The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2657: Qinglong World

Among the special secrets.

The dragon fly is suspended in the darkness.

There is nothing in the foot.

Here, except darkness is darkness, he is flying, flying wildly.

I don't feel any existence.

I can't see anything at the same time.

Wrong place?

Or entered a dead end of the secret?


Longfei shouted at the void, and the sound spread out and opened at the speed of sound waves. This is a huge area of ​​mystery.

"King Kong!"

"Yu Shu!"

"Big head!"


There is no response at all.

The world is like a dark world abandoned, nothing exists.

The world is quiet and panic.


Longfei breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and his mind was moving, "Devil's claws!"


"Grade one, give me out!"

Longfei wants to summon the ghost emperor. He is a dark attribute. He should master the situation faster than Longfei, but...

The system suddenly sounded a tone.


"System prompt: special map, can't summon!"


"What the hell?"

Dragonfly stunned and tried again.

The result is still the same.

Special maps cannot be summoned.

Since the ghost emperor could not summon, the dragon flying hands turned over and took out the ten-layer magic tower. The thoughts moved, and said: "The devil war will give me out."


"System prompt: special map, can't summon!"

This is the tone again.

There are some special maps in the game, and I don't think there is such a place in this outside world.

Longfei does not give up.

"Since I can't summon, can I make a beggar?"

Quickly made, and the technique is very fast.

After the production was completed, Longfei was released immediately, but at this moment... the released cockroaches quickly fell apart and directly failed.

too weird.

It is as if the world only allowed Longfei to exist alone.

Whether it is summoned by him or not, he can't use it. ,

This map was first encountered.

"What the **** is it?"

"I can't see it, I don't have any sound, there is no heaven, no land, nothing. Is this a secret or an unformed world?"

"It's really weird!"

"I don't know how they are, is it the same as here? If this is the case, it would be too difficult to find them." Longfei’s heart sank.

Looking at the sky, looking at the bottom.

Deep in the dark.

I can't see anything at all.

Long time did not know what to do.

What are you going to do?

Long Fei’s eyebrows are tight, and he said: “Go to the world, choose one...”

"Go to the ground!"

In turn, Longfei's breath suddenly rushed, and the weight of the whole person increased sharply, and then fell wildly.




The wind is raging, and the speed of falling is extremely fast. One hundred thousand meters in a second, it has been falling like this, and it has not been in the end for half an hour.

Longfei began to doubt that the world would not end.

Half an hour passed.

His body must be stable, and the gods will be released and spread out quickly...

Within one million kilometers, nothing is empty.

Longfei’s heart is a bit dry.

The idea is moving, "The fire!"


A flame rises from the palm of your hand, and then the dragon flies up to the sky. At this moment, the fire shines through the dark world, and at this moment...

Longfei’s heart suddenly trembled.

The body is completely unable to control and trembles.

A dragon!

A huge dragon!

A whole body of cyan scales, a dragon with a cold glow.

There is a chain of chains hanging on the dragon's body. The end of the chain is a black lacquer and a huge coffin.

Qinglong Panyu.

The whole body is twisted into a vortex, and the dragon is in the center of the vortex.

He is now wrapped in a huge body.


Longfei can't sense the breath of any dragon.

It is not that Qinglong has no breath, but because the level of Longfei is too low, it does not sense the existence of Qinglong. From the very beginning, he has been wrapped in the body of Qinglong since the beginning of the moment.

And this world is also the world of Qinglong.


As the fire slowly rises, Longfei is slowly watching the whole picture of Qinglong, and the heart is stirring and shocking.

The black dragon is just a shadow.

It is a spirit.

Even if it is huge, there is no flesh, and his visual impact is not too strong, but... the dragon in this black world is the real dragon.

The flesh is in the dark world.

That kind of huge can't be described by words.

More domineering is a giant coffin pulled by a long chain behind him.

"Qinglong Lama..."

A memory of forging in the mind of Longfei.

Also in a certain secret, he also saw such a picture, but it was Kowloon Lahu...

Lying in the coffin is a peerless beauty.

That beauty...

Long Fei couldn’t remember it and couldn’t remember her face.


The picture is very clear, but... Jiulong Lama is really shocking, but the nine dragons are dead. The green dragon in front of him is alive. He is moving and moving.

Not only that.

This dragon is even bigger than the Kowloon.


Longfei swallowed a lot of saliva, and secretly said: "Qinglong Lahu, or a living dragon, that... Who is the person lying in the coffin?"

"I fuck!"

"With such a large squad, can anyone who can achieve this level be able to do it without the shackles of Hongmeng?"

"Is it really... is it the tomb of the first war of the Ming Dynasty?"

Longfei can't think of who it will be.


Longfei swallowed his mouth again and then carefully said: "Qinglong!"

Also at this moment.

Qinglong’s body intensified and moved. The two long-eyed dragon eyes opened, and the blue light was stronger than the sun’s rays, directly resisting Longfei.

Very strange.

Being stared at by the dragon did not have any sense of oppression.

To know……

The dragon's breath can make the heart of the Emperor of the Emperor Wu of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor.

The dragon is one of the strongest creatures in the world.

Especially the innate Longwei is exceptionally powerful.


Longfei didn't feel any Longwei breath. On the contrary... he felt very comfortable, just like swimming in the ocean of strength.

This feeling is too strange.

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

Qinglong’s body moved slightly and led the chain.

The chain began to drive a huge black stone sarcophagus, and the sarcophagus slowly flew to the front of the dragon.

Longfei looked at the Qinglong, and then looked at the huge black stone sarcophagus. The stone sarcophagus was engraved with **** red weird runes, all kinds of powerful.

I have never seen it before.

Those runes are like a seal chain that binds the stone sarcophagus firmly.

Qinglong faintly, "Open it!"

Longfei was shocked and said: "What open it?"

Qinglong Road: "Use your blood!"


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