The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1825: Brother is just a legend

"carry out!"

All in one.

Everyone didn't react. Even Yan Nantian was shocked. He couldn't help but laugh. "Ha ha ha... kid, are you dreaming?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

The crowd around me is also crazy and laughing.

"The kid, it’s not like this."

"Do you move the beast?"

"The days of the ruins are really waste, the waste is no problem, but also send a funny comparison, is this let us see a joke? Kid, you are very successful, I laughed, hahaha..."

"The violence is very bullish, the wild is very strong, and the time is less than half a minute to surrender? Just him? Do you know what is the beast?"

"What a joke?"


They are laughing at Longfei.

Laughing that Longfei does not understand the beastly surgery, even the top beastmasters are not likely to surrender the violent bulls in such a short period of time.

Kim Min’s face was incomparably ugly, and the two elders and several younger brothers around him were also scornful: “The face of Tian Zongzong has lost him.”

“Waste is waste.”

"Master brother, how can you let a famous disciple play for us? This, this, this is not a loss, this is the face that completely lost our days."

Wang Tai cold ice ice: "Did you lose less yesterday?"

Kim Mind immediately sipped and said, "What are you talking about?"

Wang Tai looked at Jin Hao with a word: "Have you lost less yesterday?"

"Little little name disciple, I see you are tired, dare to call me?"

Kim Jong-soo screamed and he was going to teach Wang Tai. At this time, Bawang spent suddenly saying: "Don't quarrel, look at Longfei, what is he doing?"

Ten violent bulls were all launched in iron cages.

at this time.

Longfei walked to the edge of the cage and opened the cage directly.

Compared with the disciple on the test bench, he immediately said: "Boy, are you crazy? This is a five-star monster, you don't want to die, we have to die."

"Kid, don't bother us,".

Yan Nantian also sneered.

The presiding elder immediately said: "Long Fei, don't come."

Once the violent bulls are released, there is no one who can finish this beast.

And maybe it hurts people.

Longfei ignored it and opened the cage directly. He looked at the violence and said: "Give me out!"

Violent bulls exhaled a sigh of relief, stepping out from the cage, stepping on the side of Longfei, just like the dragon beast.

Longfei’s eyes swept away and said: “Oh!”

The violent bulls made a roar and screamed.

Long Fei sighed, "The sound is not big enough, use your greatest strength!"

The violence was very bullish, and the whole body suddenly stood up, and the strength of the abdomen exploded. "Booming..."


Powerful, "Oh..."

The sound waves are like waves, and the explosion is visible to the naked eye.

The whole performance field was in the sound vibration, and all the people were dumbfounded.

Longfei’s eyes swept away. “Laugh, all my mother laughed at Laozi, laugh again, don’t you like to laugh? Give Laozi a loud laugh!!!”


A heavy sentence.

Longfei stared at Yannan Tiandao: "What do you count? Step on me in the ring? Are you qualified? You don't bother to step on you like this garbage, understand?"


"You can rest assured that this is just the beginning!"


Dragon Flying Head will not go down the stage, the violence is very bullish and behind the dragon fly.

The audience was dumb.


Half a minute, or even less time, is completed. This kind of thing only exists in legends, and there is no such legend at all.

Top beastmaster?

The ancestors of the beastmasters could not do it.

This is really a legend!

All the people are smashed and they are forced to pump.

In particular, Yan Nantian, he almost did not react, even he did not believe that Longfei could win him, but the violence was completely obeyed by Longfei.

It turns out that everything is true.

This slap hit his face, very uncomfortable!

The face is extremely ugly.

Yan Nantian’s eyes were shocked, and his breath exploded. “Boom!”

The violent bulls in the cage directly smashed and died, and instantly killed.

The whole scene was another shock.

However, Longfei did not look back at him.

Longfei walked back to the Tianzong seat, and Jin Yu looked at Longfei with a stunned look. He couldn’t say a word.

Longfei’s eyes were cold and staring at Jin Yudao: “Don’t dare to speak out to my brother, I killed you!”

The eyes are chilly to the extreme.

Kim Min Jong, I don’t know why there is a fear in my heart.

Several disciples were dissatisfied and said: "Long Fei, dare to scream with the lord, are you looking for death?"

Longfei ignored it because...these people were not qualified to let him take care of it.

"The first beastly sorcerer, Tian Zongzong wins!"

"Dragon, do you want to talk about your beastly experience, how can you do that?"

Exchange meeting.

Naturally, there must be communication.

All the people looked at Longfei, and Longfei smiled coldly and said: "Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend. As for the experience, why should I tell you?"

Extremely arrogant.

Longfei’s experience is to practice.

Two days and two nights, sleepless, who can be like him?

The words of Longfei made many people unhappy, "too much."

"what is this."

"It's too arrogant."

"When you win a tail, you will be on the sky, and you will be able to win the next game."


Longfei is too arrogant.

Even Lu Shuangquan couldn't help but whispered, "Don't you be too arrogant?"

Long Feidao: "What is this? There is more arrogance."

Lu Shuangquan secretly swears.

A few minutes later, the presiding elder once again stepped forward and said: "The second game is a test, and the exchanges will be exchanged. Whoever can refine the strongest formation in the shortest time will win."

"Please disciples are listed."

Jin Yu looked at Long Fei, and Long Fei looked at Yan Nantian.

When Yan Nantian stepped out, Longfei also stepped out.

"I will also be engraved?" Jin Hao looked at the king flower.

Overlord shook his head and said: "I don't know."

"This kid is coming again."

"I want to come out and force it? Yan Nantian brother, destroy him."

"Yannan Tian is a talent for talents of the ten talents. Even Lin Tianyue of the Moon God is not his opponent. It is easy to crush everything."

"Kid, see how arrogant you are."


Longfei caused public outrage, and many people wanted Yan Nantian to step on the dragon.

I can't find the dragon fly on the ground for mercy.

Yannan is cold and cold, watching Longfei, saying: "I will let you know how powerful I am."

"Before the test starts!!!"

The voice fell.

Yan Nantian quickly printed, arranged...

Not waiting for him to arrange the formation.

Longfei gently lifted his right hand and said: "Complete!"


So fast? !


If there is something in the morning, I will write two chapters. If there is no update at night, there will be five chapters tomorrow.

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