The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1886: Half the body of the Son

The holy world of Buddhism comes from a distant ancient domain.

No one knows if he exists.


For a person like the **** of destiny who stands at the peak of 100,000 faces, he knows things that many people don't know.

such as.

Mu Yuer has been to the legendary holy Buddha world.

As for what I got? God of fate is not clear.


But what she has got, the result will never change, because Mu Yuer has disappeared into the world, and she has not changed anything since she returned from the holy world.

After the millennium, Longfei appeared.

What can he change?

The mother can't change the reality that the mother can't change.


This is life!


Tian Zongzong, outside the Devil Temple.

Yan Nantian, they all came, stayed outside the temple, waiting anxiously.

"How's it going?"

"How's it going?"

"Boss, why haven't you come out yet?"

"What happened?"

"Old monk, can't you say something? How is it going, it's been three days, even if there is anything you can tell us."

The tears of Bawang’s flowers are coming out soon.

far away.

The fate of the book was heavy, and at that moment, Longfei threw him out of the encirclement. He felt like he had lost everything. The purpose of his life for thousands of years was to protect the dragon.

But in the end...

His heart is very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Constant self-blame.

If there is anything unexpected about Longfei, he will be revengeful.


When the old lady brought Longfei back, he was sent to the temple, and then he never said a word again. The two eyes were empty and silently waiting.

Like the tyrants, they are worried about the dragon fly in both of them.

The medicinal herbs swallowed by Longfei are a life-saving remedy.

This kind of medicinal medicine can temporarily stabilize his life, but... Longfei’s body function is destroyed too much, and it may take a great price to save it.

After three days passed, there was still no reaction in the Devil Temple.

The four great gods of Tianshu did not speak.

All four of them are peerless sorghums, and there is only one breath in their hands, so they can be saved, but this time...

"Dragon, you must not have an accident."

"God bless, I am willing to take my life to change, and reward all the pain to me, I beg you."

"Boss, you will be fine."


Everyone prayed.

The heart is hanging all the time.

Among the devil temples.

Longfei’s body is suspended in the air.

Four gods stood in four directions, and they radiated the light of the Holy Buddha, quietly supporting the body of Longfei.

"This's not a life."

"The body has been destroyed."

"That kind of technique is so powerful that he can't afford it. Why do you want to open it?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Don't say so much, let's fix his body first."

"His life is still unstable."


In three days, the four great gods have been delivering skills to Longfei, and the power of the Holy Buddha has been pouring into the body of Longfei, repairing every part of his body.

Although Longfei is in a coma, he can clearly sense that the injury in the body is improving little by little, and a powerful force is gestating in his body.

It is the dragon-shaped mark on the arm.

Since the power of the Buddha has been introduced into the body, his arm has begun to burn, as if the fire is burning, it seems to be growing strength.

Space ring.

The main artifact, the dragon trembles more and more.

As if to wake up in general.

Time is lost bit by bit.

After seven days and seven nights.


Longfei breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes opened slightly. At this moment, a sacred Buddha was flashing in his eyes, and his body suddenly moved.

One step fell.



At the foot of the Buddha's light, the whole body of Longfei became light and the fists were slightly gripped.



Two light of the Holy Buddha erupted from the gap between his fists.

This feeling……

It is as if Longfei holds the power of the whole world in his hands and feels very cool.

Looking at his own hands, Longfei was excited. "I have a big grass, strong, strong, strong! My body, my strength, my speed..."

Seven days and seven nights!

He is like a person who has been transformed by an advanced scientific force.

Watching Longfei wake up, the four great gods walked out of the darkness.

Long Fei immediately said: "Thank you for your predecessors."

The four did not speak, just looked at Longfei seriously.

Longfei is also watching them. Although they want to ask a lot about their current affairs, they also want to know about their cultivation.

The sweeping floor is strong enough to control the time.

Then what about the four of them?

Who is it?

To know that Buddhism does not have a particularly powerful force among the 100,000 planes, and there is no particularly strong and powerful one. What are the four of them?

Long Fei really wants to know.


They have never said a word from beginning to end.

They did not say, Longfei did not ask.


Longfei looked out. The four of them were not optimistic about themselves, they did not admit themselves, and even their eyes were cold. If it was not the order given to them by the last dark voice, I am afraid they had already left here.

Four great gods.

Longfei did not surrender their hearts.

Want them to be completely surrendered?


At least, Longfei has not done it yet.

If it is not because of Mu Yuer, they will not be here, and they will not use thousands of years of skill to save Longfei, to create a holy Buddha world for Longfei, almost half of the body of the Son.

Not because of his mother's relationship.

Longfei is not qualified to get these.

Four people, the skills of the millennium.

The pure power of the Holy Buddha.

Half the body of the Son.

If it is in the holy world, I am afraid someone will say that they are crazy.

Seeing that Longfei was awakened, it was completely fine. The figure of the four people slowly retreated and disappeared into the darkness.

Longfei grinned and said: "I will remember this kindness in my heart. One day I will let you 100% surrender in front of me!"

Longfei also felt that they were not optimistic about themselves.

He will change everything.

Use your actions to prove yourself.


Longfei strode out.

In the darkness, the voice of four people sounded.

“Are we really worth doing this?”

"The Holy Son has never been born. We will use such a profound skill. How will we face if the Son is born? We are against the Holy Buddha."

"This is what we promised, even if we want to pay more, we have to do it."

"He really is not qualified."

"There is no qualification is not important. What is important is that we have already done one thing. Now there are only two pieces left. There are two more things we can leave here..."

"Good to miss the holy world!"

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