The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 201: Don't come

Ye Ziyan took out an invitation and walked to Longfei, saying: "This is the qualification certificate."

Xiao Tian sweet smiled and said: "With your cultivation as a matter of choosing a sentence, if you can be the first, then there will be rewards."

After that, Xiao Tiantian whispered close to Longfei and said: "There will be special rewards at the time."

Then gave Longfei a sly look.

It’s like saying, “What is the reward, you know!”

Dragonfly, "Special reward?"

Turn around.

Longfei looked at Liuluoxi.

I don't know why, Liu Luoxi's eyes are a bit cold, it is the kind of cold that resists.

Longfei has been busy in this period of time, especially in response to Yanhuang's ancestors. This guy needs too much instinct. In three days, he needs hundreds of thousands of points of infuriating. Longfei is a little too busy, plus the fire system. The lack of Lingcao, Long Lingdan supply is not available, Longfei can only go to get other medicine.

He always wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Liuluo.

There has been no chance.

Looking at the cold eyes of Liuluo Creek, Longfei smiled faintly: "I will go there."

"Sister, the invitation has been sent, there are other posts to send, we will go first." Liu Luoxi did not have any stop, turned and left the hospital.

Ye Ziyan quickly followed.

Xiao Tiantian reluctantly looked at Liuluo Creek and suddenly rushed to Longfei's ear and whispered: "Master Sister went back to cry for a long time, I have never seen her so sad."

"Longfei, the master sister has a fiancé, and it is very strong. I heard that I am going to come to Firetown to pick her up. That person is very strong. You must be careful..."

"I still have to come to the assessment. If we leave, we will be waiting for you in Chaotian."

Not waiting for her to finish.

Liuluo Creek did not look back, and sighed, "Little sister, hurry."

Xiao sweet sweet spit out his tongue and immediately chased it up.

at this time.

Liu Luoxi’s eyes and tears are like raindrops. It’s flowing down. She didn’t look back until she got out of the dragon’s house. She didn’t look back, and muttered in her heart: “Longfei, goodbye...”

There is a bunch of paper in her hand.

Last time I gave it to her in the wolf valley.

I painted a little girl, a little girl with a big smile, and a line of words.

She came here to send invitations and wanted to return the paper to Longfei, but... Finally she didn't know how to speak. She didn't know how to go with Longfei.


She didn't dare to look at Longfei. She was afraid that she couldn't control it and cried in front of Longfei.

Really scared, so scared.


Longfei stood in the same place, and did not move. His mind kept replaying the words Xiao Xiaotian just said. "Master Sister went back to cry for a long time, I have never seen her so sad..."

"Longfei, the master sister has a fiancé, and it is very strong. I heard that I am going to come to Firetown to pick her up. That person is very strong. You must be careful..."

These two sentences are repeated in my mind.

On the emotional side, Longfei is very poor. She never talked about love in the past life. The girl did not say that he did not know what the girl was thinking.

I am constantly thinking about the meaning of these two sentences.

Who is crying for?

Why are you crying?

She has a fiancé...

Very strong?

The more I want to fly, the more I want to climb, the more I am climbing, the more I clench my fists, and say, "The girl crying is wrong!"

He said that he rushed out.

Rushing to the door of the yard, suddenly and rushed out and ran into the Longshan to come into contact.

Longshan just came back from the military region and reported the latest things. When he saw the collision with Longfei, he immediately said: "There is no sin of the Lord. I am too anxious to see."

Longfei ignored it and rushed out.

Longshan immediately said loudly: "Less master, Liuluo Creek has something for me to hand over to you."

Longfei stopped.

Longshan quickly ran up and said as he ran: "When I walked to the Longjia Gate, I saw her eyes crying red and swollen, and my face was crying. I thought something was going on."


Longfei didn't know why he suddenly stung.

This is the first time he feels the pain of heartache, it is very uncomfortable.

Longshan came up and took the piece of paper out and handed it to Longfei. He said, "This is the paper, the Lord, are you misunderstanding with Liu Shijie?"

When Longfei opened the paper and saw it, the heart was like acupuncture. The pain was extremely painful and the body trembled slightly.

This is the painting he painted in Liuluo Creek in the Valley of Fire Wolf. The girl who laughs innocently, and the line of words ‘Laughter every day, you will find that the world is so beautiful, fool, you have to laugh more. ’


There are a few lines of delicate characters in the back. The writing is a bit fuzzy, and it is invaded by the water drops. Tears...

When Liu Luoxi wrote, he was crying.

"Dragonfly, thank you, this time is the happiest day of my life. Thank you very much. I will remember every word you say, you must be happy too."

"Goodbye, my hero, my prince..."

In an instant.

Longfei has a feeling of collapse.


Yang Tian shouted and went crazy.

"Liu Luoxi, what are you doing?"

"What the **** are you doing?"

"You are my woman, now, in the future, even in the next life, you are the woman of my dragon, and no one can take you away."

The heart of Longfei is tearing.

feeling bad.

This kind of discomfort makes him suffocate.

Never before, it is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

He rushed out of the dragon house and rushed to the street, screaming, "Liu Luoxi..."

The people on the street looked at him curiously.


No one is Liuluo Creek.



The ice fire flew directly out of the mount space, hovering over the city of Fireglass, and constantly searching for the location of the three people in Liuluo.



Xiaobai also rushed out, and the idea of ​​the beast of the beast quickly spread out and searched for the atmosphere of the three people in Liuluoxi.


The city of Fire Glass is really too big.

The tens of millions of people in the big city want to find three people is simply a needle in a haystack.

While searching for Liuluo Creek in Xiaobai and Icefire.

Longfei madness seems to run to the Chaotian branch.

Constantly using teleports, it is like a madman who is not dead.

"Liu Luoxi, you are a big fool."

"Dragon, you are a pig, how can you not see it? Why are you so stupid?"


For half an hour, Longfei took less than a minute.

"Who is, dare to smash the Tianzong branch?"

Long Fei simply ignored it and shouted: "Liu Luoxi."

There is no reaction at all.

The disciple disciple once again drank, saying: "Boy, I think you are tired of living."

Also at this moment.

Longfei’s eyes sank and his right hand moved. He stepped forward and grabbed the throat of the disciple and mentioned it in the air. “I asked you, where is Liuluo Creek going?”


If he dares not to say, Longfei will kill him immediately.

"Liu Shijie and Ye Shijie, Xiao Shijie has already left, they,,, they have to go back to Heaven."


Longfei’s body sank, his right hand was loose, and the soul did not keep his way: “Walk?”

Also at this time.

Xiaobai and the ice fire almost simultaneously to Longfei, "Master, at the East Gate."

"Master... don't come."

"Don't come..."


The fourth chapter, thank you for the 'Xiao Yao' 100,000 moon cakes, the sea is extremely grateful!

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