The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1861: Successor review

"Come back!"

"Come back!"

"Go ahead!"


Once and for all, once and for all, Longfei did not give up.

This is an infinite number of challenges. Even if it is lost, it is the same as what he said. As long as he lives, he has not lost.


There is no word "losing" in Longfei's dictionary!


Longfei was once again shot and flew out. I don’t know how many times. Longfei climbed up from the ground and looked at the four King Kong Bodhisattvas, thinking crazy in his mind.

"Four people are the same person."

"The mind is connected, and it fits into the seamless realm of the sky." Longfei feels in his heart. "It seems that if you want to beat them, you can't play cards according to common sense."

"it is good!"

"Try it!"

Longfei continued to challenge, this time his movements became strange.


After ten seconds.


Longfei was once again shot and flew out, "still not!"

Once again, the four King Kong Bodhisattvas will not let Longfei have any chance. They seem to be invincible. No matter what kind of moves Longfei uses, there is a way to crack it. Now it is only useless.


Longfei does not want to use the blasting fist.

Because, as long as you win the four Bodhisattvas, he will get the four Bodhisattvas.

Can't you ruin them?

"Huh..." Longfei gasped a little, and his eyebrows stared at the four great bodhisattvas. "There must be a way to deal with them, there must be."

The sound in the darkness sounded, "How? Want to admit defeat?"

"You are so annoying." Longfei sipped, "As long as I am still alive, I will not admit defeat."

"Ha ha ha..."

"What is the use of light for the mouth? How did you win such a coward?" said the dark voice.

Longfei did not pay attention.

Every time he challenges, he will sum up, but... I really can't find any loopholes in the Big Buddha, and I can't find a way to defeat them.

"Come back!"

Longfei poured a medicinal herb, and the double fists sank and rushed straight up.


A faceted King Kong Buddha rushed.

Power moves and accumulates power.

The action is a bit like the turtle qigong, and then greets the dragon with a palm.


When the power collided, the power of Longfei was crushed in an instant, and the body exploded again. Longfei sipped in the air. "Rely, what is the situation?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Not an opponent?"

"Kid, you still admit defeat!" The voice in the dark sounded again.

" Lose your sister, you are sick of death, there is a kind of you out, I will explode you first." Longfei said, and my mind is summed up again.

"One Bodhisattva moves, and the other three Bodhisattvas do not move."

"If the four Bodhisattvas move together, they will not attack for the first time."

"What are they?"

"Still... the dark voice is manipulating them?"

"And...the exercises they released are so strange that they are not like the exercises on Alcatraz Island." Longfei is full of doubts.

"Come back!"

Longfei rushed up again.


"One month, Fei Ge has not come out, will it be..." Lu Shuangquan asked worriedly.


"I want to go in and find Longfei." Overlord stood up from the ground and walked to the gate of the Devil's Temple. He was stopped by the old man before he was admitted.

The old man said slightly: "You can't go in."

Overlord Flower Road: "Predecessors, beg you to let me in? Or you will let the dragon fly out, it has been a month, I don't believe that the assessment takes a month, you tell me how he is doing now?"

Longfei told them three days.

But now, a month has passed, and Longfei has not come out yet.

She believes that Longfei will not lie to them.

The old man shook his head and said: "I am like you, I don't know how he is doing now, but now no one can go in."

"No, I will go in." Overlord is very worried about the comfort of Longfei. During this time, she only thought about Longfei.

Long Fei really wants something, she vowed to burn this demon temple.

The old man looked at the overlord flower and said: "I advise you not to be reckless."

Overlord’s double fists clenched and looked at the old saying: “I know that I am not your opponent, but I have to try it anyway.”


The epee of Wang Tai’s back fell, and the brown bones stretched out of the body, and the smell of the body became different.

Yan Nantian also stood up.

The four went forward.

The old man looked at the four of them, and there was no wave in his eyes. He said slightly: "Even if we let you in, you can't find him."


"The door to the Devil's Temple won't open to you because..."

"Because Longfei is not the master of the Devil Temple now!"

The old man hesitated and said it.

The king flower is slightly stunned. "He,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The old man said: "Inheritance assessment."

Yan Nantian was shocked. "He is the successor of the Devil Temple? Why? Who is Longfei?"

Do not understand.

The Devil Temple has stood in Devil Hills for thousands of years. No one knows when it will appear here. No one knows where it comes from.

The goddess of the sky was alarmed by the millennium.

Since that year, the top ten sects of exchanges have been held in this place every year.

Every newcomer will gain a powerful ascension into the Devil's Temple, which is also known as the Holy Land of Alcatraz.

As for its source, as it was before the millennium, no one knows.

Now there is a successor.


Everyone is full of horror.

The old man shook his head and said: "Can't say, can't say!"

Bawang Flower Road: "Is there a danger in Longfei?"

The old man continued: "Can't say, can't say!"

Wang Taidao: "When can he come out?"

The old man said: "It's still impossible to say that all your problems must be answered by Longfei. You can't answer anything that is poor. You know, after all, you know, you don't have to be strong here."

"Today's Alcatraz Island is in chaos. You should go to practice now."

"On the day when Longfei is out, it is the day when you know everything."

The old man said slowly, and after he finished speaking, his eyes became empty again. The two were like two dead bodies, guarding the temple.

Overlord flowers look at the huge temples in the clouds, and the fists are slightly loose.

Yannan Tiandao: "Let's go."

"Longfei is definitely alive. He can certainly inherit everything in the Temple of the Devil. Now what we have to do is to improve our cultivation, otherwise..."

"How to follow him?"

Wang Tai’s heavy sword fell back and turned and walked down the hill.

Lu Shuangquan followed.

Yan Nantian glanced at the Devil Temple and strode away.

The last one of the king flower, muttered: "Longfei, we will wait for you to return!"

"I will wait for you forever!"

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