The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1854: Desperate, Nie Lin

She admitted that she liked Longfei at some point, and even for a moment she thought that Longfei was the destination of her life, but...

She is a very realistic person.

When Longfei wants to take the risk of surrendering the Hell Reaper, she knows that she and Longfei will never be.

Longfei is not likely to be controlled by her.

Everything is now in his grasp. As long as there are these newcomers, Wang Qiang, she is not afraid of anyone, and Longfei is the same.

Moreover, if Longfei can use it for her.

That dragon flying the **** fist will become her killing trick.

"Longfei, the person who knows the time is Junjie."

"As long as you give me a kneel, I will spare you a life, and promise to bring you into the devil temple." Nie Lin smiled coldly.

Longfei has no choice.

If he wants to live, he has no choice.

Overlord looked at Longfei and his eyes did not move.

Nie Lin looked at the Bawang flower road: "Look at the little eyes, how infatuated, but... I hate this kind of look, Longfei only has one choice for you, they are three... wrong, it should be three plus A useless dog has to die."

"I don't need waste."

The useless dog said Yan Nantian.

Yan Nantian smiled a bit.

Wang Tai is uncomfortable: "Flying brother, fight!"

Overlord spends a lot of money: "Picture!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Nie Lin laughed and said, "Spell with me? What qualifications do you have to fight with me now? Just rely on your waste? Recognize the reality."

"Dragon fly!"

"My patience is limited, is it still not?" Nie Lin was like a queen, and she drank with great majesty.

Longfei smiled and said: "Why do you always like to let others kneel down, can you squat to highlight your sense of superiority? Then I want to know who this superiority is for you?"

Longfei talked slowly and turned to look at the demon temple like a huge square boulder not far away. He said: "Is there two choices? I don't like passiveness very much. I generally like to take the initiative, just like 啪啪I generally like to ride on a woman."

Nie Lin’s eyebrows are tight, saying: “Is this your choice?”

Long Feidao: "Don't worry, I will let you know what my choice is. When I was hit the cliff last night, I said, don't let me come back alive, or I will slowly kill you."

"Yan Nantian is over, and you... haven't started yet!"

Yan Nantian’s eyes did not move.

He did not feel angry because of this. Instead, he was somewhat grateful to Long Fei. It was Long Fei who let him recognize the reality and see Nie Lin, a vicious woman.

Nie Lin looked at Longfei’s sly smile. “Ha ha ha... Longfei, you are too self-sufficient. Do you think your current purple star realm is strong?”

"You are really not a arrogant person."

Longfei then took a few steps in the direction of the Devil Temple. "Yes, I am very arrogant, and... you will see me more arrogant."

The voice fell.

Longfei will pick up the ring and the thought will move, and he will give a heavy drink, "Give me a receipt!"

The whisker ring flew into the air in the face of Nie Lin.

A strange force shrouded the huge demon temple. At this moment, the flying power of Longfei dropped by one million points.

Longfei’s heart stunned. “I wipe, this demon temple does not seem to have two big peaks, but it consumes a million points of power!”

This point is what Longfei did not think of.


Fortunately, his current divine power is worth 1.2 million points. It is not a problem to lose one million points. The value of 200,000 points is enough for him to use.



The strange power is like the red light scan.

In a short few seconds, "Boom!"

The demon temple suddenly disappeared.

He was inhaled into the ring of the Sumi, and even the old man who guarded the temple was inhaled.

in fact.

Before this, Longfei would like to pass on to them and get their acquiescence to Longfei to do so.

The old man also agreed that they would be inhaled in the ring.

When they saw that Longfei was born again from the flame, they could already be 100% sure that Dragonfly is the king!



"The devil temple is gone!"

It disappeared out of thin air.

All the people in the audience were forced, and Nie Lin’s face was changing rapidly. The whole person was not good. There was a kind of madness and a roar. “Longfei, what have you done?”

Longfei put the ring away and smiled slightly. "Nothing, just take the demon temple and collect it."

"Do you know my arrogance now?"

Nie Lin’s last two mountain peaks disappeared from the mountains. Her heart was a tight one. At that time, she thought it was a super strong person who was practicing the practice of moving mountains, but she never thought of just one. a ring.

Overlord spent the excitement: "This trick is so handsome."

Wang Tai simply said: "handsome!"

Lv Shuangquan said: "How can you call it handsome? It’s just a handsome scum, and the wind is pulling the wind with lightning. Flying brother, you are just my super idol."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Look at Nie Lin's face, how ugly it is, how ugly it is, just like the dozens of big mouths that have been sucked up by people, it's so cool, hahaha..." Lu Shuangquan said excitedly. .

It is really very refreshing.

Everything she worked for, suddenly turned into nothingness in front of her, this feeling is even more uncomfortable than killing her.

Nie Lin ran away.


Two eyes staring at Longfei, just like a shrew on the street, said: "Longfei, give me the demon temple, fast!!!"

Longfei grinned and said: "Do you not like to let people kneel down? Now you ask me to kneel down and ask me, I might have made the devil temple."

Nie Lin said with a deep drink, "You are looking for death!!"

Longfeidao: "Looking for death?"


Longfei smiled and said: "Then come, I will let you see things that are more arrogant than the demon temple disappears."

Play, you have to play slowly.

At first, Longfei did not think of killing Nie Lin.


just now……

Longfei will not leave her, because she makes herself extremely unhappy, the important thing is that she threatens the people around Longfei, which is the bottom line that touches the heart of Longfei.

accurate? For him can.

But if you harm the people around him, then you can't!

Nie Lin was almost crazy, saying: "Okay, then I will see what strength you have."

"I want you to die today!"

"Everyone, give it to me, killing Longfei will completely control the demon temple in his hand." Nie Lin issued an order.



A figure of the figure fell and quickly flew up to the dragon.

Overlord flower is close to Longfei, Wang Tai and Lu Shuangquan directly stepped on the front block in front of Longfei.

Yannan Tianqi started a short sword on the ground and went up.

Longfei smiled and said: "Let you see my more arrogant capital!"

"Hell Reaper, give me out!"

"Desperate, Nie Lin!"

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