The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2815: Tianwulong


Another drop of water is heard.

Longfei stood in a void space and looked at the dark world around him. "Where is this? Am I dead?"


A whisper.

A voice sounded, "Kid, can you cherish your life?"

Black and white sound!

Longfei stunned and said: "Take a wool, I will die, you don't know how to release your strength. Can you take my life seriously?"

Black and white anger said: "You are now blaming me for coming? If it wasn't my strength, you are now dead."

The dragon-shaped imprint on the right arm releases a little bit of power, and it is really because the power of the dragon can fly without the sea.


He himself was equally hurt.

Longfei grinned and said: "If you break out of strength early, you will have to do everything."

Black and white exhaled a long breath and said: "Do you still don't understand?"

Longfeidao: "What do you understand?"

He really didn't know what to understand.

He is just a little uncomfortable.

Because the power of black and white is not dominated by him, otherwise, such a person in Lian Wenchao will definitely not live in his eyes.

Just the sea without a moment is also an instant dry turn.

Longfei can't bear it!

Black and white hesitated for a long time, slowly said: "You did not find that your survival rate is very low in Hongmeng? You have not found that Hongmeng is more difficult than any plane you have been to, whether it is a breakthrough or cultivation? ”

Longfeiyiyi: "What do you mean?"

Black and white said: "That is because I helped you, your breakthrough speed should be very fast in your previous plane, but here?"

Longfei took a look at the experience slot, and he will rise to the third level. He needs 100 million experience points!

According to the grade, he only has twelve levels.

At this level, there is no such thing as an upgrade experience.

Listening to the black and white, Longfei understood a bit and said: "You mean, how many times will your shots affect my future?"

"Not bad!"

"This is called air transport!"

Black and white: "Your way needs you to go step by step. I have too many shots, which means that you are not walking, you are jumping, so your cultivation will not be able to cope with the latter."

"Just yesterday..."

"I sensed that a huge force in the ancient world broke through the shackles. Within a few days, I will enter the Hongmeng world. It seems that there is no connection, but it is because of your exposure!"

Because Longfei exposed the curse of the Tianzu of his chest last night.

His air transport can affect the people associated with him.

Longfei was shocked and said slightly: "I am so fierce? Can it affect people in the ancient world?"

Black and white faintly said: "It seems that you don't understand yourself at all. You don't know your identity at all. You don't know your mission at all. I really don't know why it is you."

Some sad.

Also a little disappointed.

Long Fei also stopped, but he did not know that many things he did not know, what ancient world, what ancient inheritance, what Tianzu, he only knows when it is in the real world.

What is his identity?

do not know!

Who is he?

do not know!

Why is there a game system in his body?

do not know either!

He also doesn't want to know this. He just wants to be himself. It is enough to live well.

Long Feidao: "You know everything, then tell me everything you know. You are not saying that you have failed? What is it?"

Black and white: "You will understand later."


"I despise you." Longfei is unhappy, "I said this to Laozi, do you tell me, is it interesting?"

Black and white said: "You will know later, I just want you to know that the road behind you is very difficult. You don't have any time to think about other things. The only thing you have to do is what you have to do in this life. Strong, stronger, stronger."

"You become stronger!"

"People around you must also make them stronger."

"You can't cope with the heavens alone, and you can't cope with the town boundaries in the ancient world."

"All right!"

"Actually, these words shouldn't be for me to tell you, I just don't want to see you and I have failed."

"I will cherish my life in the future."

"I will try my best to control my strength in the future. In the future, you have to rely on yourself. For your future safety, I will teach you a set of exercises."

“Hey?” Longfei sighed, “I’m talking early.”

Completely out of Longfei's expectations, you must know that black and white is inextricable.

Will he actually teach his exercises?

"Kid, you remember!"

The voice fell.

A force in the dragon-shaped imprint rushed into the sea of ​​Longfei.

Also at this moment, the system sounds a beep!


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘Tianwulong Shen’, is it cultivated?”


Longfei looked at the cheats obtained in the system. When he looked at the name, he felt very sharp and his mind was moving. He said: "Cultivate!"


"System prompt: cultivation is successful!"

Gongfa: Tianwulong Shenchang (not dead)

Grade: God level

Proficiency: 0/100,000

Description: Tianwulong **** becomes a tenth realm, the first change, not dead!


"Don't die?"

Longfei looked at these two words, his heart boiled, and then saw his life value state, "0 blood!"

His health has bottomed out.

Already a 0 blood state, according to the understanding in the game, he should have died now, but he did not, because black and white had released ‘Tianwulong Devil’ on him.

That is.

Zero blood does not die!

Longfeidao: "Black and white, the first change is so strong, what is the second change?"

The black and white voice slowly disappeared: "You will know later, the kid, the road behind will become more and more difficult, you must hold on."

The sound disappears.

Also at this time.

The two groups in the dragon's body joined the unicorn force that came without sea bombardment and joined the mind.


A roar in the mind.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘spring of life!’”


A drop of spring water fell.


Everywhere, the internal organs are quickly repaired, and the broken veins are also quickly repaired, joints and injuries are repaired in an instant.

Longfei’s heart was happy, “I finally woke up again.”

The life value of Longfei is also full.


Longfei exhaled a heavy breath, and the whole person sat up and shook his face. "Ha ha ha... This injury is so good that not only the god-level exercises of Hongmeng, but also the spring of life is activated. ”


Also at this time.

He found that Fu Xishan and Lan Mei were on the edge of the bed.

The face is full of embarrassment.

Longfei looked at the two of them, thinking about what happened these days, and the heart was secretly tight. "Black and white is good, I have to be stronger, stronger and stronger."

If this is a game.


Longfei's current game difficulty has been adjusted to the highest level!


Another place.

Nine clouds outside the space.

The ancient world entered the channel of Hongmeng.

A large bald head holds a golden axe in his hand.

In front of him.

Standing eight thousand purple gold gods!

Li Yuanba smiled. "It’s really fast enough!"

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