The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2949: Door of hell

Almost dead, Longfei is very upset.

"I want the life of Laozi?"

"What do you want to grab Laozi?"

"MMP!" said Longfei.

He is free to shuttle between the mountains. According to the system's description of the glimpse steps, he can shuttle through the mountains for five hours. No one can find him as long as he does not go out.

The glimpse of the steps is simply a violation of the law.

Invincible state.

Unless someone can ruin the entire mountain, Lon Fei will not die.

"Let me find!"

"After carefully looking for it, even if you dig three feet, you should find him to find out." The devil said with a heavy head, his sensory is constantly expanding, searching over and over again.


I can't find the breath of Longfei.

Certainly can't find it.


He did not know that Longfei was in the mountain in front of him.


Long Fei drooled and his eyes glowed, and he wanted to swallow the BOSS. "It's too tempting, and the 500 million experience is too tempting."


He is a person who can't move without seeing BOSS. Longfei's brain turns and flies up. "If you use it again... Unfortunately, if you can cool down, if you can use his illusion again, the epee has no front. The power is enough to explode again."

"Not urgent!"

"Not urgent!"

"People who do big things should be able to hold their breath."

"I have time!"

At this time, the devils are all on the alert. In this state, both their strength and defense response are extremely sensitive. Once they are not successful, Longfei is estimated to die.

He is like a cheetah hiding in the dark, watching the prey quietly, waiting for a fatal blow!

"Respect the Lord."

"The valley has been searched again, and every corner has not been let go, not found..."

After waiting for the little cockroaches to finish, the Purple Devil Lord immediately drank, "Find it again, his cultivation is impossible to escape, and certainly in this valley."

Xiao Yan did not dare to say more, immediately said: "Follow!"

Another devil head came up and said: "The second child, the kid is very weird. There must be a magic weapon for escape. I think we are still withdrawing. The task that the sovereign has given us has been reached. The guardian of the dragon sword leaves the seal. Ground."

Purple Devil Lord Shen Shen said: "Big Brother, the third child he..."

The big devil said: "I am also very uncomfortable with the death of the third child, but you can rest assured that I must report this hatred. You started to hear what they said. The kid is the representative of Xianwuge. Fan knows what the Xianwu Pavilion is, and will destroy the Xianwu Pavilion."

When I heard this, Longfei’s heart was secretly tight.

"It seems that none of them can go back, otherwise Xianwuge is dangerous."

"I don't know how the Grand Master is."

In the eyes of Longfei, the killing is more intense, and the heart says to himself: "Is their mission to let the guards keep the dragon sword away? It seems that there must be weirdness under the seal of the dragon sword."

"I don't know if I can get into the ground?"

"Try it!"

Longfei’s thoughts moved directly into the depths of the ground.

What surprised him was that there was no bond at all and it could be drilled directly.

Turn around.

Longfei took out the guardian dragon sword road: "Dragon sword, take me to your seal, I want to see if there is any demon."

Keep the sword in the guardian: "Understand!"

The guardian of the dragon sword moved, pointed out the direction, and Longfei rushed to follow the steps.

Constantly sneak into the depths of the earth.

After half an hour, the guardian dragon sword stopped and said: "Master, it is here."

This is a huge open space.

It is like an underground cave.

Longfei walked out of the mountain and the system sounded a tone.


"System prompt: The gaze step duration ends."

As long as Longfei left the three bodies, the duration would end, but when Longfei looked at the cooling time of the glimpse of the shadow step, he was excited. "Cooling?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"I know, as long as the skills are released, the skills are in the cooling recovery. It has been more than half an hour, and the cooling is over."


Longfei was so excited that he looked at the sky in front of him.

To be exact, it should be against the ground.

The gate is inverted.

It is full of height and extends directly to the depths of the earth.

The thick stone door is engraved in four words. These four words are not ancient texts, nor are they rune characters. They are ordinary four characters.

"The trespassers die!"

Longfei looked at the dragon sword that was suspended in the side: "Isn't that the devil who left the seal can rush out?"

The guardian of the dragon guards said: "This is true, but I have not left the valley, only to wait for me to leave this seal valley to be truly left."


"It’s been a long time since the time passed, and it’s hard to say whether these demons are still alive."

It’s been a long time.

For trillions of years, let alone be a human being, even if God is afraid that he will die inside!

No matter what kind of family, life is not unlimited.

The same is true of the outer devil.

The trillions of years have really been too long.

Longfei looked at the huge inverted door and said: "Can you open the door?"

The guardian of the dragon sword glimpsed a little, said: "Master, do you want to open it?"

"In case the demons inside are still alive, then..."

The guardian of the dragon sword does not dare to guarantee.


He has seen the picture of the demon in the outer world in the Hongmeng world. It can be said that half of the Hongmeng circles have been destroyed by the demons, and the state of the plane is almost broken.

Their purpose is only one, destroy!

Longfei looked at the gate and said: "I want to go in and see."

The guardian of the dragon guards: "Master, this is too dangerous, if there is an accident, then I am afraid..."

Longfei looked at the door of Hell and gave him a feeling. Once the door was opened, there would be a surge of blood, but he wanted to open it.

Longfeidao: "I still want to go in."

The guardian of the dragon guards: "Well, since the master wants to go in, then I will open."

"I am the key to unlock this door."

"There are eight other places in Hongmeng, and the other eight guards are also the key."


The guardian of the dragon sword flew directly into the abyss.

After half a minute.

I heard a loud bang, "Hey, hey, hehe..."

The door to **** opens slowly.

a long time.

"Dangdang", the two stone doors are all open.

At the same time... the whole mountain began to shake, constantly shaking, the rocks rolling down, the monsters in the mountains, whether you are a huge super monster, or a low-level monster, they are all the same, screaming in the ground, constantly The low-pitched voice of fear, the birds fluttering, the crows screaming, and the squares are within hundreds of thousands of kilometers, just like the end of the world...

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