The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 233: Nannan Yan

"It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes!"

"I have been looking for a few months of the mysterious environment of the Leilong Temple. I can’t think of it here. If it wasn’t just the fierce roar, I couldn’t find it.”

The head of the man's face with a cold smile.

"Brothers, do it!"

"That woman left me!" During the conversation, he glanced at the woman around him, and there was a woman with a scar on his face. He smiled a little.


More than a dozen blood-stained disciples quickly surrounded the Niuhai and Yuanling.

The cow's brow is tight, saying: "Xuan Jianzong and the blood-stricken sects come to the well water without breaking the river, you are like this..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

When a disciple rushed up, he gave the cow a fat foot and said: "Let's tell us that those are useless, and quickly hand over the treasure."

The cow and the sea have a look at each other.

The disciple went up again and said, "What's the matter? I still want to stop with Laozi? You don't look at what is happening now."

Very proud.

Yuan Ling said coldly: "The secrets collapsed and we did not find treasures."

The headed man came up and said: "Is there no treasure? In my eyes, you are a treasure, and you are a blood slave. You are the perfect treasure."

After that, he stepped forward and reached out to grab the face of Yuan Ling.

Also in this moment.

Yuan Ling's eyebrows moved and the sword slammed.

A sword hit.


The first man slammed back, his sleeves were cut off, his eyebrows stunned, and the sinister smile: "It's hot, I like it."


"Take the fat man's body and scrape it. If there is no treasure, then kill it."

"As for this woman, oh..."

"its mine!"

The voice fell.

The first man suddenly moved, holding a handful of powder in his hand and slamming it.

The speed is too fast.

The blood-red powder quickly penetrated into the nose of Yuanling.

Yuan Ling wants to avoid being too late, too fast, and she did not expect to be so mean.

The blood of the scented blood is sucked into the nose, and her brain immediately sinks. The power of the body quickly dissipates and the body becomes soft.

Yuan Ling was cold and angry, and the long sword attacked the man.


Her strength is completely out of power, her body is weak, and she is almost unable to stand.

"Ha ha ha ... little beauty, you are mine now." The first man gently escaped the sword of Yuan Ling, fell on her side and grabbed the chin of Yuan Ling, smirked and said: "It is a beautiful person. ""

The woman with a knife on her face is the Nangongyan who was taken away by the blood sect.

Her face was cold and cold, her lips were purple-red, and she said coldly: "Luo Xiu, can't you use other means? Forever so mean?"

The first man was called Luo Xiu. It was also his last time to chase the three sisters of Liuluoxi in the Huoli Mountains. He was also taken away by Nan Gongyan.

Luo Xiu Yinsen smiled and said: "I will only be so mean, Yan Shimei, but I have never been humbled by you. Do you still not let me be mean to other women?"


Nangong Yan snorted and said that he was not talking when he stood still.

Luo Xiu was a bit uncomfortable in his heart, but it did not break out.

He wanted to bring Nangong Yan back to the blood sect, and then regarded her as her own plaything, but did not expect the lord to look at her and accept her as a closed disciple.

Identity is different at once.

He couldn't move Nangong Yan.

"Little beauty, you will be a little bit, you will not be able to leave me for a long time." Luo Xiuyi squatted on the back of Yuan Ling, took out a sack and put it up, a bundle, said: "You are Mine."

"Ha ha ha..."

The cow was so angry that he could not be stopped by a dozen swords until he rushed up.

Luo Xiu sneered and said: "I will ask you again, treasures will be handed over."

The cow and the sea are angry with each other. "I will pay your ancestors for eighteen generations."

Turn around.

The double fists surged and rushed out.

Grabbing the sack on the ground with Yuan Ling, he rushed out and shouted at the Yuanba in the deep pit. He said: "Yuanba, run!!"

Yuanba seems to have not heard the same.

Still constantly planing the ground.

His ten fingers are already bloody, but he has not stopped.

Really a stupid big man.

Luo Xiu glanced at him and sneered: "Run?"

"It's going to see where you can go."


Luo Xiu snorted, "Catch, kill them."

In turn, Luo Xiu went to the side of Nangongyan, and said sinisterly: "Sister, the sovereign can say, let you kill a few disciples and practice your hands, you will not forget it?"

"Do you want me to help?"

"As long as you promised to double repair with me, I am very happy to help with such a small thing, even if it is just killing the little beauty of the frost."

Nangong Yan said coldly, "I don't need your management."


Luo Xiuyin laughed and said: "If this is the case... don't blame me for not reminding you that you are only one day away from the deadline. If you can't complete the task, you will be waiting to go back and be punished."

Turn around.

Luo Xiu chased out, facing the cow sea, said: "Dead fat, I have to see how much you can run."


Nangongyan stood in the same place, his eyes were extremely cold, and there have been too many things in the past six months, but... the source of all this is because of Longfei!

Once a fiancé, today's genocide!

It’s all because of him!

She hated Dragonfly in the bone marrow.

"Call..." Nangong Yan sighed out with a cold breath, looking at the stupid big tyrant in the deep pit, squinting at the cold, killing the flash.


In a flash, this killing disappeared.

There is only one person she wants to kill, Longfei!


The cow's sea gasped like a cow, and his heart was burning anxiously. He said: "Boss, boss, you are still alive and alive, come on, come on and help out."

"This is your woman, but I want you to protect it."

Niuhai fights his life, but his body in the 250 kilograms, coupled with a Yuan Ling, can't run fast, and he will be caught up.


A long sword shuttled out and directly sealed the road to the sea.

Luo Xiufei fell down, his footsteps were like electricity, and he said: "Dead fat, run for me again!"



"Blood sea palm."

The hands showed a scarlet blood, and the back of the cow's sea smashed down. The cows were too late to defend, and the body sank and suffered heavy weight.

The body leaned forward and fell to the ground, but he still tried to protect the lady spirit in the sack.

Luo Xiu jumped in one step and stepped on the belly of the cow's sea. "I am jealous, Xuan Jianzong's waste!"

"Don't dare to grab a woman with me?"

"You are a fat man, are you also worthy?"

The cow spurted out a blood, and said with anger: "The grandson, there is a kind of singled out!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Luo Xiu laughed a little, and his feet were harder. He stepped on the belly of the cow and said: "Single-handed, single-handed, come, single-handed..."

The cow's mouth is constantly spraying with blood.


far away.

A loud noise, a figure flew out from the depths of the ground.


The first chapter, thank the brothers for their rewards.

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