lakes, Bai Xiaosheng, who can brag, and many people will believe that the cultivation is not high, but wherever they go, they are mixed.

In just half a day, he was familiar with these intricate people in the exchange meeting.

"Double brother, when will you tell us about a punching thing?"

"Double brother, come drink."

"Double brother..."

Lu Shuangquan smiled one by one and walked to a slightly hidden small courtyard. He said: "There is some chaos, but I can barely master the owner. Feige will be wronged this evening."

Long Fei can't wait to say: "First tell me about the devil's coming."

What is the devil?

It’s weird!

Or is the boss!

If there is a demon coming, can you still kill?

Maybe you can break through several levels.

Lu Shuangquan looked at Long Fei’s serious eyes and said: “I also heard that every new year’s exchange meeting is the new moon in December.”

"On the day of the new moon, the devil is coming."

"Some people say that these demons have fallen from the new moon. Some people say that they came out of the demon temple. Others said that they came out from the mountains below. Anyway, they are not the same. These are not the key points. The focus is on these demons. Every time I come, I don’t want to kill, it’s like looking for something, but... if someone sees them being discovered, then he will die.”

"Fei brother, don't you mess around."

"These guys can't help."

Lu Shuangquan reminded me.

Overlord also immediately grasped the arm of Longfei.

Wang Tai's face is still the same, there is no change, but every time he hears the word 'devil', his eyes will tremble gently.

Do not know why!

Longfei muttered to himself: "The night of the new moon, the devil is coming, today is just the night of the new moon, that night... I am sure it is fun."

"No one has killed the devil?" Long Fei asked casually.

Ten geniuses of genius gather, and some people certainly don't believe these legends, and they don't believe in demons. Even if there are others, they will kill them.

In this world, the more dangerous things, the higher the rate of return.

Lu Shuangquan said: "It is said that this has not been verified, and someone has killed the devil. This is also the ancestor of our sacred ancestor, the goddess of flying."

"She killed the demon?" Overlord flower was slightly surprised, said: "She is my idol."

Lu Shuangquan said: "It is said that no one can confirm that the Flying Goddess has never said this."


Long Fei’s heart silently recited, “What exactly is the devil?”

Longfeidao: "Let's rest early, recharge your batteries, and tomorrow we may be able to play."

Tu Hong, Mad Dog, Lin Tianyue, these guys should be hands-on, they all want to step on themselves in the face of Nie Lin, they will definitely try their best to let him play.

Longfei is not worried about this.

His current mind is all on the advent of the devil.


At night, the whole night is dark.

The entire Devil Hills are silent.

There is no sound.


A sound broke through the air, just like the sound of the opening of the array, the wind coming from another space came in.

Longfei’s mind rang, “Come on!”

The voice of the scholar.

Longfei’s eyes immediately glimpsed, and his eyes were filled with excitement. He said slightly: “It looks like this night is an exciting night.”

Turn around.

Longfei's body moved gently and turned to look at the overlord flower that was already asleep. Longfei wanted to leave but found Wang Tai disappeared.

"Where did he go?"


Longfei didn't think much, and slipped out quietly.



At the top of the Devil's Temple, a huge hollow door opens, with a shimmer of light, a pair of black steel armor, and two eyes flashing green, and the extremely ferocious monsters radiating from the body fall.

Full of twelve.

Just in the sky above the temple.


The temple guards looked quietly and they did not leave.

Longfei’s eyes were slightly shocked. “I wipe, **** reaper?”

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