The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2792: impossible things!

"What did you say about him?"

The woman suddenly looked up, and her right hand shook a little, so that the brush stroked and a word was written off.

Never had.

But when, what kind of things, women are extremely calm.

But now.

She suddenly panicked.

Liu Wei gave a slight glimpse. I don’t know why she looked at him like this expression. He said: "He,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

In the woman's eyes, a fine mangle flashed out, and his eyes suddenly turned and fell directly onto Longfei. "You are Longfei?"

Longfei looks at the woman...

do not know.

Never seen it before.

at least!

This woman has not appeared in his memory.


There is a familiar feeling in his heart.

I can't say it, it feels like I have seen it in my life.

Longfei nodded and said: "I am."

The pen in the woman's hand suddenly fell, and her look was a little excited. He murmured: "Dragon, is it really you? Really you? Are you really a dragon?"

Very excited.

The people around are a glimpse.

Many people know about Longfei, because... the word written on the woman’s desk is ‘Longfei’. When the woman came to the East Imperial City for three years, she wrote it for three years.

It can be said.

She didn't even write her own name in the words "Longfei".

Liu Yan was also shocked in his heart, and he only reacted at this time.

A tight heart.

Liu Wei said: "Miss, there are many people in the world with the same name and the same name. He can call Longfei, or Jialong III, Dragon IV or something."

A manager also said: "The elders of Liu said that it is not bad. Although there are very few surnames in Hongmeng, there are also many people of the same name."

The woman looked at the eyes of Longfei and kept staring.

Staring at a girl like this, Longfei is a little embarrassed.

Tan cannon is extremely envious. "Flying brother is awkward. Wherever women go, there are women who like it. Why don't I have such good luck?"

The blue family is the blue house, the ghost cave is the ghost cave, the noble disciple is the noble disciple, and now even the big lady of the Volkswagen business alliance shows his admiration.

Is this peach blossoming too good?

Looking at the woman's motion, Liu Yan once again said: "Miss, Miss?"

The woman squinted, recovered her look, coughed softly, and muttered in her heart: "It is true that there are too many people of the same name in the world, and... He sees my eyes completely strange, and my appearance has not changed. If he is a dragon, he should be able to recognize me."

"Don't he?"

"But why do I see his eyes exactly the same as Longfei's eyes?"

“Is it the illusion that I missed too much?”

The woman’s heart has already started to stun.

She was transferred back to the family headquarters, and then she entered the Hongmeng world directly because of some kind of opportunity. She also learned a lot of things when she entered Hongmeng.

She knows that Longfei will enter the Hongmeng world sooner or later.

She has been waiting.

Waiting now?

The man in front of her is the dragon that she has to wait for?

Calm down, she did not dare to confirm.

After all, as Liu Yan said, there are too many people with the same name and surname.

"Coughing..." The woman returned to her seat and looked at Longfeidao: "You said that you have made a different kind of spiritual enhancement? What is special?"

Longfei Weiwei said: "That, I just said, ordinary Lingling Dan can provide a hundred points of true spirit, and my refining Zening Dan can provide 10,000 points."


"There is still a special ability."

Long Fei just finished.

Liu Yan smiled and said: "I can really blow a hundred times more medicine. Who do you think you are? The president of the alchemy union?"

"You don't even have the qualification certificate of the alchemy union, that is to say, you are a wilderness alchemy teacher."

"I will give back 10,000 steps. Even if your refining Zening Dan can provide 10,000 points of true spirit, how is it? You can buy other Lingdan instead, so that your medicine is still a text. It’s not worth it, and there is nothing special about it.” Liu Wei retorted that he could not let Longfei’s medicinal herbs enter the auction.

This is what he promised to the Blue River.

Other than that.

Even the family sent a special entrustment.

and so.

He can't let Longfei's remedy enter the auction.

Tan cannon directly shouted: "You are a ruling."

Longfei is also more refuted than a rebuttal. "My medicinal medicine can provide 10,000 points of true spirit. This is just a point. Just like the elders, there are a lot of lingers that add 10,000 points of true spirit. Why do you want to increase? Ling Dan?"

Liu Yan smiled and said: "Yeah, why buy your remedy? Sell it? Like this remedy, there is not much market value."

Long Feidao: "Elder, I have a question to ask?"

Liu Yandao: "Say."

Longfeidao: "How many peaks are there in Hongmeng?"

Liu Yandao: "There are only a handful of peaks."

Long Feidao: "The elders said that they are right, then I asked, how many warriors in the world are there?"

Liu Yandao: "There are many ants, there are countless."

Long Feidao: "In this case, how big is my market for the increase of the spirits? I did not say that my medicinal herbs are the medicinal herbs provided to the strong, but the warriors who provide them to the realm of the soldiers. And... I just said that the true spirit of a hundred times more than the ordinary medicinal herbs is just the most common place for this remedy."

“There is a more special place.”

Liu Wei slightly sneaked, sneer: "We have a very high status in the Volkswagen business alliance. Even if you increase your spirits, it is also a good medicine. Do you think your medicine is eligible to enter the auction site? It will only lower us. The level of the business alliance is ridiculous."

The woman looked at the dragon flying road: "What is more special?"

The more powerful medicinal herbs are just one product, just like what Liu Wei said, it will lower the grade of the Volkswagen business alliance.

The grade of Yipin Dan medicine is too low.


Because of his relationship with Longfei, there is a sense of preference in the woman's heart.

Liu Yandao: "Miss, a special drug is also a special drug. This low-grade drug can only be sold at our Lingdan Pavilion. Entering the auction site will lower the grade of our Volkswagen Business Alliance auction."

The woman is somewhat uncomfortable: "Who is here?"

Liu Yan’s body immediately said, “You.”

The woman said: "From now on, don't talk."

Liu Yan’s eyes are tight.

The woman looked at Longfei and continued: "You can now tell what is special about it."

Longfeidao: "It can make people break through instantly!"

The voice fell.

The whole audience trembled.

There is also a hint of fineness in the woman's eyes.

A moment of breakthrough in the panacea?

No one in the world can refine such a drug, and no alchemist can guarantee such a drug.

An alchemist in the wild road actually said that refining the instant breakthrough of the drug?


impossible things!

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