The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1851: The flame is reborn, the second is dead!

"Let's die together!"

Yan Nantian saw Nie Lin’s disappointing eyes on him, and he immediately rushed out.

He really likes Nie Lin.

I can give everything I like.

Everything he did was for Nie Lin, and even if he paid the price of his life, he would clear the obstacles for Nie Lin.

Yan Nantian’s voice fell.

Longfei’s eyebrows tightened and immediately felt an extremely dangerous breath coming to him.

The void ripples flashing.

A beast of flames walks out of the void!

The fire is burning, burning wildly on the beast, but... this is not his dangerous power, but the explosive heart on it.

"Burst beast!"

"Nine products are the peaks and beasts."

"Is this the beast of Yan Nantian?"

"Not good, Longfei can't escape."

"Yan Nantian can't escape. I can't think of him actually using his own life to block Longfei. It's really hard."


Burst the beast.

It is an extremely old and powerful beast. The power of this beast is that they have a heart that can blew itself. This kind of force can not resist the explosion of the purple star realm.

Yan Nantian never summoned his beasts, and no one knows that he has such a super-self-destructive beast.

Longfei’s eyebrows are tight.

Yan Nantian looked at Longfei and smiled proudly: "Longfei, I can't even have a life for Nie Lin's sister, hahaha... hahaha..."

Loudly laughing.

Nie Lin’s face showed a smile.

She did not think that Yan Nantian had such a bursting beast, and she was very aware of the power of this bursting beast.

Dragon flies can't escape!

Even if he kills Yan Nantian now, he will die by himself.

Once the target of the bursting beast is locked, it is an endless existence.

Longfei looked at Yannan Tiandao: "I don't think you are a kind of infatuation, but... you love the wrong person, and..."

Just at the moment when Longfei spoke.

Yan Nantian slammed and hugged Longfei’s waist directly. “I never regret it, Longfei, die together!”


Yan Nantian tried his best to shackle Longfei, and he would not let Longfei escape.


He did not think that Longfei did not escape, he did not move at all.

"Can't escape!"

"To be killed!"

"Oh, it's a pity."

"This Yannantian is too life-saving."


Bawang flower rushed forward and ran up desperately.

Wang Tai's heavy swords landed, and the electric flashes were generally rushing up, but their distance was too far, even if they could arrive at the first time, they could not stop the bursting beast.

at this time.

Even the brows of the old guards of the temple are slightly tight.

They didn't shoot, and if they wanted to let them shoot, then Longfei was not the king they waited for.

Their hearts also have doubts. "Is Longfei the king?"

Nie Lin’s face was thicker and she smiled proudly: “Longfei, die, no one can stop me, no one, hahaha...”

No one can save the dragon at this time.

Even the guardian of the Holy Spirit can't.

Blocking 99% of the attacks can not guarantee that Longfei will not die, this is the taboo of the bursting beast.


Longfei smiled and looked at the bursting beast that flung up. Longfei put Yannantian behind him. He used his body to block the bursting beast. He smiled slightly: "Reassure, I will not die, at the same time, I will not let you die."


"I haven't played enough yet!"




The moment the bursting beast slammed down, the violent explosion sounded, the sound shook, and the whole devil's mountain was shaking, and the fire was splashing.

A huge deep pit was blown up than the test center.

The flame is still burning.


"Dragon Flying... Longfei..." The Overlord flower almost fell into the flame and was pulled by Wang Tai.

Overlord’s tears were like rain, and he kept shouting, “Longfei, Longfei...”

Heartbreaking, my eyes are desperate, her heart is like a moment of death, uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable.

Nie Lin stood up and walked to the front and laughed loudly. "Ha ha ha... hahaha..."

Very proud.

In the end, Longfei didn't release the Blasting Boxing, and now it doesn't matter!

Longfei is dead and her biggest obstacle is cleared.

This year's newcomer is dead, then she will replace it and will enter the Devil's Temple, she will become the second flying goddess of the millennium.

Nie Lin laughed.

Laughing is very proud.

In her eyes, she did not feel sorry for Yan Nantian for her sacrifice, and even thought of Yan Nantian in her mind.


"It’s a pity that the top ten disciples, together with the dark horses of this year, have died."

"Devil Island has not had such a genius in years."

"It's a pity."

"Yannan Tianyi died, Longfei died, this year's newcomer Wang will return to Nie Lin. She won't even fight in the battle and easily get the seat of the newcomer Wang, the biggest winner this year."


It was at this time.

An elder of Xuanyangzong said slightly: "Hosted, Longfei is dead. According to the rules of the exchange meeting, this year's newcomer Wang should re-elect?"

"Now the disciples' points are clear at a glance, and our Nieyang sect of Nie Lin is a well-deserved newcomer."

The presiding elder looked at the burning flame and gently exhaled a breath. "According to the rules of the exchange meeting, the highest score is the newcomer king, so this year's newcomer Wang is the Xuanyang Zong's Nie Lin."

The voice fell.

Overlord immediately shouted, "I don't accept it!"

Bawang’s double fists and a shock, staring at Nie Lin again: “I don’t accept it!”


There was also a sound around the stands. "I don't accept it either."

"We don't accept it!"

Nie Lin did nothing, why should she become a newcomer?

Just don't accept it!

The overlord flower is more out of the hatred of the heart, she is not satisfied.

Nie Lin’s eyes were slightly tight, and her eyes turned to an old man, just in this moment.




In general, the two elders in the position of Tian Zongzong, plus four disciples, were all killed by three black masters in a flash.

Everything happened too fast.

Everyone did not respond, and Nie Lin smiled coldly: "Who else is not convinced?"

I have arranged everything already!

Overlord took a look back, angered and rolled, staring at Nie Lin: "Good means of sinister poison!"

Nie Lin looked at the king flower coldly and said: "Insidious means? Hey, this world is the world of the strong, who will manage the death of a weak person?"

"I will ask now."

“Who else is not convinced?”

The momentum is fierce, and the body exudes the momentum of the Queen.

It was at this time.

The flame in the deep pit flashed, and as soon as the figure came out, Yan Nantian’s body fell directly to Nie Lin’s side.

Also at the same time.

The sound in the flame, said: "I don't accept it!"

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