The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1898: The first explosion of the holy world

The force under the arm is moving.

The right hand is changing.

The dragon's crazy suppression, control, the arm suddenly turned black, suddenly restored to its original state, the power of the demon in the arm was unusually turbulent.

It is as if there are thousands of evil spirits roaring in his arms.

Also at this moment.

On the top of the corpse, the huge butcher zombie felt like the power of the dragon's devil's hand, and suddenly his eyes flashed a **** slam.

Directly lock the location of Longfei.

In an instant.

The butcher was a zombie move.


Stepping forward, resisting the huge axe on the shoulder and slamming.

Longfei's face is tight.

"I fuck!"

The speed was too fast, his reaction could not keep up, and the tremendous strength of the butcher's zombies completely crushed him. He could not move now.

The only thing that can move is the right arm.

Looking at the big axe under the handle, Longfei's right arm resisted.

Just at this moment.

A Buddha's light flashed, and the body of Longfei suddenly leaped, instantly a hundred meters away.

Tianshu glanced at Longfei and said: "Don't expose your right hand."


The butcher’s zombie fell axe, the earth shivered, and a huge crack appeared on the ground.

A few kilometers in the square are shaking.

Longfei’s shock was undecided and said: “What is that?”

"Is the holy Buddha world not a holy place? Is it not pure land? How can there be such a thing?" Longfei couldn't understand, and...the corpse was too horrible.

Even those pictures that the sword is killing are not afraid of just now.

These guys.

It’s all alive.


But it was completely crushed by a force, absorbing the blood energy of them.

Tianshu’s brows were dark and shook his head. “I don’t know... the previous St. Buddha’s world was not like this.”

Long Feidao: "What is that guy?"

Tianshu’s eyebrows were wrinkled and silenced for a moment: “Evil spirits.”

"Evil spirit?" Longfei has never heard of this race, saying: "How can there be such an evil race in the holy world?"

Tianshuo said: "The evil spirits come from the outer world. They are the races in the world of Hongmeng and the branches of the spiritual people. They only sign contracts with the devils and become evil spirits."


"I don't know why evil spirits appear in the holy world?"

"Is it!?"

Tianshu did not dare to think about it.

It was at this time.

The butcher’s zombies came again, and an axe swept out, and the scarlet blood swept across.

Tianshu once again seized the body of Longfei and jumped again. He once again escaped and landed 100 meters away.

Longfeidao: "What do you mean, kill him!"

Tianshu shook his head and said: "Buddha does not kill."

Don't wait for him to finish.

The butcher’s zombies rushed again. This time, it was even more ferocious. On the axe, there were countless rumors of evil spirits rushing to Tianshu and Longfei in all directions.

Tianshu is another to catch Longfei.

Just this time.

They did not escape, and the back of Tianshu was hit by a wicked spirit, and his body was paralyzed.

If he did not try to protect Longfei, Longfei would be seriously injured.


Very embarrassing!

"You are also the four gods. It’s so embarrassing to be fooled by a wicked zombie. Is this too disappointing?" No matter what Tianshu thinks, Longfei is very upset.

He is unhappy and wants to do something.

Make the other party more unhappy.


Longfei blinked and sipped, saying: "You don't kill, I kill, I will kill."


Longfei stepped out.

Looking at the burly body, dragging a huge battle axe in his hand, said: "Come, come to Laozi!"

Tianshu’s eyebrows wrinkled and said: “Longfei, you promised me.”


"I promised you."

"But, that is in front of the Buddha, what is this guy? Evil spirit!" Long Fei looked at the long blood tank on the top of the butcher's zombie, and said in his heart: "This guy should be an elite monster even if it is not a boss, and I am now Need experience, I need to impact the realm of Silver Star."

"Just upgrade... I will be as good as ever."

"What Fogan."

"What the holy world of Buddhism, go to hell."

In the heart of Longfei, there must be a voice in the evil spirits. "Come, come to Laozi."


The evil spirits butcher is like a raging, a scarlet glow on his body, his eyes locked in a dragon fly, and he jumped out in one step...


too fast!

Longfei could not see his movement track.

He is just an ordinary person now.

Repaired to be closed.

The technique cannot be used.

Even the reaction is much slower than before.

The only thing he can use now is the hand of the devil.

Longfei stood in the place, completely relaxed himself, and let his right arm feel. "The system description says that you can control life and death, and anger the world."

"Then let me see your power!"

Longfei’s heart sank.




The wind is like a thunder, and the strong pressure is coming. The dragon flies in white and the clothes are roaring. The heart is a little nervous. He doesn't know if his devil's hand can resist it.


Now he has no choice.


The battle axe is heavy, facing the top of the dragon.



The wind was abruptly stopped, and Tianshu blocked the attack of the evil spirits, and took his tomahawk to death.

Tianshu Weiwei: "I said, I will protect..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

The force on the dragon's arm suddenly exploded, dragging his body directly, turning into a straight line of black light "唰".


Longfei’s body penetrated directly from the evil spirits butcher.

The blood trough on the head of the evil spirits is also a direct sigh.




The evil spiritsman's body cracked and slammed on the ground, and the huge body collapsed.


Tianshu’s brow was tight and he shouted loudly: “Longfei, you...”

He looked at Long Fei's right hand, and the power on his right arm made him feel fearful. The Buddha light on his body was also a shocking surge.

Longfei grinned and said: "I can't control it either."

"My hand has been cursed and I can't control it myself."

Also at this time.

The system sounds a beep.

In the heart of Longfei, he was so excited that he was excited. "The first head of the holy world of Buddhism, the big brother, must give something to the face."


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘Evil Spirit Butcher’ and gaining 200000 points, with a power of 20000 points and an abnormal energy value of 1 point.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Evil Tomahawk’”

“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” for “Evil Spirit”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Evil Magic Pearl’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Evil Chariot’”


An elite blame.

But it broke out so many things.


The last thing surprised Longfei with his eyes, "The evil spirits chariot? The evil spirit chariot of the evil spirit knight played by Nicholas Cage?"

"I rub!"

"Release metamorphosis!"


Thanks for the support.

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