The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2302: Laozi has gone out

At dawn.


"Refinery failed, proficiency +1!"


“Congratulations to the ‘Alchemy’ upgrade of the player’s ‘Longfei’ cultivation, currently level 4!”

"It has risen again!"

"It's so cool!"

Longfei is excited, and fortunately, it has the green hair of the zombie's inner Dan to make him always infinitely infuriating, no need to deal with the infuriating things.


Longfei once again invested in cultivation.


Several elders secretly came to observe Longfei, and after seeing it for half a minute, they turned around and left.

In their view, Longfei is not crazy or stupid.

Compared with the elders, try Dan?

Doomed to no drama!

This also allowed the elders with more choices to stand by.

Yin Changfeng was chosen.

Moreover, the elders who went to Dange last night got Yin Changfeng's remedy.

Standing with Longfei?

That is destined to die!

I am afraid that only the two elders, Yue Wanshan and Wu Yi, did not go to Dange.

Long Fei didn't know what happened to Xuan Yuezong. He didn't even know that Yi Rongrong had apologized to Yin Changfeng for his sake. He has only one thing in his heart.

Improve the level of alchemy!

The day passed.

at dusk.


“Congratulations to the ‘Alchemy’ upgrade of the player’s ‘Longfei’ cultivation, currently level 5!”

"Five products alchemy!"

Longfei excitedly said, "I remember Yin Changfeng is a six-product alchemy teacher? I have a few more grades!"

"carry on!"

It doesn't matter if you do one thing, but it's too boring to do the same thing over and over again. Longfei's two days are repeating, repeating, and repeating.

Even he didn't know how many times he repeated.

It’s boring and mad.


As long as you can crush Yin Changfeng, as long as you can give Xiaodie, thin monkey, big head, green cattle, black scales, they will revenge even if they are boring.

He is such a person.

He can bear the pain for the purpose.

"People who bully me?"

"Take my brother, bully my sister, if you can't kill you, then Lao Tzu will not call Longfei!"

"carry on!"


Easy to have a yard.

Yi Yourong stood in the pavilion and watched the fish in the pool swim cheerfully. Her heart was envious, no worries, no pressure, so she was always happy to swim.

She is about to blow up now.

A lot of troubles.

Under the black scales, several advanced treatments are not good, and they can only maintain her life.

There are no signs of recovery at all.

And she can't find a way now. The wounds on the black scales are too heavy, and the internal organs are hurt. Unless there are six products, or seven medicines, otherwise it is impossible to recover.

And this kind of high-level elixir can only restore the black scales to the wound, and its cultivation is probably not going to break through in a lifetime.


The position of many elders of Xuan Yuezong made her heart slightly shocked.

Not chilling.

It is because of Yin Changfeng’s means.

This time the test is destined to make her defeated.

It seems to be a test with Longfei, but also bet with her.

As long as Longfei loses, she will be dragged down, and the elders will definitely unite to let her abdicate.

"what should I do?"

Easy to think of ways.

The current situation she will lose, the only way to turn defeat into victory is that Longfei wins the test, but how can Longfei win?

What to win?

He didn't even have a win.

"No matter how!"

"I will keep you from dying." Yi has a breath, a sigh of relief, the body is surging, and suddenly her face changes slightly.

The right hand can't help but touch the abdomen.

A strong tingling sensation.

Stopped for a while.

Yi Rongrong let go of the hand and gave a slight look, with black blood on his palm.

Every time the infuriating abdomen wounds will tear, the poison of the Promise Burning Sword remains in her body, and she has been struggling to support these days.

She doesn't know how long it will last...


Another day passed!

From the alchemy gambling test, only the last night is left.


"Alchemy failed, proficiency +1"

The system sounds a tone.


“Congratulations to the player’s alchemy upgrade of Dragonfly’s practice, currently level 6!”


Longfei exhaled a heavy breath. "Nima, finally broke through, and almost got into the fire, too **** uncomfortable."

Six products!

Now Longfei has become a master of six products.

Looking at the six-level alchemy, Longfei smiled softly and said: "Yin Changfeng, now Laozi is also a six-product alchemy teacher."

"Go home first!"

"Just take these medicinal herbs to them." Longfei worried about the injury of Xiaodie, and he was worried that Yin Changfeng would come.


Go all the way, go back to the barren hillside.

I glanced at the green cow in the bullpen. He was still lying in the bullpen and didn't get up in the past few days.

Longfei quickly rushed down and put a large bundle of grass down, murmured. "It seems that Uncle Gui has not returned yet."

"Old cow!"

"Get up and eat!"

"There is a medicinal herb in this grass. You can eat it yourself. I will go see the butterfly." Longfei put down the grass and ran into the house.

Seeing that Longfei entered the house and Xiaodie was sitting up hard and said: "Aaron, where have you been in these two days? I am in a hurry, I asked Yi sister, she did not tell me."

Longfei glimpsed, said: "Is it easy to come?"

"Because she still has some conscience, she also knows to take care of you."

Xiaodie said again: "Is it easy for my sister's face to look bad. What a big deal happened? Is there something big?"

The skinny monkey said: "It must be tested for the boss and Yin Changfeng."

Big chunks said: "Boss, listen to the Shaozong Lord said that Yin Changfeng broke through the day before yesterday, and it is already a master of seven products."



"This is also breaking too fast?" Longfei's face was awkward, a little unprepared, and the heart said: "No wonder it is easy to have that face ugly at that time."


"I want to break through again!"


Longfei put down three medicinal herbs and said: "One person and one."

After talking about Longfei, he strode out.

Xiaodie hurriedly said: "Aaron, where are you going?"

Long Fei returned a sentence and said: "I am going to do big things!"

"I don't believe it!"

"Seven masters are right? Laozi must be taller than you." Longfei's heart screamed at a raging fire, very uncomfortable, quickly rushed down the barren hillside.

Came to the valley below the barren hills.

"Only one night's time, if you want to rise to seven levels, it's not enough."


"The seven levels are not enough!"

"I have to go to the eighth grade, it is not good to not crush him Yin Changfeng." Long Fei secretly said, "Try to double-handed alchemy, so the speed will double."

Even if the speed is doubled, the 7th level and the 8th level need more proficiency, not at all.


Longfei bite his teeth and said: "I am going out!"

"A man should be a little bit guilty about himself."

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