The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1827: Yan Nantian

Longfei first came out for half a second.

Also at this time.

The formation of Longfei refining is also a loud noise.

The dragon's formation is also an instant burst.


At the same time as the burst, the array suddenly changed again, and the power of the second array method burst.

"In the middle of the array?"


"In such a short time, two lines of law are produced? No one can do it."

"Even if it's done? It's not been swallowed by Yan Nantian, even if it's in the middle of the battle, is this too garbage?"

"Look at Yan Nantian's body..."


So stinky!

Strange smell!

Yan Nantian's body is covered with the faeces of the demon beast, even in his mouth, on his face, on his head, all over his body, and still just pulled out with a hot arrogance.

Some of the more faint feces slipped slowly over his face.


"Ha ha ha... is the feces of the beast."

"Ha ha ha..."

Many people forcibly resisted it, but in the end, the complexion was red, and they couldn’t help but laugh out loud. "Ha ha ha... hahaha..."

"Is it awkward."

"It's stinking."

"Ha ha ha... laugh at me."


There are two mountains in the dragon's Shou ring, and there are many monsters in the mountain. It is easy to get some of the monster's droppings.

Long Fei looked at Yan Nantian and smiled: "The taste of death is like this? No, it should be a taste of sorrow, is it cool enough?"


Yan Nantian’s teeth squeaked loudly, because the mouth was tight, the cockroaches on his mouth were eaten into his mouth, and the stomach rolled over and almost spit out.

He did not expect it.

I didn't think of it at all. In the unconventional array of dragons, there was such a powerful force. He was shocked, but he still didn't look at it.

Because he is Yan Nantian.

He is the head of the top ten disciples.

This array of methods can be easily broken, just...

He did not think that the second method was hidden in the formation, and the first method was broken, and the second method burst instantly.

Thousands of sacred beasts squirted out.

He did not react at all. Who would have thought that Longfei would put the demon animal droppings in the formation?


"Giggle..." Yannan’s head was smoking and roaring.

Longfeidao: "Wow, is the head of the gas smoking? Oh, it’s not right, it seems that the pile of cigarettes on your head is smoking, hahaha..."

Many people around him laughed again.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha... I am smoking."


This makes Yan Nantian's face more ugly.


Yan Nantian sank his eyes and rushed to Longfei in one step. He drank a heavy sentence and said: "I want to kill you!"

Lost your face and lost your hair.

Never been so embarrassed.

there has never been. ,

How noble is his identity, the head of the top ten disciples, this year's newcomer Wang, whoever sees him has to be respectful, but now he is full of embarrassing appearance so that so many people can see, who will laugh at him in the future .

The anger is raging.


The killing is also breeding in madness, and the powerful pressure roars out to the dragon.

Longfei stood still in the same place and did not go to defense.

"Dragon fly, be careful!"

"Flying brother!"

Overlord flower and Wang Tai face a tight face.

Nie Lin’s fist was also secretly clenched.

I saw Longfei standing there, faintly said: "According to the law of the exchange meeting, whoever cancels the competition on the test bench, who will cancel the qualification."


"Yan Nantian, you are a hybrid waste."

"What do you count? I am robbing a woman with me? There is a kind of you coming, ah." Longfei groaned, smiled, and looked disdainful.

A Yannanian district, he wants to play how to play.

Don't get rid of him, otherwise... Longfei will let him know how stupid he is.


Yan Nantian screamed, and everyone looked at him. If he started to work on Longfei, his qualifications would be cancelled, and everything he did would be wasted.

"I want to be fooled?"


"Longfei, tomorrow is the competition between Fujian and Taiwan, I will keep your dog's life for a day." Yan Nantian suddenly slammed, he was very calm, because he knew what he wanted.

He wants to enter the Devil Temple.

He wants to get no uploading, and a dragonfly in the district is just a stumbling block on his way. If he doesn't kick it today, he will kick him off tomorrow.

Yan Nantian stopped.

Longfei smiled and said: "Be far from me, you are all stunned, your mouth is awkward, so stinky."

Yan Nantian fists burst into the air, he really wants to punch the head of Longfei, really want to, but ... he can not, at least the level can not today.

Longfeidao: "Yan Nantian, you talk about you, what is the use? You look like this, or what is the top of the top ten disciples?"

Yan Nan Tian Shen Shen: "Long Fei, don't be proud, I will let you die tomorrow!"


Yan Nantian’s eyes were cold and strode down.

"Hey, feed, feed... Yannan, don't hurry, there is still one, can't you get through the spirits?" Longfeidao, his heart secretly said: "This way you are so suffocated."


Long Fei wants Yan Nantian to shoot, because... When he shoots, it falls into the trap of Longfei.

"Leave my life for a day?"

"I am Laozi’s life for you!”

Longfei walked down the ring.

The presiding elder went to the ring and announced loudly, saying: "Tian Zong Zong Sheng!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Kim Min Jong immediately laughed. "Good boy, there is a set, not only won, but also greatly humiliated Yan Nantian, high, high, really high, hahaha..."

Longfei walked back to the remnant position.

Jin Hao got up and said: "Long Fei, not bad."

Long Fei did not look at him.

Bawanghua smiled and said: "It's so good. Look at what the weather in Yannan is like, it's too deflated."

Wang Tai gently said two words, "Great!"

The other disciples had a look of disdain, but their eyes were embarrassing.

Kim Min-do: "Psychic is still on you, I believe in you, win another one, I will personally go out tomorrow's competition, and then win a few more games. That is the strongest sect of this year. Hahaha..."

Psychic test?

Longfei looked at Yannantian, who disappeared in the distance. He should be looking for a place to wash. The practice of psychic should not participate. He did not participate in Longfei and was not interested.

Longfeidao: "Psychology, you can find someone else, don't want to go."

Kim Min-do: "Why don't you go? Longfei, you are a disciple of Tianzong, you must give everything for Tian Zongzong, I am ordering you to continue next."

"And, we must win Nie Lin of the Xuanyang sect, so that our Tianzong sect will step on the top ten disciples, hahaha..."

The smug look is like all the credit is his.

Long Fei was very upset and worried. He was unhappy from the beginning. He was even more upset when he heard this order. He said, "Okay, I am going!"

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