The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1868: Killing

Three years of retreat, what happened in the past three years?

Longfei knows not much.

Seeing a large group of people besieging an old man below, Longfei is a bit uncomfortable.


Even if he doesn't like Tianzongzong again, he hates the master of the ten disciples, Jinzuo's ancestors, but one thing he never forgot, here is the Tianzongzong, the sect of his mother's big hand.

and so!

In that moment.


A humming sound, Longfei descended from the sky.


A loud bang blew directly in the crowd, and the huge impact directly sent several disciples of Destiny to fly out.


"There is one to die!"

"Who is this kid?"

"Who is who he is, dare to make a fortune in the sky, kill and say!"


The robes of Jinpao looked at Longfei, and he also had never seen Longfei. He said: "Little brother, there is nothing for you here, there is no need to bring in your life, let's go."

Longfei’s eyes swept away and said: “The things of Tian Zongzong are my business.”

"I said, Uncle!"

"Who are these guys? The disciples of Tian Zongzong, the elders? Why are you fighting alone?"

Longfei is puzzled.

How is Tianzongzong again? Three years ago, it was one of the top ten sects. As the saying goes, the dead camel is bigger than Ma, how can it not let an old man come out to fight?

The golden robe ancestors smiled bitterly and said: "The Tian Zongzong... is no longer there."

"What do you mean?" Longfei's eyes tightened.

A middle-aged man in the distance sneered and said: "The meaning is... today the day is going to perish!"

"Just you?" Longfei looked up and stared at the man who was not far away.

The middle-aged man proudly sneered: "Yes, it is Laozi!"

The voice fell.


The dragon flew like a thunder, and it shocked out in a moment. He fell in front of the man, and his right hand moved. He grabbed the man’s neck and mentioned it in the air. "Is it worthy?"

‘Hey! ’

Two fingers force, not waiting for him to react, directly cut off the throat, body convulsions, such as a pool of mud generally fell into a dead dog.

Longfei’s mind sounded a tone.


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘Destiny Elders’ with an experience of 19000 points, a power of 1900 points, and an abnormal energy value of 1 point!”

Also suddenly this.

Longfei’s eyebrows sank and looked at the people around him, and he said: “Destiny?”

The sudden outbreak of Dragonfly made everyone a little bit.

To know that the elder, but the third-order repair of the purple star, is not too strong, but can be spiked in an instant, the strength of Longfei show is fierce.

The robes of the golden robes are also slightly shocked. "The speed is so fast, the explosive power is so amazing. It’s so beautiful when you are young. It’s really good."

Jinpao ancestors said: "Yes, they are fate!"



"Destiny... God?" said the dragon in his mouth.

A middle-aged old man snorted and said: "Kid, are you afraid? Destiny is created by the fate of the gods, that is, to clear all the people who are against him. Today is the Tianzongzong, tomorrow is the devil temple. Inside the dragon fly that little hybrid, dare to fight against the fate of the gods, the entire Alcatraz will not let him go!"

Very proud.

Who is the devil island now dare to fight against the fate?

Who dares to scream with God?

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Longfei laughed, and finally almost laughed wildly. "Destiny God, Destiny... Devil Island... In the past three years, you have become a running dog of destiny."

"Abandoned by the main temple, now go and run."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Tell you, you are praising you. You are not jealous. The servility in your bones is born with you. Even if you are not on this Alcatraz Island, you are also a group of garbage that can never be lifted."

Longfei said coldly.

He did not think that the words spoken by those who left at the exchange meeting three years ago would actually come true.

The nine major sects combined with the forces on the entire Alcatraz Island to form a destiny, and the people who have a relationship with Longfei were fully pursued.

This is the case with the current Tianzong.

"Bold mad!"

"The fate of God is also a person you can smash?"

"What are you counting?"

"What do we have to judge, what do we have to live in?" Several middle-aged men said heavily.

Longfei grinned coldly and said: "Don't you want to kill the dragon? Isn't your destiny God want to set the dragon to death?"

"He used to be killed by Longfei."

"just now."

"I am here!"

"From today on, as long as the people of the Destiny, all have to die!" The breath of the body of Longfei’s speech burst out, and the road was very raging.

Everyone has a look.

"You are Longfei?"

"He is Longfei?"

"Is he not in the Temple of the Devil?"

"Retirement for three years? Is it out now?"

"Everyone is watching, there is a crane in the sky."

"It is a flying crane!"

"Is his mount?"


For a time, the disciples of the fate of the entire square were somewhat flustered. There were many stories about the loss of Longfei in three years. Some people said that he died in the Devil Temple. Others said that he was the son of Hell and could summon the Hell Reaper.

Some people even said that he is the king of giants and can summon the giants.

In short, many legends.

"You are Longfei?"

"Ha ha ha ... stepping through the iron shoes innocent, it takes no effort." The elder smiled coldly and said: "The fate of the gods said that whoever can take your head, who can get away The qualification of Alcatraz Island."

"For thousands of years, the flying goddess has broken through, and I will be the second one. When I go to find the flying goddess, if she is still alive, I must ride her old woman under her arm, because...I To be the first man to ride a woman who broke through the Alcatraz, hahaha..."

It was at this time.

The dragon flying figure disappeared.

At this moment, the figure of the ancestors of Jinpao also disappeared.

Both men rushed to the man at the same time.


Longfei's speed is a bit faster.

One step fell in front of the man.

The man’s face was stunned, and his body’s fate shield suddenly opened. The powerful fate wheel quickly expanded and wanted to fly the dragon fly.


There is no barrier to where Longfei went.

There is no wheel of fortune in front of him. At the moment he falls, the wheel of fate has been broken by a force.

Longfei’s right fist sinks, “Boom!”

Directly put the elder's abdomen through the point, slammed the area, and smashed all the internal organs, and caught it in front of the person, and said: "Are you afraid?"

Don't wait for that person to finish.

Longfei's left hand moved, and the five fingers tried hard. A slap in the face of the man's face was gone behind.

Insult his mother?


Also at this moment, an old man of Destiny’s singer screamed, “Give me a kill!”

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