The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1890: Self-destruction device startup


Longfei swallowed a lot of saliva.

His heart.

Knowing the sea, and all over the body are crushed.

The same is true of the desperate students.

The flying cranes keep swinging, as if they can't support them.

Just two statues!

But it can create a huge sense of oppression, making people unable to get close.

Long Fei brows and wrinkles. "Is this the border point? Is the statue behind the ancient **** battlefield?"

The stalwart scholar immediately said: "Less master, don't be unaccompanied."

The Flying God Crane also screams continuously.


Longfei swallowed again, and said slightly: "Come on, come, if you don't come, how do you know how strong it is?"

No, it is dry.

Since they are all coming, if you don't try it, how do you know that you can't get out?

The life-threatening book was amazed and wanted to pull forward Longfei, but Longfei had already flown out in one step.

"Little Lord!!!"

Longfeidao: "You don't want to move here, I will come when I go."


The repair of the 9th-order black star was all blasted. The dragon was filled with Buddha light, and the powerful half of the body of the Son rushed out.

The closer he is, the more his body feels uncomfortable.

Just like the 10,000-meter deep seabed, the powerful pressure will make him blast.

The statue is getting closer and closer.

The dragon flies up and down and the eyes are shaking. Looking at the world behind the statue, it is covered in a cloud of fog. "There should be the battlefield of the ancient gods..."


Longfei made a roar.

Fighting all your strength and rushing up.

In front of the huge statue, Longfei is like a little ant.

The waves of the sea are rolling, and thunder bursts.

There is still a hundred meters away from the statue, and Longfei is a bit stunned. "Hey..."

A blood spurted out.

But he did not stop, or kept on going forward.

And this time.

His mind is like a huge rock that is crushed, and the frequency of heartbeat is much slower.


Two steps!

Going a step further.

Powerful forces hampered him, clenched his fists, and the whole body was violent, and he said: "No one can stop my steps."


It is another step.

Just as he was ten meters away from the statue, his whole body was already bloody.


But he couldn't move forward half a minute, because... he was resisted by an invisible, colorless force, and his hands gently touched forward.


Touch the barrier.

Also at this moment.

The barrier explored a halo, the halo oscillated, and quickly spread out. The blink of an eye was hundreds of millions of kilometers, and this moment... the entire Alcatraz Island oscillated.

The halo covered the entire half of the Alcatraz island.

"what is that?"

"How does a light appear in the sky?"

"what is it?"

"It never happened."

"what is this?"

"It seems like a powerful force flies over. Is it because the power of a strong man is not enough?"


Alcatraz is talking about it everywhere, whether it is a warrior or a civilian, standing on the street, because they have never seen this phenomenon.

Heavenly Remnant, Devil Temple.

The two old ladies raised their eyes slightly, and there was a hint of fear in their empty eyes.

Turn around.

An old man quickly walked into the Devil's Temple.

The other person is the door to open the time, and instantly disappears in place.


"Great elders, how can there be halo in the sky?"

"Is it difficult to do something that Longfei has done?"


Hao Tianmo also saw the halo that appeared in the sky, his brows were dark and tight, and he said slightly: "It seems to be a barrier, and it is like a kind of formation."

"No matter how much."

"Our goal is to kill Longfei!"



The halo flies out from one end and bounces off the other end.

Cover the entire Alcatraz Island.

Longfei saw it very clearly. This huge halo is like a sky, covering the entire Alcatraz island, and it is like a huge cage.

Longfei has seen a TV drama in the past, under the dome!

This is the same meaning.


When the halo came back from the other end and fell back in front of the two huge statues, at that moment, Longfei’s body suspended in midair suddenly fell.

It was crushed on top of the head by a powerful force.



Directly squatting on the surface of the sea, all the dragons and limbs have broken.

The huge waves on the sea are also instantaneously crushed, and the sea is sinking. It is not shallow, but it is crushed by a powerful force.





The entire island of Alcatraz began to make a loud roar.

The dome is falling...

Powerful power crushes everything.

Longfei climbed up from the sea and watched the sky suddenly change. He watched the radiant power of the rogue Lord God on the two giant statues constantly pouring into the barrier. His heart was one of the tight, "Oops!"

"What did I accidentally open just now..."

"According to this trend, I am afraid that the self-destruction device of Alcatraz Island has been opened."

The dome is falling.

The place where Longfei is at the farthest boundary is also the closest place to the dome. The impact of that power just now is that he can't bear it.

If the dome is lowered to such an extent... everything on Alcatraz will be turned into ashes.


"Lord God, your self-destruction device is too **** hate." Longfei cursed inside, who can think of a touch of the barrier will become like this?

In a flash.

The entire Alcatraz Island is in crisis.


They have not yet felt that the dome is falling.

If they feel it, the entire Alcatraz island will fall into panic.

The soul is coated with charcoal and the blood flows into the river.

This move is simply too embarrassing.

Purify everything!

"There must be a way. There must be a way to stop the decline of the dome. When the mother definitely came here, she must have touched the barrier. Why didn't it fall at that time?" Longfei thought quickly.


In the heart of Longfei, there was a shock. "There is no decline, but it is blocked by the mother."

"What power is it?"

"What power is it?"

Longfei is anxious, although he hates Alcatraz and wants to leave, but after all, there are more than one billion civilians.

Being banished in this place is already very bad.

But now all are dying...

This is too cruel.

Longfei stared at the two huge statues, and the two fists sank. "Bang, booming," the arm rang, red burning, "Mom got a bit."

"You are the source of strength!"

"The old man first killed both of you!"

"Blasting fist!"

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