The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2996: I rub, BOSS!

The last one of Longfei entered the examination hall.

He had not had time to stand still, and a fierce sword was suddenly hit.


Very sharp.

Moreover, this sword has a determination to kill.

The people around me are also awkward and have not reacted.


Long Fei reacted instantly, his eyes lifted slightly, watching a young man rush to himself, seeing his appearance and Wu Ba have six or seven similarities.

I can't see that he should be the fish of the Wu family and the Wu Tianwo that Tan cannon said.


Longfei reacted quickly and leaped away, avoiding a blow and falling outside the three feet. He said: "If you survived last time, you should live well and don't look for a dead end."

Don't wait for Longfei to finish.

In another place, it was a sword attack. "Kids, my life is coming!"

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

This time the sword is more intense.

The two swords were pinched and forced to the front of Longfei. Longfei’s eyes sank and his right hand moved. The epee had no front in hand and the crossbar came out. “Boom!”

The power on the epee slammed.

Bounce the two people apart.

Longfei also took a half step back.

This is half a step.

In a flash.

He felt that dozens of chills came behind him, and it felt like he had more than a dozen beasts behind him.

Longfei’s eyes are tight.

Waiting for him to react, "Hey, hey, hehe..."

More than a dozen red lights flashed at the same time.

The fairy in the hand is like a musical instrument that releases a ray of light and interweaves into a net, directly throwing it at Longfei, and does not give Longfei any retreat.

at the same time.

Another place.

Another dozen or so powerful forces rushed.

Their eyes are different.

It is totally different from the ordinary martial artist. At this moment, Longfei’s heart thinks that Tan’s cannon said that there are many strange names in the A district. Longfei immediately thought of it, “Magic?”

A man glanced and smiled coldly. "You know, you know, you should die."


Drink a lot.

More than twenty people shot at the same time.

Wu Tianwo, Wu Tianhu, two brothers are also coming quickly, "take life!"


Longfei retreats and encounters the red power net that has been handed over. His heart trembles fiercely, and it is extremely painful. It is like a red iron net.

Can't get close.

More unable to penetrate the past.

The last one of Longfei entered the venue, and they had already arranged everything, just waiting for the dragon to fly in.

Now Longfei has completely fallen into the trap.

Longfei thought that someone would target him.

I thought about being a Tibetan god, but he did not think of the Wu family, but also the people of the magic.

Not only that.

Many people in the crowd stared at Longfei with a smile, with a chill in their eyes.

There are still many people in this group who want to fly dragons. They should be Tibetans.

"Kid, let's die!"

"Revenge for the elders."

"Revenge for the Wu family!"


Life is hanging on the line.

Longfei’s eyes are slightly stunned, and his mind is moving, “Dragon Sword!”



Jian Ming is four.

Longfei snorted and said: "Is it by you?"

The guardian of the dragon sword flies into the air, the round sword shadow raging out, directly covering half of the sky, directly shrouded those who rushed up.

The sword shadow moved.

Dragon sword... Hey!

"Send experience?"

"Can you not accept it?"

Longfei grinned.


Just as the guardian of the dragon sword was going down, the entrance gate was closed, the assessment site was started, and the roar of an ancient behemoth in the depths of the earth sounded like a thunder.





For a moment.

The sky is shaking, the whole mystery is constantly shaking, just like a big earthquake strikes, and the sound of cracking is constantly coming out in the depths of the earth.

"Hey, hey..."

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The dragon swords and swords that guarded the dragon sword were shattered by the earthquake, and the guardian dragon sword also shook slightly.

The red giant nets released by the surrounding magical disciples were also shattered by the earthquake. All the people around them looked at the distance, and the whole world was like the end of the world.




The sound of giant cymbals fell, the sky was huge, and the eardrum was cracked.

"what sound?"

"What is it?"

"This, this, is there not a giant behemoth here?"


"Then we are not the lambs in the wolf's nest?"

"This,,,,,, is this the assessment?"


The crowd was rioting.

Faces are a bit ugly, they look at the cracks in the distance, and some people start to retreat.

Longfei thought of the words that the old man had said. "Life is everything. If a person can't live, then he is not qualified to talk about cultivation."

"Alive is everything?"

“Is this first level of assessment being... life-saving?”

The guardian of the dragon sword is empty.

Pierce into the void.

A few seconds later, the defending dragon sword flew back slightly, saying: "Master, run, fast, fast, run!"

The words have not been finished yet.

A golden light came out from the ground ten miles away.

Golden glare.

This is not the radiance of the metal, nor the radiance of the magic weapon, but... BOSS shine!

Longfei’s eyes sank, “I rub, BOSS?”

Both eyes begin to glow.

Longfei did not move. He was the one who saw the BOSS and could not walk.

He did not hear what Long Jian said.

Gold is shining.

Longfei’s eyes were so excited that he grinned. “BOSS, BOSS, wild big BOSS, I haven’t met BOSS for a long time, hehe...”


Don't wait for him to finish.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

A crack on the ground was like a lightning bolt, and it was completely lifted from the ground. The scene was suddenly lifted one by one, and the scene was extremely fierce.

In just half a breath, the cracked ground rushed to the front of the dragon.


A general tentacles of the roots rushed out of the crack, and the tentacle swept away. The words behind the dragon fly ‘explode it’ were too late to say it, and the tentacles were crushed.

"Oh la la..."


The space is distorted, and under the tentacles, the roads are broken.


A large number of assessment disciples around were directly swept out, and then swept away, just like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, thousands of people suddenly disappeared, directly swept away, directly shot dead!

All living people are in trouble.

Everything comes too fast.

No response at all.

This is the assessment?

This **** is an assessment, this **** is a fate.


Another sound of a landslide broke out from the bottom of the earth.



"He,,, is coming again!"

The voice is shaking.

At this time, no one can control who, like a wave of tides, madly fleeing out.

Only one person stood still in the same place as a madman.


His eyes glow.



"Good powerful BOSS, I like it..." Longfei is extremely excited, and his heart must be secret. "I want to explode it!"

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