The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3110: That little girl that year

Keeping the BOSS too strong, even if the dragon is infinitely resurrected, unlimited attempts are useless.

He can only resist two knives at most!

In this case, he can't do anything at all.

If someone can infinitely resist the blame, it will be cool.

"Mother's fork, come again!"

Longfei tried again and entered the immortal order.

The figure appeared on the moon.

Waiting for him to enter the prison corridor, I found a girl standing not far away!

A light white dress with long hair fluttering, the whole person looks like a fairy.

Longfei blinked and muttered: "All said that there is a mole in the moon, she will not be a fairy?"

very beautiful.

The kind of beauty that makes people lose their resistance at a glance.

Not only that.

There is one more important thing.

An exclamation point is suspended above the woman's head! ! !

Golden yellow, light, and the exclamation point is completely different from the general NPC mission. Longfei is even more serious. "Don't the fairy send me a task?"

The woman also saw Longfei, and her eyes were slightly glimpsed, and she looked at Longfei motionless.

Standing in the spot is a bit worried.

It is as if he is a man who sees a beautiful woman in the world, and he is attracted to Longfei.

Longfei was shocked. "Hey? I didn't open the charm value?"

"I said that my charm is unstoppable, such a beautiful girl can attract, can you imagine how handsome I am?" Longfei narcissistic.


Longfei stepped forward and he wanted to know what the exclamation mark was.

What super task is triggered?

"Coughing cough..." Longfei walked forward and lightened his voice, faintly said: "Beauty, hello."

The woman turned back and looked at Longfei's shallow smile and smiled very brightly. Two small dimples were exposed, just like a playful little girl.

Approaching the woman's heart, there is an inexplicable familiarity in the heart.

It seems like a dream has come.

And this feeling is particularly strong, Longfei looked at her smiling face, and some old-fashioned: "Where have we seen it? Why do I have a special familiar feeling?"

Not only that.

The exclamation point on the woman's head is also very different.

She is different from the general task exclamation point. The exclamation mark on her head makes Longfei think of the ‘easy and fit’ of Zhenwu mainland, and is one of the seven beautiful things in the ultimate mission!

It is also the task of inspiring and completing her body, and Longfei gets the power of black and white.

The exclamation point suspended on the top of the girl's head is exactly the same as that on the top of the head.

"Is it..."

“Is it really one of the super beauty tasks?”

In the heart of Longfei, he was shocked. "If this is the case, then you will get the same strength as black and white. It will be really powerful."

How strong is the power of black and white?

Extremely powerful.

The first person in the ancient world can not be strong?

If you gather all the seven forces, Longfei has a feeling, even if the Tianzu Emperor is afraid that he will only be killed.

The woman looked at the fiery eyes of Longfei. Her cheeks were slightly red and said: "Longfei brother, don't you know me?"

In this sentence, Longfei was shocked.

Two eyes staring at the girl, said: "You,,, you, you know me?"


Longfei denied it instantly.

As long as it is the beauty he has seen, whether it is the past life or this life, such a beautiful woman will remember it at a glance and will never forget it.

The girl’s head is like the chicken glutinous rice, and the black eyes are shining with the fine eyes. “Know, know, don’t you remember me?”

She looks very happy and very excited.

That kind of happiness is from the heart.

Longfei shook his head and said: "I just feel familiar, but I really can't remember."

The girl said: "You can't think it's normal, because I was a little girl when I met you. I am growing up now, I am 18 years old."

"Little girl?" Longfei still can't think of a little girl, and even if he knows it is in the real world or the Hongmeng world, at least in the outside world.

Seeing the dress on the girl is not a different world, it is more like coming from the earth.

Since the country can send the mutant strong to the moon, China naturally has this ability.

The girl said: "You can't remember that there was a big fire in the place where you used to live. You rescued a little girl from the fire. I am the little girl."

After that, the girl looked at Longfei seriously.

Waiting for Longfei's answer is the same.

"A big fire? Where did I live before?" Longfei said in his heart, "I was crossing the outer world while playing the game. There was no fire at that time."


Longfei’s eyes slammed tightly, and he thought of the ten-layered magic tower of the Zhenwu mainland Mozu. There was an 'illusionary' crossing. At that time, he crossed the earth and there was a big fire, and at that time he really Saved a little girl, but... isn't that the illusion in the tower?

Longfei feels that something is wrong.

Obviously it is the test in the magic tower. It is obviously an illusion, but why is it happening?


Judging from the girl’s true expression, she never lie to herself!

"Don't it... At that time, I really crossed it? Is this too incredible?" Longfei said in his heart: "System, what the **** are you doing?"

"Who are you?"

"What do you want to do? Say that you will cross the old man and cross it. If you come back, you will come back and say that you will seal the memory of Laozi to seal it. What do you want me to do?"

Do not know why.

Longfei’s heart felt a hint of fear.


He feels like he is the embarrassment of the system.

There are systems that are cool, killing upgrades, killing monsters, exploding equipment, upgrading like flying, life is like a game, but all this is under the control of some kind of power, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Longfei double-handedly clenched and secretly said: "No matter what, I will definitely try my best to get rid of you!"

He will not be overpowered by a force for a lifetime.

The girl looked at the expression of Longfei and was shocked. He could not help but ask: "Longfei brother, do you think of it? It doesn't matter if you don't think of it, my name is Yuer."

Longfei regained his thoughts and smiled faintly: "I remembered it, but I didn't expect you to grow so big."

Now think about the scene. At that time, Longfei felt that the little girl was very unusual, very special, but at that time he was not in the hallucination.


What he didn't think of was that the girl in front of him had become one of his super beauty map tasks.

If it is a task, it will trigger if it touches.

But not.

This is easy to have more and more.

“Is it really remembered?” Yu’s incomparable excitement, like a little butterfly, said: “Longfei brother, what do you do on the moon?”

“Hey...” Longfei snorted and said: “I am completing a secret mission.”

Yu Erdao: "Can you take me with you?"

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