The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1895: Back to the holy world





Above the sky, there is a constant thunderous bang under the dome.

This is the sound that comes out of the dome.

The dome is constantly declining and has continued.

in fact.

Thousands of years ago, the dome began to decline because of Mu's touch, but the speed of the decline was very slow. This time, the power of Longfei accelerated the decline of the dome, and some strong people could sense it.

The entire Alcatraz Island is under the dome.

If the dome is crushed, Alcatraz will disappear from the world forever.

Everything will perish.

Temple of Destiny.

Tens of thousands of disciples were kneeling on the ground. In the distance, hundreds of thousands of civilians were kneeling on the ground and begging for it.

"Destiny will definitely take us out of here."

"He will never give up anyone."

"As long as everyone believes in the **** of destiny and gives all of you all, it will surely touch the destiny of God. He will take us out of the sea of ​​bitterness."


When people are desperate, they will dream about everything.

Faith is the only pillar that can support them now.

The Temple of Destiny has also become the only hope of Alcatraz.

"All this is caused by the Tian Zongzong Longfei. He is the devil. He is the sinner of the Alcatraz Island."

"it's him."

"Longfei will suffer from the world."

"Longfei is the evil devil."


Among the pilgrims, countless people screamed at Longfei.

Under the instigation of the disciples of the Temple of Destiny, Longfei became the demon on the Alcatraz Island.

In the hall of destiny.

"The big elders, the fate of the gods did not give any instructions?"

"The dome is still falling. Within a month, we will be crushed into powder by the dome, and it will disappear forever. Now only the fate can save us."

"Come on, let us go, we are willing to give him a cow for a lifetime, as long as he can let us live."

"Yeah, great elder."

"You are the messenger of fate, you can help us."

"Great elder, I beg you."

Several white-haired old men fell to the ground directly. They may not have been in this life, but in order to survive, they have no dignity to live.

Hao Tianmo carried his hands and his brows were locked.

His heart is the same.

He is waiting, waiting for the instructions of the **** of destiny, but things have passed for several days, and the **** of destiny is like forgetting them.


Hao Tianmo did not give up his heart. His life wheel and soul were dedicated to the **** of destiny. He believed that God of fate would not give up his.

At this moment.

An elder, said: "Is it true that God of Destiny is not happy because we have not caught Longfei?"

"It must be like this!"

"Dragon is a dog thing."

"We need sacrifices, and Longfei is the best sacrifice."

"The elders, you ordered, I am willing to be a pioneer, and do everything in my power to win the dragon."

"I am willing."

As long as they can live, let them do whatever they want, even if they are called to eat.

The longer you live, the more you are afraid of death.

Yan Tianmo’s eyes moved and said: “I am going to the secret hall, you are waiting for me here.”


The figure of Hao Tianmo disappeared.

In the secret hall.

鸠天摩 directly on the ground, begging for: "Destiny God, I need your guidance, please help me, as long as you say, I am willing to give everything to me."

The image of destiny is unmoved.

The twelve gods in the secret temple are also motionless.

Hao Tianmo even smashed his head, and his forehead was bleeding.


The eyes of the image of destiny moved slightly.

Hao Tianmo was overjoyed and immediately said: "Destiny God."

The image of destiny says: "I need a soul, I need a strong soul. If you can bring the dragon to me, I will let you out of the sea of ​​bitterness and give you eternal life."

In an instant.

The whole person beat the chicken blood and was excited. He said, "Really? Good, good, good, I will catch Longfei immediately."

"This time I will never let you down."

The **** of destiny smiled coldly and said: "Go."


Heavenly Remnant, Devil Temple.

Tianshu shook his head gently, and the four gods looked a little tired.


"His body has been destroyed to an unrecoverable state, and even if we try our best to save all the Holy Power."

"Brother, we did our best."

"Yes, we did our best, this may be his destination."

"All this is his own choice. Longfei is completely uncontrolled. The prophecy comes true, but he reverses the future. Even if we have a powerful supernatural power, we can't protect him."

The other three gods slowly said.

"Now the dome above Alcatraz Island is falling more and more every day. There is only one month left in Alcatraz Island, and the dome will swallow the entire Alcatraz Island."

"We can't go back to heaven."

Tianshu’s eyes lifted and looked at the four.

Without waiting for him to speak, Heaven immediately said: "No, we can't bring him back to the holy world. Our holy world can't be involved in any disputes."

Tian Yuan also immediately said: "Yes, we have been here to repay the kindness of the lord. If we bring Longfei back to the holy world, then our holy Buddha world will not be peaceful."

Tianchong also said: "I also object."

Four gods, three people opposed.


They all know what kind of person Longfei is, what kind of fate he bears.

Not just the main shrine.

It’s just his life... It’s a terrible horror. If you provoke it, the holy world of Buddhism may be lost.

What is the 100,000-bit face?

The really powerful and fearful forces have to crush 10 million planes, and the main temple is not limited.

The holy Buddha world can't afford it.

Tianshu also understands this point. They know more than the average person knows, and they are more aware of the fate of Longfei and his horrible life experience.


Tian Shizhong exhaled a breath, saying: "The **** of the 100,000-faced face is about to be born, and the Son of the Holy Buddha should also come."

"We promised that the lord would guard Longfei and save him three times."

"What you promised should be done."

"I want to take him back to the holy world." Tianshu said very seriously. "Everything is fixed, even if we don't want to provoke any forces in the holy world, I am afraid we have been involved in the dispute."

"The dispute of 100,000 faces."

"Disputes in the big world."

"From the moment we accepted the help of the Lord, we were involved."

Tianshu said faintly.

Heaven said: "Senior brother, the holy world of Buddhism is a pure land. A person with both hands full of blood will only taint the holy world."

Tianshu did not say anything, but said: "You don't have to persuade any more, we owe him, we have to pay back, I have made a decision, go back to the holy world!"


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