The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1840: I want to send him to go to heaven.

The first page of the Stars of Heaven is opened.

A star shines down, and like the past, there is not much change in this dead star that Longfei merges.


He doesn't need to change it now, the Death Star is his weapon!

Longfei raised his hand in the right hand.

It is like holding something.


The sky cracked, like a strong force squeezed, the madness of the pressure, the wind from the sky, crazy flying down.

A huge, like a moon-like sphere in mid-air.

The picture is extremely shocking.

All the people looked up at the sky.

"what is that?"

"Another world?"

"What is it?"

"Aaron, what is this little thing?"


Seeing that Longfei broke out with such powerful and strange powers, their hearts could not be shocked. They could summon a plane. What power is this?

The eyebrows of the evil spirits are tight, cold and ice: "Long Fei, I can't think of it for so many years, and your strength has really grown a lot."

"But!" The evil spirits sneered and said: "This is the battlefield of the ancient gods, and you are just an ant-like ant, too weak!"

"Give me kill!"

The voice of the evil spirits fell.

The army of evil spirits rushed to Longfei like a mad dog.

The dragon flew a corner and smiled excitedly. "I am too weak? But I have not seen how strong you are?"

"Give me a blow!"

Longfei put his right hand and suspended his body in the air, and he sipped a voice and said: "Let!!!"




The thunder is rising, the bursting sound continues, the huge dead star will be smashed directly, there is no extra power, there is no magic power, there is no power of the stars, and there is no power of the world of Mengmeng, that is!

The huge planet is going down.

Xingchen Tianshu Longfei has not had time to cultivate, and the cultivation of Tianshu requires more than just time cultivation. What is more needed is sentiment.

The key point is that in this 100,000-bit world, Star Tianshu can't fully exert his power.

Longfei was not in a hurry to practice.


When the Death Star slammed, the sound of the blast of "The 噼 啪 ”" exploded, just like stepping on a large worm, and it kept ringing. At the same time, the system sound of Longfei’s mind was also bursting.





“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ killing ‘God Soldier’ and gaining 1000 points of experience, 100 points of power, and 1 point of metamorphosis energy.”


There is not much experience, but the number is extremely large. The dead star lingers in less than ten seconds, and the sound of the upgrade sounds in the mind of Longfei.


“Congratulations to the player’s “Longfei” upgrade, the current level of red star eight orders!”

Second upgrade.


The Death Star is violent, and the huge impact directly crushes a large piece of evil spirits into powder, and for a moment, the upgrade tone sounds again.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, the current level of Red Star is 9th!”

Less than two minutes in a minute!

The bulls are pulling the wind.

Longfei’s heart is not good, and he’s screaming, “Who else?!”

The evil spirits stood in the air and did not worry. They looked at Longfei with a sneer and said: "Jumping the clowns, the soldiers who killed these wastes thought they could go to heaven?"


"Dragon, you are too self-righteous."

Longfei smiled and said: "Yeah, you are going to bite me."

The evil spirits split their eyes and said: "You? Now I have no qualifications for me to shoot."

In a flash.

The evil spirits split into the right hand, and a large army of evil spirits rushed out into the darkness. "Like killing? Then let kill enough."

The army is like a frenzy.

These are all experiences.

Just as Longfei has risen two levels, the experience of the evil spirits soldier is only 500 points, but... this is still a big wave of experience. Longfei’s excited eyes are staring at the big wave of experience, saying: “This is to Let me hit the realm of Zijin!"

"Tita King!"

The Titan's remnant soul said slightly: "Master, you have already used it once. If you use it again, the star of your fusion will disappear, and the book will disappear from your knowledge."

"The stars are not used like this. Is there such a weapon for you to use as a weapon?"


Long Fei slightly glimpsed, he did not study the formation of the book, he did not know what the drawbacks of this Star Tianshu, listening to the Titan King said that he was a bit aggressive.

"I rub!"

"Now what?"

The skills that can be used are used up, and now there is a blast of the gods!

How to do it?

Longfei did not lock up.

The evil spirits are separated and laughed. "Longfei, then summon your big stone, and then summon, I see if you are powerful or my evil spirits are powerful!"

"What I said just now is still valid. As long as you give me a gimmick and surrender to me, I will consider giving you a dog's life and bringing you out of Alcatraz."

"Know that no one in the world except me will take you out of Alcatraz. Otherwise, you will only die in the Alcatraz island."

"Here is the land of God, you should be very clear."

"Your Majesty!"

The evil spirits are exceptionally proud.

He wanted to see Longfei give him a kneel and surrender to him.

The sound fell.

The army of thousands of evil spirits is also a heavy drink, "Your Majesty!"

Surrounded by heavy weights.

Longfei is now unable to escape from the wings.


The dragon family is not sloppy, undefeated, and knees never kneel down for anyone.

What is the evil spirit?

"Hey, hey!"

One hand fire dragon knives, one hand red blood burning magic sword, Longfei staring at the evil spirits in the air, said: "The eight generations of ancestors!"


Under the slash of a knife, a sacred soldier was instantly split into two halves.

No, it’s oh!

Longfei madly killed,

This makes the giants not far away look dumbfounded.


"He is a real warrior!"

Turn around.

Aaron screamed, "Protect the Warriors!"


The harpoon in Aaron’s hand slammed into the air, and the body jumped in midair. He fell heavily on Longfei’s side. He watched Longfei’s mad killing and grinned and said: “Kill it together.”

"Ha ha ha..."

Hundreds of giants participated in the war and quickly helped the dragon to break the fence.

Longfei jumped on Aaron's shoulder and said, "Do you believe in me?"

Aaron did not hesitate: "Never give in is the will of our giants, and you never give in as we do, so I believe in you."

Longfeidao: "Good!"

"Take me to the evil spirits, I will kill him!"

Aaron looked at the overwhelming army of evil spirits, and they could not kill them, and eventually they would be killed.

With a double fist, Aaron nodded: "Good!"

"Brothers, open the way for me!"

"I want to send him to heaven!"

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