The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2709: Counterattack, with a leopard female fly!


A muffled sound.


The shrinking field of black and white fog is like an inexhaustible power of crazy smashing, squeezing, squeezing everything in the field into a small sand, then smashing into the outside world. .


Also at this time.

The void began to crack.

Like a dense explosion of lightning, the void is bursting.





Crazy explosions.

The explosion in the cracks in time and space.

Also at this moment.

The sound of the dragon flying brain system is also bursting in madness.





Just like setting off firecrackers, I can't stop it.

Blast all in a flash.

The only thing that is uncomfortable is that there is nothing but the experience, and the **** has not exploded. This force is too fierce, and it is so violent.

Longfei’s heart is also incomparably awkward.

"What is the power of black and white?"

"What power is hidden under the dragon-shaped mark?"

"This Nima..."

"It's too strong!"

The hundreds of strong people in the outer domain will be smashed into slag.

See who kills!

If Longfei is now in the mainland of the Cangwu, if he is in Hongmeng, he really wants to do it directly with Xuandi, he feels that he can burst the scum into slag!

The power of black and white made him feel stronger than ever.

"Super mission seven beautiful pictures, a beautiful wife is equal to the opening of a mission, that is to say, under the dragon-shaped imprint, there are seven powers hidden."

"If you can release all these seven forces."

"My day..."

"Xuandi counts a bird?"

"Hong Mengjie, the ancient world is a bird? I have to do everything in minutes." Longfei feels that the dragon-shaped imprint under the right arm hides more powerful power than the entire Hongmeng.

just now……

Longfei only knows that this power is the Nantian monument, which is the town boundary stone.

Other than that, he really doesn't know that any power can compete with it.

"The first strength is easy to give."

"The second power..."

Longfei has a tight heart, "Leopard!"


Also at this moment, the countdown to the dragon's body ended.


"System prompt: Black and **** time is over."


Don't wait for Longfei to take it back, the power of black and white is instantly removed, and he returns to the dragon-shaped mark.

The power sounded, "You have to resist!"

The voice fell.

At this moment, Longfei suddenly felt that his soul had to rush out of the body, the penetration of the power of thousands of holes.

It's like a thousand AK47 shot against his body.







The blood vessels in the whole body are bursting constantly. I haven't waited for half a second. The whole body of the dragon flies into his blood, blood dripping, and the hair is constantly dripping.


In the sky.

Longfei couldn’t control it, but he couldn’t help it, let alone control the power. The body continued to rotate and fell from the air.




Whole body violent blood.

Unspeakable uncomfortable.

The voice of the power was heavy and heavy: "You have to bear it, you must resist it, otherwise it will be... otherwise... otherwise..."

He did not say anything.

If you can't stop it, if the body is dead.

Everything will come again.


At that time, it was not a dragon flying, because if the body died here, it means that his mission failed, which means that he is not suitable for this task.

He can't save what the system setter wants to save.

The system will not appear without words.


Its existence is not a bug, but a mission!

Everything that Longfei has experienced seems to be his step by step, but... basically, he walks step by step according to the system settings.

Death here.

Then he will fail!

Will be erased.

Have no existence!

Black and white did not say, because... he had failed.

He is very clear about the consequences.

Longfei couldn't answer. He fell from the height of tens of thousands of meters. His whole person had already fainted and died, and he continued to increase his pain.

The vast continent.

The spiral spaces in the sky all disappeared.

Many people who have just happened at the height of 10,000 meters can't see it, but the strong peaks of the mainland can see it, it is terrible.

In front of these foreign powers, they are like the same dust.

Those who are strong in the outer domain are just ants in front of Longfei.

Too bad.

Watching Longfei fall from the sky, the old man’s shocked heart is slamming, “Oops!”

The whole person is also instantaneously pulling out the ground and directly rushing to the sky, and the heart is also secretly saying: "You can't have anything to do with the kid, if you die, I really can't explain it to Liu Yuanxian."

"Don't die!"

"Don't die!"


In the air.

The old man took Longfei and looked at Longfei, which was picked up from the blood pool. His eyebrows were wrinkled. "How could it hurt like this? Didn't he win?"

It is good to have nowhere in the whole body.

Every capillary hole in the whole body, every millimeter is a wound.

Ling Xiao did not like this.

This kind of injury will make you feel scared and incomparably painful.


"Take me to the dragon!"

The atmosphere of Longfei is very weak.


He still thinks about the leopard woman.

In a day's time, Longfei's mind always showed a wild figure in the jungle, wrapped in leopard skin, a long ponytail.

Holding a javelin in his hand.

Very simple.

I like to laugh.

And... In that picture she kept yelling at her husband, husband.

Who is she?

However, Longfei did not know.

He firmly believes that he must have a relationship with his past life.

He asked the leopard woman to wait in the sky, and he promised to take her out of the mainland, let her enter the Hongmeng world, and promise to do things. Longfei will do it.

The old man also said: "Yes, right, now go to the sky, I will release the power of flying into the virtual."


"You can't die!"

"I will definitely send you to Hongmeng."

Longfei did not speak.

He has no strength to speak at all.

After a few minutes.


The old man flew with the dragon on the top of the sky.

The leopard woman also ran up.

Longfei reveals **** teeth and smiles gently: "I said I will take you out of here."

The leopard woman moved her heart and gently shook her head, tears in her eyes.

The old man said: "You are ready, I want to provoke the power to fly into the virtual, and wait for the next day to rob, you must seize the opportunity."

"Only one chance!"

The old man said seriously.

Long Fei smiled and looked at the leopard girl: "Have you heard clearly?"

The old man said: "I can only send you alone into Hongmeng, not both of you."

Longfei struggled: "I know."

"And, I won't let you sacrifice yourself to fulfill me."

"I use my own strength!"

The voice fell.

Longfei slammed and set his mind, "starting the power of flying into the virtual!"


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