The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1836: Longfei first died

The system sounds continuously and violently.

From the fourth step of the Blue Star, in a short one minute, it immediately burst into the seventh stage of the Red Star. The rocket is not so fast.


"Hey, cool, hahaha..." Longfei couldn't help but laugh out loud. The upgrade has never been so cool. Before the other one rose to the next level, he stupidly ruined all the other flowers. Just leave one, and at that time his intestines are remorseful.

just now……

A Hell Reaper is at the first level, and there is no need to kill, just surrender them and upgrade.

This is not because of anything else, but because... the system is perverted!

What is needed is this metamorphosis!

The upgrade is cool, the strength of Longfei is also strong, soaring, the problem is coming!

The twelve heads of Hell Reapers are all like the bombing planes. They are all uncontrollable and fall down. They fall into the bottomless abyss. How is this Nima?

They are all the life of Longfei.

Twelve Hell Reapers swept the entire exchange venue.

Yan Nantian, the head of the top ten disciples? Shit!

Beautiful as a snake, sinister and sinister Nie Lin? Step on death!

With these **** reapers, Longfei can be afraid of anyone, anything.

But now...

Longfei looked at the abyss like a black hole, and he was worried in his heart. "My **** reaper, you will not be so ruined and directly abolished?"

"How to do?"

"What to do? Big sister, is there a way?" Longfei was extremely worried.

Sleeping beauty: "Before I control them, their thinking is controlled by another person, your mind is in control, they will have a short link, the state is like a machine that stops running, there is no way. Control."

"How come that?"

"How long is it?" Longfei heartache.

Any **** reaper doesn't want to lose.

The sleeping beauty shook his head and said: "I don't know this, look at them."

"You have no way?" Longfei asked.

Sleeping beautifully: "No, and... I am so sleepy, master, don't sleep, I go to sleep first, bye."


The sound of the sleeping beauty disappeared in the mind of Longfei, and the space ring fell asleep, and the one that fell asleep in a flash.

I don't know if it is because the surrender of the twelve Hell Reapers is too tired, or she is really too sleepy.

Longfei didn't think about it. He is now worried about whether the twelve Hell Reapers will be smashed into mud, and there is a more serious problem...

He is also falling by himself!

"I rely!"

"I forgot my own, sister, big sister, what should I do now?" Longfei forced him, he has no protection now.

The guardian of the Holy Spirit can no longer be used.

"How to do?"

"How to do?"

"What do I have to do, will Laozi be killed?" Longfei had no eyes on his eyes, and he was whizzing through the grass. "This is finished."

"I was thinking about surrendering the twelve Hell Reapers and putting my own life into it." Long Fei wants to cry without tears, his thoughts move slightly, his brows are tight, "Maybe this is what my father told me in the ancient gods." A disaster in the battlefield."

His father once said that he was once again inevitable in the battlefield of the ancient gods.

Yanhuang ancestors also said.

Longfei has not forgotten.

I am going to die soon. This should be his catastrophe.


How do you go about it?

Longfei can't think of any way.


Longfei is not worried. This body is dead. He also has a body, the body of the devil, but he is still practicing in the chaos, and there is no system-assisted cultivation.

During this time, the cultivation of the body of the demon has never stopped, and Longfei can clearly sense that he is getting stronger.

That was his last retreat.


"come on!"

"What about death? I am not afraid of it." In the face of death, fear of having a fart, Longfei roared and faced everything.




After half an hour, Longfei was still falling, but he heard twelve loud noises. This was the sound of squatting on the ground. Longfei’s heart sank, “It’s over!”

"Twelve Hell Reapers are all over."

At this time, Longfei still could not control the twelve Hell Reapers.

Still in a short circuit.

"It's worth it!"

"I am going to die anyway."

"When the body of my devil comes to the battlefield of the ancient gods, I must come here to retrieve my body." Longfei smiled slightly and his body rushed down. "Come on!"

Nothing can be done.

Longfei’s body blasted to the ground.


The powerful impact, when his body touched the ground, his body bones instantly shattered, flesh and blood, and the blood on his head was also instantaneous.

The tens of thousands of meters of high altitude fell, even if it is the peak of the strong can not live.

What's more, only the dragon flying in the realm of Red Star?

He is the same, unable to withstand this kind of impact.

"I am going to die!"

Longfei finally grinned.


When he became a muddy mud, Longfei actually laughed out, but... at the moment of his death, his heart was wrapped in a dark force.


A humming sound screamed out of a black bead.


A loud noise, Longfei reborn, the body recast, repaired without any change, or the same as the red star seventh, the skills have not changed.

The blasting fist is still there.

The dragon's mark on the arm is still there.

Almost everything is the same as the original.


A little different, the heart of Longfei has changed!

Covered with a trace of black wire like a wire, he will protect his entire heart.

The moment when Longfei’s consciousness recovered, he slammed a cold breath. At the moment of his death, he saw the opening of Hell’s door, and he was about to be brought into hell, but this moment a black force would He pulled back from the door of Hell's Gate.

Heavenly King does not die! ! !

The king of heaven that is integrated into the mind is not dead!

Longfei consciousness recovered, and his back was cold and sweaty. He looked at the other side of the muddy mud, and his forehead was cold and sweaty. "I rely on it, I am not dead."

"No dead beads!"

"The king does not die!"

"Sure enough not to die!"


Longfei slightly sensed it. There was no discomfort. It was just a black wire on the heart. He couldn’t tell what it was, but he could feel that these wire-like things would not harm him, but protect him.

If he does not die, his strength will become stronger.

The heart has become stronger.

Even so, Longfei really didn't want to see the door of Hell open to himself. Death is really terrifying.

He didn't want to try again.


Longfei exhaled a long breath, "My first death!"

"Now, look at these **** reapers!"

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