The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1821: Death entanglement

It’s not an opponent at all, and even the cloakroom can’t touch it.


Wang Tai still does not give up.

The brown bones on his body surged again, his body almost could not hold, clasping the huge epee in his hand, and the breathing became rushed.

The breath of the body has also become different from humans.

To be Warcraft.

This is beyond the limits of the physical body. Once the strength of the taboos of Tianzhu is beyond the scope of their own tolerance, they will be occupied. In that case, he will lose his heart and be unable to control himself.

Longfei held back the pain in his heart, stood up again, rushed up, blocked in front of Wang Tai, and said: "If you want to see me die, then you will be on!"

The voice fell.

Longfei rushed up.

After the death of the book, the student will not let the dragon fly, no matter what the price, but even pay his life.


"You are not going to go in?"


Longfei squats.

Wang Tai’s eyes slowly changed, his body slowly weakened, and he slammed into the ground, his eyes bursting with tears. “I want to go in, I want to go in...”

"I want to leave Alcatraz, I want to ask my father, why should I abandon me, why should I banish me on Alcatraz, why, why..."


Business business.

Longfei never thought that a man would cry like this.

He is an exile.

Originally he was going to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods, but... when he had brown bones on his back, he was abandoned.

Directly sent to Alcatraz Island.

Everything is gone.

He doesn't know why.

He is like asking his father, why abandon him, just like asking!

But... After so many years of hard work, I finally came to the Devil's Mountain. As long as he entered the Devil's Temple, he would definitely find a way to leave Alcatraz.

Because there is a secret to leave Alcatraz.


His strength is not enough to become a newcomer, and once he releases the contraindications in his body, all people will keep a distance from him because... he is a demon!

Longfei looked at him and walked up step by step. He said: "I said, I will become the master of the Devil Temple. I will let you in. If I have said it, I will do it."

"I firmly believe!"

The two guards, the old guards, looked at Longfei.

Longfei sipped and said: "Look what you see, you will be my goalkeeper!"

The old man’s eyes did not move.

When Longfei was thinking of anger, the body of the squad had a slight tremor. He watched the sound behind Longfei’s body tremble and said: "They, they, they are back!"

Who are they?

The life-stricken scholar does not say that Longfei is also very clear.

The stalwart scholar immediately said: "Don't look at them, don't look at them."

Longfei also immediately said: "Wang Tai, bow, don't look at them!"

Hell Reaper!

One eye can kill the mad dog with the top ten disciples in second place.

Wang Tai also saw this scene. He immediately lowered his head and did not dare to look up.

Twelve Hewlett reapers came back, and they stood by Longfei's side. The breath that came out was like hell, cold and biting.

The back of Longfei is like a layer of frost.


The stalwart book reminded him in the mind of Longfei: "Don't look up, don't look up, don't look up..."

Twelve Hell Reapers stand in a circle, staring at Longfei.

This feeling is like being stared at by death. Longfei’s fists are clenched, the unspeakable feelings in his heart, the thoughts move, “His mother’s...”

"I am very upset!"


Longfei suddenly got up and his eyes lifted. "Come on, see who is killed!"


At this moment, twelve Hell Reapers turned into twelve streams of light and flew to the Nether Gate.

Longfei looked up at the huge void in the sky, just in sight with a Hell Reaper.

That kind of look...

It is the longest cold eyes that Longfei has seen so far, the blue eyes, the white hair of ice crystals, and the whole body like black crystals are shining with cold light.

It is cold.

Extraordinarily cold.

"call out!"

The door of the void is closed and all the **** reapers disappear.

This is only the first day.

They will appear for three consecutive days, just as the three major sects will have a three-day exchange meeting.

After the disappearance of the twelve Hell Reapers, the two old men also returned to their usual eyes with no eyes, and did not look at Longfei.

"Whering..." Longfei was heavily gasping, "Nima!"

Overlord quickly ran up and said: "Long Fei, not good!"

Longfei swallowed a few healing wounds, and his health value rose back a lot. He looked at the eager look of Bawang, saying: "What happened?"

Bawang Flower Road: "The disciples of Tian Zongzong were attacked, the lord of Jin Yu was injured, and four other disciples were killed."


Longfei stunned and smiled: "Is this not a good thing?"

"It seems that Hong Tu and Lin Tianyue really started."

Jin Hao, this guy is too self-righteous, looking at everything, let him suffer a bit of injury, the province of his sorrow.

"Go, go see!"

Longfei smiled slightly and said: "You can all play tomorrow."

Just when Longfei wanted to leave, the people who rushed out of the big waves in all directions, all held up the torches, and immediately surrounded them.

These people are all disciples of the top ten sects.


"Do you want us to be buried with you?"

"Get out of the devil's mountain."

"You garbage, almost all of us will be killed by you, can't let them stay here again, tomorrow, the devil will come, and if he does anything, we will die here."

Many people shouted heavily.

It’s all because Longfei found these **** reapers.

Longfei’s eyes swept away, and he smiled coldly: “You are not the same for yourself. You are not at the same time in the camp to pay attention to these demons...”

"Speaking of demons... tell you their names are Hell Reapers."

"They are from hell!"

"The millennium has appeared every year during the exchange meeting. What are they looking for?" Longfei is not afraid.

"If you leave me, you are not qualified."

An elder who looks like an elder came out and said, "The kid, let you stay, but now you can't come out again for the two nights."

"If you can't do it... then we will be rude."

How strong is the Hell Reaper? They knew it very early.

They don't want to cause trouble.

No one in the Alcatraz Island dares to provoke the Hell Reaper.

Here is the land of God's abandonment, without the Lord God blessing, even if all the people here are dead, no one cares.

They must protect themselves.


They can't afford the hell!

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