"Everyone here is rubbish!"

Longfei is extremely mad.

All of a sudden it provoked public anger, and the disciples of the Nine Zongmen were filled with indignation and furious.

Longfei grinned coldly and said: "Is it not convinced?"

"If you don't accept it... you can go on together!"

The voice fell.

The audience slammed down quietly, all looking at Longfei. ,

This is too arrogant, right?

One person's power to challenge the entire nine sects? Is this his brain getting into the water?

Is the brain hot?

The eyes of Bawanghua are tight. "What is he going to do?"

Wang Tai shook his head and said: "I don't know."

Lu Shuangquan smiled and said: "What to do? That is the power of one person to step on the nine sects. It is so mad, the flying brother is too powerful, hahaha..."

The eyes of two accompanying elders of Tian Zongzong shocked and said: "Is he crazy? That is the nine major gates."

Nine masters, hundreds of disciples.

The wheel battle consumes dead, and at the same time challenges the nine sects. This has never happened in the history of Alcatraz. How crazy is Longfei?

Too arrogant, right?

Nie Lin smiled coldly and whispered: "I always thought that you were very smart. I didn't expect you to be just a mad mad man."

"It seems that your body is not crippled, your brain is crippled."

"And yes, if you are not brain-dead, how can you think about the Hell Reaper?"


Nie Lin said: "Since he said this, if he does not fulfill him, then it seems that we are too stingy."

Yannan’s finger touches gently, “Let’s go together!”

"Kid, your last days are here!"

"I don't know what is high and thick, just because you dare to challenge the nine main gates?"

"court death!"

"kill him!"


For a time, dozens of disciples flew down like a stream of light, and at the same time they summoned the beasts. On the stage, all the people were down.

The water is leaking.


Yan Nantian and Nie Lin did not appear.

They are waiting!

And they are not in a hurry, to deal with a dragon fly, Yan Nantian is still 100% sure, the stronger the performance of Longfei, the more he will be able to highlight his power when he dies in his hands.

Nie Lin is another kind of plan.

She took all of this into a play.

She believes she will be the final winner.


On the platform, Longfei’s eyes are surrounded. “Is it your garbage?”

"Is there no one in the nine major sects?"

"I just said that everyone here is rubbish, not only the disciples, but also the elders of your nine sects, but also rubbish!"


Not only must you challenge the participating disciples, but you also have to step on the nine major gates!

The elders of the nine sects of the sects were very ugly, and they sipped, saying, "Give me a kill!"


As soon as they fell, all the disciples rushed to Longfei.

Long Fei’s eyebrows moved to lock a disciple who was the youngest, and suddenly he shot, “Boom!”

A punch head!


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ kill...”


"The power of super **** is superimposed!"

Turn around.

Longfei killed the second person, and the power of super **** was superimposed on the second floor.

the third floor!

The fourth layer!

The fifth floor!

Sixth, seventh floor!

Even seven people.

The system sounded a tone, "Hey!"

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ for the power of super god, lasting for one minute!”

The power of Super God exploded in the body of Longfei.

Combined with the repair of the purple star six products, the breath of Longfei began to burn, and suddenly took a step, "Booming..."

Golden light.

The people close to him were instantly shaken into a mud.

"Oh la la..."

Four or five people fell to the ground in an instant and died!

All the faces changed, and I couldn’t understand Long Fei. This is what force is released. I will continue to go up. All the people in the ring are all people.

"No fun!"

"Nothing at all!"

Longfei looked boring, stepping on the ground, the body flew directly into the air, cold and cold: "All die for me!"

The body fell.

The strength of the body roared and moved. The dragon's feet were like a mile and a half, and the body was like a 10,000-ton mountain. The power of tons of tons exploded.




The thunder and the eardrums are about to explode, and the whole demon mountain is trembled, and the collapse is directly cracked.

The nine sects of the surrounding sects were all shot and blasted out.




Their bodies are like flying gravel everywhere.

The whole scene was crushed by Longfei!

Niu forced to pull the wind with lightning, a stroke to kill hundreds of people, experience value soared!

Longfei fell and smiled: "I didn't make a mistake, everyone in the room is rubbish!"

“Who else is not convinced?”

The voice fell.

The whole scene of the huge earthquake, especially those who spend money to see the drama, is even more shocked.

"I rely on the value of the money this year. This kid is going to be god."

"No one can stop."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Good-looking, good-looking, too wonderful, one person stepping on the nine main gates, it's so fun, hahaha..."

"Dragon, you are arrogant!"

"Too great!"


The previous move basically killed the participating disciples of the nine major Zongmen. The rest are probably those who have not appeared.

Less than ten people.

Yan Nantian's face became hard to look.

Nie Lin’s face is the same. He thought that Longfei’s siege of so many people would use Blasting Boxing, but... The training that Longfei showed completely surpassed her.


There was a remorse in Nie Lin’s heart. If he promised to fly with him to catch the Hell Reaper, it might not be such a scene.

And with her charm, she will be able to let the dragon fly to admit defeat and give the seat of the new king to herself, but now...


This kind of remorse is also the moment that disappeared from her heart, and I said, "Long Fei, you said that you have to challenge the nine major sects, including the elders?"

Longfeidao: "Nie Lin, do you want to let the elders of Xuanyangzong die?" Let them come."

"I will say it again."

"Everyone in the Nine Zongmen wants to challenge me, though."

"But it!"

Longfeiyi laughed and looked at the elder who was still in charge of the host. He said, "Elder, my current points should be enough to win the newcomer?"


The host was a bit stunned, but it was a little overreacting.

The audience was in awe.

Yan Nantian’s face is even more volatile.

Longfei defeated hundreds of disciples in succession. His current points have been far from Yannantian’s dozen streets.

Presiding elders said: "According to the rules of the exchange meeting, you, you, your current points can indeed become the newcomer this year."

When I heard the words of the elders, Yan Nan was panicked.

Nie Lin also panicked.

If this is the case... then the old man does not fight, I will go to the devil temple to play. "Long Fei grinned, very insidious," I can't play you! ”

Yan Nantian and Nie Lin are stupid!


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