The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3079: If you lose?

The sound is like a bell.

Explode violently.

The true peak of the sun is a slight shock.

All the people looked at it.

Everyone's face suddenly changed.

Even the expression of the thoughtful person is dark and tight.

The old man with white eyebrows came slowly. He followed the other 17 old white-haired old men. The temples were high drums and the pace was windy. Every step of the foot, a layer of white true spirits flashed. The breath of the whole body wrapped around the body, and at first glance they were like eighteen immortals.

Eighteen old people.

Each is the peak of the Tenth Heaven and Earth.

They are the guardian elders of the secret!

Eighteen immortals!

The disciples on the square, the elders have all entered the fairyland cultivation, and they are no strangers to their 18 people.

Their sudden appearance made everyone think of it.

I dare not speak at this time.

Zhoudao people walked down the high seat and quickly attracted them. Even if he disdained the 18-year-old, but the face still had to be given, and... Xianyuanzong had a rule.

Once the Eighteen Immortals are cleared, the power will be greater than the Sovereign.

"Guardian elders, how come you?" Zhou Dao people greeted him and said with respect, the heart is secretly tight, "What do these old guys want to do?"

The guardian master looked at Longfei and looked very serious. In his mind, there was a scene before the crack of the Xianyuan Holy Wall. "It is him!"

at this moment.

He determined that the young boy who stepped into the door of time and space was Longfei.


Longfei didn't remember him. He was always stared at by the white-browed old man. He stared at him with a bit of hair. He said, "What do you look at?"

"Let's relax!" Zhou Dao once screamed, and his eyes were stunned. When a pressure was released, he would fly the dragon to the ground.


The power of guarding the elders directly blocks the pressure of the thoughtful people, and smiles faintly: "The old man looks at you well."

Invisible to resolve the pressure of the thoughtful people.

The hearts of the thoughtful people were shocked. "Old guy, did you still have one hand left?"


"Why did he care about this new guy kid?"

Zhoudao people are secretly confused.


The heart of the monk is ecstasy. "It seems that the disappearance is true. The Eighteen Immortals guard the secrets. They will never leave in their lifetime. It is enough to prove everything here today."

at this time.

A Tantric elders voiced to Zhou Dao, saying: "Xianjun, there are Wanhaizong people here, and the 18th guardian elders are going out, I am afraid that Wan Haizong people will know the collapse of the sacred market."

Zhou Dao’s eyes sank and said: “Guarding the elders, are you not guarding the secrets? Wan Haizong’s provokes such small things, I can solve them...”


Waiting for him to finish, the guardian elder did not look at him at all, but walked to the front of Longfei, with a look of kindness and respect in his eyes, watching Longfeidao: "It’s good to eat at Xianyuanzong. ?"

"Is it good to live?"

"Who is bullying you?"

"There is something you tell me, whoever dares to bully you, I will not let him go first."

"Is there a girl who is not fascinated by Xianyuanzong? One or two? I am the master for you."


His expression, words, is like a grandfather who loves his grandson very much.

Longfei is a little bit forced, watching them eighteen immortals around, one by one is like seeing the base of the prey, the eyes emit a different light.

Longfei thought for a moment, the chrysanthemum was wheeled by eighteen immortals... His chrysanthemums slammed tightly and quickly ran a few steps away. "Don't come over, don't come over, I don't want to base."

I really can't stand it.

Suddenly concerned, and still a dozen people at the peak of Xianyuanzong's rights.

Looking at their loving expressions, the dragon fly goose bumps are gone.

Looking at Longfei long jump, the guardian master immediately said: "Good, we don't pass, we are not malicious, just want to protect you."

"Protect me?" Long Feidao: "You keep me at a good distance to protect me."

The phrase 'protecting you' makes many people unable to understand.

There are countless question marks in the hearts of Zhou Dao. "Who is this kid?"

At this time, even the monk is a confused question. "Is it the illegitimate son of the ancestor of the ancestors? It is impossible, even if it is an illegitimate child, it is impossible for the guardian elders to talk like this. They are all living a few hundred years old. The old monster, in a high position, can't talk in this tone."

Although the Eighteen Immortals are loving, they are very respectful in their eyes.

There is more respect than the master who met them.

There must be a problem with this.

The monk once again looked at Longfei seriously, and constantly scanned it, as if he wanted to see Longfei thoroughly, but... nothing was found.

Completely, it is an ordinary Daxian realm.

There is nothing special about it at all.

And Su Su, the blue charm is completely incomparable.

How can a person who is almost close to waste be so respectful to the 18th Immortals?

Can't figure it out!


He came to Xianyuanzong not to think about these things, but to confirm whether the secret of the sacred market of Xianyuanzong was cracked.

At this moment.

The monk whispered aloud and said: "Zhou Shixiong, is it better than that? I won three games in a row, if not, then when you are fascinated by Xianyuan."

Zhou Dao’s eyebrows are tight, saying: “Blood monk, I have not lost the Xianyuan sect.”


Zhou Dao looked at Long Fei and said: "Kid, let's go on, don't mess around again."

The guardian elder immediately turned to look at Zhou Daoren and said: "Xiao Zhouzi, who are you going to rush? Who are you talking about? Are you not wanting to mix? Do you want to be a lord?"

The voice fell.

Everyone is in a hurry.

All the elders looked at the guardian elders and they were all full of horror. They couldn’t say a word.

Zhou Dao’s heart was pressed with anger, his fists clenched, his joints squeaked, but even so, he could only endure it and lost his smile: "The elders, we are comparing with Wan Haizong, I want him to go down and let the test Keep going."

Be respectful.


The anger of the heart is going to devour everything.

Longfeidao: "I just said, I am playing!"

The guardian elder immediately said: "Xiao Zhouzi, did you hear that? He played, let your people give me a flash!"

Zhou Dao was completely speechless, his eyes sank, and said: "Guarding the elders, this can be related to the face of Xianyuanzong. If you lose, who will bear this consequence?"

Waiting for Longfei to speak, guarding the elders with a deep voice, said: "We will bear."

Zhou Dao’s mouth sneaked and sneered in his heart. “Well, this is what you said. This refiner has lost more than the trial. You will hand over the 18-year-old order.”

The guardian elders faintly said: "If you lose?!"

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